Še nekaj informacija za Brno. Te sem skopirala, so malo starejšega letnika, ampak za začetek sem prepričana da bodo dobre informacije. So od dveh bejb, ki sta se zanimali pri njih. Naj bodo kateri v pomoč pri odločitvi. Iz Brna sem pa dobila zelo izčrpen mejl v angleščini, ki ga kar kopiram v nadaljevanju. Če vam kaj pomaga, bom zelo vesela. E-mail gospe, ki mi ga je napisala, je: kvesela@repromeda.cz. Thank you for your email as well as for your confidence. The egg/sperm donation program is a routine part of the infertility treatment provided at our clinic. The pregnancy rate in 2007 was 52 % (also in age over 40). We use the eggs of out-door dedicated donors who have to be completely healthy, they undergo detailed investigation focused on the genetic statement (normal genetic evaluation and no evidence of genetic disease in their family) as well as the mental status and the general health conditions. All of them are under their 34. Any socially unreliable or imprisoned individuals are not accepted. All of the egg/sperm donors are tested for HIV, hepatitis B,C, syphilis etc. The approx. waiting time for the donor matching is about 2-3 month. The main physical properties of the couple are matched (hair and eye colour, skin type, height, blood type). In reality the waiting time depends on the requested physical properties and your blood types. The expected average price is the standard program is about 4 900 Euro. Please, accept this price like the preliminary one, the final price depends on the number of fertilized eggs, details of the procedures, on the actual exchange rate, etc. There are also special advanced programs available if some special requests are required (age, education, special physical properties, etc.). E.g. the personalized program is from 7 900 Euro. There is also the fee refund program available.( More information available on request.) In all our programs the embryotransfer is guaranteed. If there are supernumerary embryos of a top quality they are cryopreserved. The egg sharing is allowed only in case of extreme number of oocytes not to decrease the chance for pregnancy in our clients. If there is a problem with the quality and number of the donor eggs, a back-up donor is dedicated without any additional payment in the nearest term. The foreign clients start their treatment by means of “On - line consultation service” (OLC). Through this service you can consult all the treatment - related steps as well as all your health problems. The consultation is provided by email, in urgent matters also by phone. After becoming the OLC client you will receive the list of obligatory evaluations to prepare them in your native country. In case you are not able to prepare the evaluations by your local doctor, you can perform them at our clinic. The OLC service spares your time and money too as far as the number of personal visits is lowered to a minimum whilst the quality of the treatment remains unchanged. All your important decisions can be made in a home quiet and comfort. All your further questions could be answered using this OLC service. If you are interested to embark it, please let me know. Še eno sporočilo iz Brna: Eggs – for patients in need of an egg donor, we can offer two options: Coordinated cycle – is when cycles of the donor and the recipient are coordinated. Donor comes to the clinic on the 14th day for eggs retrieval. Recipient’s partner comes on the same day for fertilization (frozen or donor sperm can also be used). The presence of the recipient is practically needed on the day of transfer – about 5 days from fertilization. Due to the coordinating process, this cycle is very time demanding and at this moment, the waiting list for a coordinated egg donor cycle is 6-8months. Uncoordinated cycle – once donor eggs become available, they get fertilized with partner’s sperm (can be frozen). After five days of cultivation, the best embryos get frozen- upon the receipt of the genetic test, recipient is invited for embryo transfer. The waiting list for this egg donor cycle is 6-10 months. The donor of eggs has a genetic checkup. Please note that donor eggs are offered to patients as they become available. Special request for donors (i.e. blood group, hair color, eye color, height, etc) can just lengthen the waiting period The waiting period for the donor is usualy about 6 months, depending on your specific requirements for donor and whether you prefer synchnized or unsynchronized cycle. We mostly use the unsychnronized cycle whereby the partner´s sperm is frozen and used when donor eggs become available. The embryos created are then frozen and then replaced in a hormone replacement cycle. Our pregnancy rates are 50-55% from fresh IVF (not donor program). Out freezing program works pretty well the results of cryoembryo transfers are almost same. In the case of the synchronized cycle we can not guarantee how many of oocytes will be there and how the cultivation will be going as well as the quality of the embryos at the end. In the case of cryo embryotransfer, we start to prepare you for the transfer, when we are sure, that we have good quality blastocyst for transfer and that your trip will be not a waste of time. The price for synchronized cycle is 4000 Euro, unsynchronized cycle is 3500 Euro. Half of the price must be paid into our bank account when we receive your application form – I can send it to you by e-mail – you have to fill in the documents and send them by post to our adress. We will write you down on our waiting list. We offer egg donor program for patient till 48 years.