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RE: Ah, daj ga no srat! 2.4.2010 12:26:09
IZVIRNO SPOROČILO: rija IZVIRNO SPOROČILO: Kerensa* IZVIRNO SPOROČILO: rija srce, jaz sem ti samo enostavnejšo varianto napisala Srce, ti bodi raje vesela, da me nimaš v sorodstvu . Najbližji družinski člani so v Središču ob Dravi, tako, da če nimaš nikogar tam, se ti zaenkrat ni česa bati. Hvala za poenostavitev, no. nimam. mi smo goričanci jaz tudi jaz tudi
RE: Ah, daj ga no srat! 2.4.2010 15:17:13
IZVIRNO SPOROČILO: Kerensa* IZVIRNO SPOROČILO: Lajči (1) Ta zakon se ne uporablja za obdelavo osebnih podatkov, ki jo izvajajo posamezniki izključno za osebno uporabo, družinsko življenje ali za druge domače potrebe. Tale zakonski člen je torej kar dovolj. Sestavljanje družinskega drevesa je namreč osebna uporaba za družinsko življenje. Že ja, samo gre za splet. Nekaj sem nekoč brala kako je s tem zbiranjem in tem zakonom, zato pač pridobi pisno soglasje. Drugo je, če podaš vlogo za zbiranje podatkov na organe. Če spletna stran ni zaščitena zakonsko, hm ne vem no. Bi pač znala imeti težave. Četudi naj bi bilo tako, kot si opisala na začetku. No Kerensa, upam, da ne doživiš pregona zaradi tega Pozanimaj se, vendar je stvar dvoumna v primeru spleta. Razen, če ima ta splet zakonsko podlago in je povezan z vsem, kar mora biti. Beseda drugače ni konj in tudi konj ni beseda, ampak živo bitje, besede so žive, zato vprašaj, če smeš, da ne boš imela težav. Če se ti pa ne zdi, pa naredi po svoje.
RE: Ah, daj ga no srat! 2.4.2010 16:58:37
IZVIRNO SPOROČILO: Lajči Če spletna stran ni zaščitena zakonsko, hm ne vem no. Glede na to, da je to ena največjih strai za te zadeve, sklepam, da je zakonita, saj jo uporablja na deset-tisoče ljudi. Sama se sicer ne spomnim, ampak skoraj zagotovo sem kliknila kakšna pravila oz. pogoje uporabe, preden sem se registrirala - in enako jih je morala tudi nova žena g. Bivšega, drugače ne bi mogla sprejeti povabila, ki sem ji ga poslala. Ni hudič, da bom šla prav poiskat to.
RE: Ah, daj ga no srat! 2.4.2010 17:06:15
Evo, takole imajo napisano: Tree Privacy •Only the people in your family tree can log in to your tree. Profile Privacy •Only your relatives and your invited friends can see your individual profile. •You can block individual relatives from viewing your individual profile or messaging you. •You can further restrict what information appears on your profile in your account set_tings. Search Privacy •By default, the names of users are publicly searchable, but you can opt out in your account set_tings. (Your search result includes only your name, profile photo, city, and the person who added you so relatives and friends can find you.) •When you add deceased people to your tree, their names are publicly searchable by default, but you can change this in your account set_tings. •When you add living people to your tree, they remain hidden from public search unless you make them visible. •Minors under 13 are never searchable by anyone outside your tree. Email Privacy •We will not provide any user''s personal information to advertisers or third parties. This includes your email address and the email addresses of those you invite. •We will not spam you or your relatives. Detailed notification set_tings allow you to control which emails you receive from us. International Users The Website is hosted in the United States and is intended for and directed to Users in the United States. The Website and services are void where prohibited. If you are accessing the Website from outside the United States, your use of the Website is governed by U.S. law, you are transferring your personal information to the United States, and you consent to that transfer.
< Sporočilo je popravil Kerensa* -- 2.4.2010 17:07:56 >
RE: Ah, daj ga no srat! 2.4.2010 17:14:25
When you add living people to your tree, they remain hidden from public search unless you make them visible. she is invisible + ameriški zakoni - its all good
RE: Ah, daj ga no srat! 2.4.2010 18:19:10
IZVIRNO SPOROČILO: Kerensa* Evo, takole imajo napisano: Tree Privacy •Only the people in your family tree can log in to your tree. Profile Privacy •Only your relatives and your invited friends can see your individual profile. •You can block individual relatives from viewing your individual profile or messaging you. •You can further restrict what information appears on your profile in your account set_tings. Search Privacy •By default, the names of users are publicly searchable, but you can opt out in your account set_tings. (Your search result includes only your name, profile photo, city, and the person who added you so relatives and friends can find you.) •When you add deceased people to your tree, their names are publicly searchable by default, but you can change this in your account set_tings. •When you add living people to your tree, they remain hidden from public search unless you make them visible. •Minors under 13 are never searchable by anyone outside your tree. Email Privacy •We will not provide any user''s personal information to advertisers or third parties. This includes your email address and the email addresses of those you invite. •We will not spam you or your relatives. Detailed notification set_tings allow you to control which emails you receive from us. International Users The Website is hosted in the United States and is intended for and directed to Users in the United States. The Website and services are void where prohibited. If you are accessing the Website from outside the United States, your use of the Website is governed by U.S. law, you are transferring your personal information to the United States, and you consent to that transfer. A ti misliš zdej, da si že v Ameriki? Ne ga srat.
RE: Ah, daj ga no srat! 2.4.2010 18:21:41
IZVIRNO SPOROČILO: Lajči A ti misliš zdej, da si že v Ameriki? Ja kje sem pa to napisala?
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