pomlad08 -> RE: Prosim za nasvet - Tašča (8.6.2013 14:47:02)
IZVIRNO SPOROČILO: patrino No jaz nisem študirala psihologije, sem v drugih vodah in če priznam , tudi ti ne daješ vtisa da si jo. Vendar bi te prosila, da me, v nasprotnem primeru, da si res nek psiholog z diplomo ( ne kupljeno oz. namišljeno), razsvetliš s svojim znanjem in pač ti navedeš nekaj znanstvenih člankov, ki zagovarjajo oz. razlagajo koristnosti dojenja na pol odraslih otrok? Ne sekiraj se , če boš znala razložiti le na bolj strokoven način- obljubim, da bom v primeru težav uporabila slovar. Z veseljem. Tole je npr. povzetek članka, ki ga je potrdila tudi AAP (ameriška zveza pediatrov) - to poudarjam zato, da ne boste rekli, da je avtor kakšen breastfeeding freak: “As recommended by the WHO, breastfeeding should ideally continue beyond infancy, but this is not the cultural norm in the United States and requires ongoing support and encouragement. It has been estimated that a natural weaning age for humans is between two and seven years. Family physicians should be knowledgeable regarding the ongoing benefits to the child of extended breastfeeding, including continued immune protection, better social adjustment, and having a sustainable food source in times of emergency. The longer women breastfeed, the greater the decrease in their risk of breast cancer.” They also note that “If the child is younger than two years of age, the child is at increased risk of illness if weaned.” Takole en drug članek (objavljam samo povzetke), isto priznan in citiran od "normalnih" zdravnikov: “Breastfeeding should be continued for at least the first year of life and beyond for as long as mutually desired by mother and child… Increased duration of breastfeeding confers significant health and developmental benefits for the child and the mother… There is no upper limit to the duration of breastfeeding and no evidence of psychologic or developmental harm from breastfeeding into the third year of life or longer.” No pa npr. še tole od znanega Eidelmana: “The average age at weaning ranges anywhere from six months to five years… Claims that breastfeeding beyond infancy is harmful to mother or infant have absolutely no medical or scientific basis,” says Arthur Eidelman, MD, president of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. “Indeed, the more salient issue is the damage caused by modern practices of premature weaning.” The global organization of physicians further notes that “Human milk contains nutrients, antibodies, and immune-modulating substance ...