mateyka -> RE: Samo za RAKICO1 in Najoo! (3.1.2013 14:28:11)
IZVIRNO SPOROČILO: RAKICA1 pa še problem imam z kolkom in križem in bi potrebovala palice za sprehod to mi pa ne diši preveč ,da sem kot kaka mama tle jih pa ful folka uporablja, pa niso stari [sm=smiley36.gif] pa sparkajo in tekaške smuče tud dost folka fura ko grejo okol.. v glavnem, ne mislit da jih samo stari ljudje furajo. tuki jih furajo vsi. saj vendar veš iz kje izhaja izraz "nordijska hoja"? [sm=smiley1.gif] zakaj bi bilo recimo zate to dobro: What is it about Nordic walking that makes it a popular form of exercise? It forces the upper body to work in conjunction with the lower body, providing a new level to regular walking and even running, while also allowing someone to burn an additional 50% in calories while maintaining the same pace and length of time they walk. There are also additional benefits to be had with Nordic walking. As opposed to traditional walking, Nordic walking increases the heart rate by about thirteen percent, or around 15 beats faster. The Nordic poles provide an extra level of safety, with increased traction for slippery surfaces. Traditional walking only burns around 280 calories per hour, while Nordic walking can burn around 400 calories per hour. It is also helpful in building up your endurance. Nordic poles make is easier to navigate inclines or climb hills. You can also take advantage of better stability and balance while walking. Strain on your lower back and joints is reduced to help avoid injury. Also, muscle tension is reduced in the spine and neck where lateral mobility is enhanced. Nordic walking is a complete workout experience for anyone looking to burn additional calories, lose weight, increase aerobic capacity, or help with rehabilitation.