Anonimen -> RE: Septembrcice 2013 (15.2.2013 9:55:57)
Pozdravljene, vidim, da teče debata o hrani. Tudi meni se je apetit povečal, najbolj me privlačijo sveži siri. Ene 3x sem se pregrešila, sedaj pa se bom skušala nazaj držati, ne bi reskirala, če ni potrebe. Slabost pa seveda krotim s prežvekovanjem majhnih obrokov. Na vago raje ne stopim, ker vem, da se mi je teža že povečala, pa še +5kg mi je od prejšnje nosečnosti ostalo. Imam pa tako napihnjene prsi, kot da mi bodo vsak čas počile. Trebuh tudi hoče kar že ven siliti, čeprav sem med septemberkami med tistimi, ki so najmanj časa noseče. Od nekaterih celo za cel mesec. Malo sem raziskovala Omega3 in našla: A woman’s demand for the omega-3 DHA increases during pregnancy and lactation, as the fetus uses omega-3s for its nervous system development.* Omega-3s are also used to make breast milk, and provide important mood and nerve support for mothers.* Third-party tested for purity, Nordic Naturals Prenatal DHA is a safe and effective way to ensure that both mother and baby receive the daily recommended intake of this fundamental nutrient.* And in response to concerns in medical and scientific literature about the prevalence of vitamin D3 deficiency in the United States, and to recommendations that higher intakes of vitamin D3 are necessary, we’ve also added 400 I.U. vitamin D3 to each serving. The unflavored soft gels are perfect for even the most sensitive palate, and are half the size of standard soft gels, making them easier to swallow. Najbolj me trenutno gnjavi dejstvo, da imam 1. pregled šele 6.3.2013, celo večnost do tja. A se vam ne zdi to malo čudno? Anonimna5