mateyka -> RE: JOKAM! (23.10.2011 15:23:32)
IZVIRNO SPOROČILO: ronja Colt, za pomoč nekomu te ne more tožit - to imamo skoraj vsi v zakoniku, celo v USA, kjer se lahko toži za vsko figo, velja "good samaritan''''s law", ki določa, da če se nekdo poškoduje ali je kakorkoli drugače v težavah in mu poizkušaš pomagat, te ne more tožit, tudi če mu s svojo pomočjo škodiš. to ni čisto res. ta zakon variira od države do države. že v ameriki imaš razliko med state-i; npr. In some jurisdictions, good Samaritan laws only protect those who have completed basic first aid training and are certified by health organizations, such as the American Heart Association, or American Red Cross, provided that they have acted within the scope of their training.[20] In these jurisdictions, a person that is neither trained in first aid nor certified, and who performs first aid incorrectly, can still be held legally liable for errors made. In other jurisdictions, any rescuer is protected from liability, so long as the responder acted rationally. In Florida, paramedics and EMTs are protected statutorily from liability, unless they were reckless. tako da je kar važno KJE pomagaš in KOLIKO znanja imaš.. več na to temo: