Hmmm. Tole sem našla:
Ovulation Spotting is defined as a very light bleeding that may accompany ovulation - though it is rather uncommon fertility indicator and can be easily missed (even if it occurs). Unless you are fertility charting and observing daily changes in cervical mucus, you may not even be aware of this secondary fertility sign. The source of "ovulation spotting" is traced to the rupture of the ovarian follicle when the egg is released. When you ovulate, luteinizing hormone causes the surface of the ovarian follicle to weaken and disintegrate. This leads to the formation of a hole, or stigma, through which the egg will ultimately "escape" into one of the fallopian tubes. At this "midcycle moment", a residual trace of blood may accompany ovulation when the stigma ruptures.
The trace amount of blood that may appear due to the rupture of the follicle will not be red (like menstrual blood), but will rather exhibit a brownish or pinkish color. For example, you may see just a faint streak of pinkish blood intermingled with cervical fluids during your daily CM check.
Ovulation spotting should not be confused with implantation bleeding (which will typically take place about a week after you ovulate). Implantation bleeding (also typically characterized by a light brown or pink spotting) is caused by the fertilized egg burrowing into the endometrium. While ovulation spotting may be viewed as a natural fertility indicator, implantation bleeding is considered an early pregnancy sign.
Skratka, ja. Rahla krvavitev je normalna,zaradi tega, ker poči folikel (iz katerega pride jajčece). Običajno krvavitev ni rdeče barve, ampak rjavkaste ali rozaste barve.
Ne gre je zamenjevati z vgnezitveno, ki se zgodi (če se, ni nujno) teden dni kasneje (če pride do oploditve).
Torej možno je. Ne vem pa, koliko krvaviš...
Lahko so pa tudi samo hormoni zmešani.
Držim pesti, da je O [image][/image][image][/image][image][/image]