Putka -> RE: Januarski sončki 2011 (20.2.2011 11:49:10)
Tiasana, brinovo olje je zelo močno, ne vem če je primerno za novorojenčke. Nasploh močnih eteričnih olj kot je brin, timijan, evkaliptus naj ne bi uporabljali pri dojenčkih. Tudi sivka recimo, je lahko toksična za možgane, pa je v mnogih otroških kremah, kopelih.. Biogaia so pa žive probiotične bakterije, ki tudi sicer naseljujejo naše črevesje. AMpak ker se dojenčki rodijo brez flore, je potrebno probiotike s hrano vnesti. Pomagajo pa pri prebavi, zaščiti pred patogenimi bakterijami.. Ne vidim razloga, da bi šele pri enem mesecu lahko dali. Tudi v navodilih piše, da so varne in primerne od rojstva dalje[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/zmeden.gif[/image] Tudi patronažne ne vedo vsega, včasih pa kar malo na pamet govorijo.. Za krčke pa vsekakor pomaga masaža trebuha in stopal (sem bila z Vesno na tečaju za masažo dojenčkov, nežna refleksoterapija stopal, masiraš s krožnimi gibi ), brez eteričnih olj, seveda. Pa telovadba pomaga, vsakič ko je Vitan odvit mu nogice krčim k trebuščku, dostikrat se takrat pokaka.. Pa še kopija enega članka: Using Essential Oils with Babies When using essential oils with babies or young children, less is much, much more! Two or three drops of essential oil in 30mL (about an ounce) of carrier oil is the most you will need to use. Babies respond well to natural therapies, as their bodies have not yet forgotten how to heal themselves. (You would not use the full ounce for one massage, but if you mix it in a dark glass bottle with a lid, it will keep for several weeks. Store out of reach of Baby and pets.) For the first three months: I do not recommend skin application of essential oils for babies under 3 months. It is safe to diffuse Lavender or Roman Chamomile in the air. After three months: My favourite three essential oils for baby massage are: Lavender, Roman Chamomile & Mandarin If you want to add these to a bath, you would dilute the essentials oils in carrier oil (as outlined above) and then add 1 or 2 drops of the diluted mix to the bath. You could also use the following oils as required: Dill – For digestive problems Eucalyptus radiata – For respiratory problems (Be sure ‘radiata’ is the Latin name on the bottle– other forms of Eucalyptus are not recommended for little ones.) After six months: As above, plus you can now add: Tea Tree, Neroli, Niaouli, Petitgrain & Rose Otto