end, verjamem, da ti tako boljše funkcioniraš, vendar nismo vsi enaki: miški bi bilo po napisanem zelo težko cel teden skoraj nič ne videt tamale (samo kako urco pred vrtcem). Verjamem, da bi se ji sfuzlalo, če bi imela enak tempo kot jaz, ampak tudi tvoj ekstrem ji verjetno ne ugaja (meni bi se pa sfuzlalo, da ju cel teden nič ne vidim, da ne govorim, kako bi se njima ). Zato pa smo tu, da ji predstavimo različne možnosti . In kot vidiš, se je ona odločila za eno vmesno varianto . enako moja 2 fanta. samo s to razliko, da je Ronja ena taka fajn, skulirana mat, mene pa moja 2 vcasih tko iz tira vrzeta, da je noro... metulj, Ronja se trudi bit skulirana, ampak to, kar si opisala, je občutek, ki ga vsaka mama doživlja, po moje... Vse kdaj ne vemo, kje se nas glava drži. Pri meni je to navadno takrat, ko sem kaj bolna. Očitno pa nisva čisto edini s tem načinom razmišljanja: "But more important, here’s what parents need to know: That our children need more of us. We have become so good at saying that we need to take care of ourselves that some of us have used it as an excuse to have the rest of the world take care of our kids. Yes, we all need undisturbed baths, time with friends, sanity breaks and an occasional life outside of parenthood. But we live in a time when parenting magazines recommend trying to commit to 10 minutes a day with each child and scheduling one Saturday a month as family day. That’s not okay! Our children don’t need Nintendos, computers, after school activities, ballet lessons, play groups and soccer practice nearly as much as they need US. They need fathers who sit and listen to their days, mothers who join in and make crafts with them, parents who take the time to read them stories and act like idiots with them. They need us to take walks with them and not mind the .1 MPH pace of a toddler on a spring night. They deserve to help us make supper even though it takes twice as long and makes it twice as much work. They deserve to know that they’re a priority for us and that we truly love to be with them." Tule je link, če bo katero zanimalo - ker je res fajn napisano (je sicer v ang., ampak večine verjetno to ne moti):
< Sporočilo je popravil ronja -- 25.9.2010 19:25:56 >