RE: IVF/ICSI maj (Polna verzija)

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vijolica30 -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 10:33:21)

zvezdica [image][/image] se je umirila, no ja teče v potokih ampak ne boli in ne odpada mi nč več [image][/image][image][/image][image][/image], tko da to je ok.
grethy kok časa se pa že vleče tvoja M? a mislš da bova še dolgo v poplavi?
wp si u redu?
čestitke novim "grelkam"[image][/image][image][/image][image][/image] piki in piji, naj vama mine s svetlobno hitrostjo in se konča z najlepšim rezultatom na svetu [image][/image][image][/image][image][/image][image][/image]

rozica29 [image][/image][image][/image][image][/image] držim pesti !!!

gloria kako kej buši muši[image][/image]


mismis -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 10:44:41)


pri Rešu delate test s CB na 14. dan od ET. medtem ko je na GK LJ krvni test 15. dan.
Če je slučajno ta dan vikend ali praznik se test zamakne na prvi delovni dan.

torej ker imaš ti v ponedeljek ET, dejansko pride tebi po Reševem test ravno na 19.05.
Joj to bo gužva [image][/image][image][/image][image][/image]

Zdej moram pa iti kosilo kuhati, tako da se tipkamo kasneje

Grethy -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 10:50:07)

grethy kok časa se pa že vleče tvoja M? a mislš da bova še dolgo v poplavi?

Oj Vijolica [image][/image][image][/image][image][/image][image][/image][image][/image] Jaz pričakujem počasno umirjanje ... madona če ne bom mogla it na dva deci tmle u bolnco [image][/image][image][/image][image][/image][image][/image] ... ma ja ... en železov tabletk si bom prvošla ... ta moja se sploh ne vleče ... en dan nakazuje da bo, pol naslednjega je taka dokaj zmerna, moram bit pozorna kje sem da imam možnost tečt do WC-ja se previt ... to je kao prvi dan, pol pa dva do tri dni naliva s polno močjo, moram bit kr doma, potem pa še dan dva da se umiri ... se pravi 5-6 dni vse skupaj ...

Ne bova se kar dali ane ??? [image][/image]

womanpolice -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 10:58:31)

Pika74, čestitke za dve pikici, močno stiskam pesti zate.... in   19.05. da se izpiše na testu [image][/image]

Vijolica30 ja, sm v redu... mal me krči dajejo, drgač pa bo... no, mimo živčkov pa seveda ne morm..
kakšno komedijo pogledam in pokam od smeha , da pozabim, potem pa me moj ful krega, da se ne smem tko zelo smejat , ker bom pokvarla pikici [image][/image]  ? In potem sva se mal skregala... ampak kmal pobotala...

Pija...  čestitke...

Sonček33 ... večino časa počivam... hvala...

Punce... se popoldan kaj oglasim, zdaj grem kuhat, ker gre moj ob enih v službo...

Kajšica imaš ZS

dajamaja -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 11:08:09)

Bravo Pika in Pija!!! Lepo grejta svoje pikice in naj se nas držijo deca!
Čakamo še na Rožico, ne!?

Jutri pa tudi zelo deloven dan [image][/image]. [image][/image]Mislim, 2 ET - Abra, Zvezdica , 1 punkcija - Sonček, 1 UZ - Titi! [image][/image]
Dobre želje že zdaj, če se mi zvečer ne uspe za PC priborit.  

Arneja, je kakšna [link=][/link] šla proti Celju? Sej jaz sem tudi ateistka in na zdravo pamet prisegam, ampak pri otrocih človek tko nima mere.

Mišmiš, lej ena za naju [image][/image]  Jaz sem OK in upam da moja dva pikeca tudi. Včasih mi je mal slabo od Agrulaba, pa s sladkim sadjem porihtam. Tudi sladoled se prileže, ko je že tako toplo.

Zdaj moram še kaj pospravit, da lahko grem popoldan an sonce uživat. Uživajte tudi ve!!!!

Grethy -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 11:48:55)

Evo, evo, sem klicala in sem se dogovorila, da v torek še enkrat žvrcnem, od srede do petka enkrat, pa grem da mi odšraufa ta polip [image][/image][image][/image]

ledenka -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 14:42:36)

Grethy [image][/image] za odstranitev polipa. bos res ze v naslednjem ciklu grela pingvincke!

vijolica, samo da se umirja [image][/image] 

dajamaja, pridno cuvas pikici?

WP, ti kar pocivaj, tako je treba!

Pika, a ti resno mislis jutri it v sluzbo? [image][/image] dobra si!

mismis, kaj pa kuhas?

pija in rozica, super za otrocke [image][/image] naj ostanejo pri vama in naj bo +++ na testu!

arneja, ti pa naslednji teden zacnes [image][/image] 

zvezdica in abra, drzim pesti za jutri!!!

torej, kaj sem zvedla na tujih straneh [image][/image]
- priporocajo pocitek po ET, 2-3 dni posteljni pocitek in potem zelo umirjeno do testa
- glede hrane in plodnosti sem nasla super clanek, ki je tule
- pa klinike v tujini se hvalijo s 40-50% uspesnostjo [image][/image] tole mi pa ni jasno...
- dostikrat dajejo za stimulacijo dve zdravili skupaj - kot npr. gonal in menopur
- nasla sem par nasvetov glede zelisc in cajev, samo... imen zelisc ne znam prevest v slovenscino [image][/image] ce je kaka strokovnjakinja ali pa ima dober slovar, se mi naj javi, ji bom poslala seznam [image][/image] jih je ene 10-15, nic vec

grem kuhat kosilo, danes imamo brezmesno - spagete [image][/image] 

Grethy -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 15:07:56)

Hvala, hvala ledenka [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] bi bla vesela ja ... zgleda da bo to vendarle junija, ker naslednja pride konec maja in pol gaaaasssssssssssss ... razen če  ... ne bi prav krvavela po posegu, bo to hmmm  ... bomo vidli ... ker je rekla da bova šle kr brez hormonov na ET pingvinčkov ... a je to že kera imela ???????? [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] me zanima ???

- nasla sem par nasvetov glede zelisc in cajev, samo... imen zelisc ne znam prevest v slovenscino ce je kaka strokovnjakinja ali pa ima dober slovar, se mi naj javi, ji bom poslala seznam jih je ene 10-15, nic vec

... no dej pošlji mi ta seznamček, mogoče mi bo pa ratalo [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] spravit v nam bolj razumljiv jezik ...

... kaj se kuha za kosilo ???????? Pri nas je bil zelo pozen zajtrk tako da bo kosilo tam po 16.uri [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] , pa nič  večerje [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]   juhuuuuu

Grethy -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 15:08:26)


Grethy -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 15:10:09)

šit ...sem se zakvačkala 

ledenka -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 15:27:04)

Grethy, tule je ta seznamcic [image][/image]


Black Cohosh-
Used for hot flashes and menopausal symptoms (PMS and vaginal dryness).
Evening Primrose Oil- Lowers cholesterol, alleviates pms and improves cervical mucous. *Should only be taken from menstruation to ovulation (1500mg to 300mg per day).
Ginseng- Helps male impotence and improves fertility in males.
Saw Palmetto- Helps tone and strengthen the male reproductive system (impotence, low libido and prostate health).
Agnus Castus- (known as Vitex or Chaste tree berry)- Helps to lengthen luteal phase defects to lower high prolactin levels thus regulates the menstrual cycle and improves hormonal imbalances.
Flaxseed Oil- Helps sperm to stay healthy. Treats menopausal symptoms, cramps, infertility and endometriosis.
Raspberry Leaf- Helps to tone the uterine for those with recurrent pregnancy loss.
False Unicorn Root- Is a uterine tonic to alkalinize the ovaries, bladder and kidneys (5-15 drops of the tincture per day).
Nettle Leaves- A uterine tonic that is high in chlorophyll and mineral great for hormonal balance.
Red Clover Blossoms- Is the single most useful herb for fertility as its in high in vitamin content which is essential for the uterus and body. (drink 1 or more cups of infusion aily for several months).
Black Haw- Used for menstrual cramping and helps to prevent miscarriage and excess heavy flow.
Cramp Bark- Helps to prevent threatened miscarriage, and relaxes muscle tension and spasm, ovarian pain and uterine cramps.
Dong Quai- Regulates hormones and menstrual cycle, tones weak uterus.

ledenka -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 15:30:55)

pa se vitamincki [image][/image] to pa nik tezko razumet

Women vitamin supplements:

Iron (10-20 mg/day) Anemia can lead to infertility. Women who bleed profusely may be anemic, those who rarely bleed may in fact be either anemic or too high in iron.
Vitamin C (500-1500 mg/day) This powerful anti-oxidant helps to protect cells and strengthen the immune system.
Vitamin E (400-800 i.u. per day) Vitamin E may increase egg quality. In a preliminary human trial, infertile couples given vitamin E (200 IU per day for the female and 100 IU per day for the male) showed a significant increase in fertility. (Bayer R. Treatment of infertility with vitamin E. Int J Fertil 1960;5:70–8)
PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) (400 mg/day) Some women have become pregnant with PABA. PABA is believed to increase the ability of estrogen to facilitate fertility. (Sieve BF. The clinical effects of a new B-complex factor, para-aminobenzoic acid, on pigmentation and fertility. South Med Surg 1942;104:135–9)
Co-enzyme-Q10 (30-100 mg/day) May improve egg quality.
Folate, also known as folic acid (400-800 mcg/day). Folic acid may prevent neural tube defects and other birth defects. It also protects your heart.
L-Arginine (16 g/day) Was shown to increase fertility in women who had previously failed in-vitro fertilization-IVF-procedures. (Battaglia C, Salvatori M, Maxia N, et al. Adjuvant L-arginine treatment for in-vitro fertilization in poor responder patients. Hum Reprod 1999;14:1690–7)
Essential fatty acids (EFA) (1-7 grams per day) can help the health of your reproductive system, insulin levels, heart and brain. EFA reduce inflammation throughout the body (a possible cause of PCOS and other types of infertility) and promote overall health. The best source is purified fish oil (don’t take cod liver oil as it is too high in vitamins A & D and may prove toxic).

Men vitamin supplements:

Vitamin C (500-1500 mg/day) Vitamin C helps to combat the pollution we are surrounded with. Pollution, particularly agricultural chemicals have been shown to cause much lower sperm counts. Vitamin C has been shown to reduce DNA damage in sperm by 91%. It is also shown to reduce agglutination and abnormalities. Vitamin C (1000mg) per day raised sperm counts by 140% in the first week in one study and 200 mg increased sperm counts by 112% in the first week. After 60 days the 200 mg group had caught up with the 1000mg group. All of these men had impregnated their wives by the end of the study.
Vitamin E (400-800 i.u. per day) Studies show that vitamin E can increase sperm potency by 2 ½ times. Two studies found that vitamin E supplementation lead to a 20% pregnancy rate in previously infertile men. That is higher than most assisted reproduction procedures! Take vitamin E in mixed tocopherol form. Take it with vitamin C but do not take it without consulting your doctor if you have anemia, poorly clotting blood, hyperthyroid, high blood pressure, or liver disease.
Zinc (15-60 mg/day) Even a mild zinc deficiency can cause drastically lower sperm counts. Zinc may also improve sexual function. In one study, thirty-seven men with more than five years of infertility, and whose sperm counts were less than 25 million/ml took 60 mg of zinc daily for forty-five to fifty days. For the twenty-two patients with initially low testosterone levels showed an increase in testosterone and mean sperm count increased significantly, from 8 to 20 million/ml. Nine of the twenty- two wives became pregnant during the study. For the fifteen men with normal testosterone levels, sperm count increased slightly but there was no change in testosterone level and no pregnancies occurred. If you take zinc for longer than a few weeks you should add 1-3 mg of copper to prevent a copper deficiency.
B-12 (10-100 mcg/day) and a B-Complex supplement can help balance testosterone and LH/FSH secretions. Lack of B-vitamins is very common in people who eat mostly refined and processed foods as well as those who smoke. Twenty-seven percent of men in one study with sperm counts under 20 million/ml took 1,000 mcg of vitamin B12 per day. As a result, their total sperm count increased in excess of 100 million/ml.
Selenium (100-200 mcg/day) Selenium deficiency causes fragile sperm with easily broken tails. Semen is high in selenium so it must be replenished regularly. Selenium is toxic in large doses so don’t take more than 200 mcg day. One double-blind trial found that sperm counts doubled in previously infertile men after supplementation with selenium.
Co-enzyme-Q10 (30-100 mg/day) increases sperm counts. Also an anti-oxidant.
L-Carnitine (up to 3 grams per day) An Italian study found that 2 grams a day of carnitine for three months dramatically improved sperm counts and mobility.
Vitamin A. It is not a good idea to take vitamin A separately as it is very easy to overdose on this vitamin. A multi will not have enough of the other supplements, but it is a good starting place to make sure you are not missing anything. Vitamin A helps improve sperm production.
Essential fatty acids (EFA) are even more important for men than for women. Eat lots of coldwater fish and ground flax seed or supplement with a combination of between 1-7 grams of fish oil and flax oil capsules. Fish oil and flax oil contain different EFA so you will need to add substantial amounts of both to your diet. EFA are important for lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease, improving overall health, and improving sperm count. Be careful about taking too much if you are on blood thinners. Be sure to choose distilled fish oil because oils such as cod liver oil contain toxic levels of vitamin A.
L-Arginine (2-4 g) Arginine has shown very promising results in numerous studies on both sperm counts and motility. It is best used when everything else has failed.

Abra -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 17:17:42)

Pija [sm=bravo.gif][sm=bravo.gif][sm=bravo.gif][sm=bravo.gif] super! Ta dva sta ziher zmagovalca in 19. maj bo res en srečen dan [sm=smiley1.gif] Lepo ju grej. Si dobila vse sestavine, [sm=smiley36.gif] jaz še vedno ne.
Sem se pa včeraj opogumila in danes dobila še zadnjo rm [sm=smiley1.gif]

Ledenka, ta tvoj seznam nam je pa že skoraj čist poznan [sm=smiley36.gif] za neki stvari ne vem na pamet, večino pa kar uporabljamo, kajne?

gloria -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 17:50:45)

Pija 76 [image][/image][image][/image]za dve pikici....19.5.ti želim +++++
Vijolica buši je že kr kaže...zdej čakam vsak dan da bo kakšna konkretna jaz mam še fore da ih začutim kak teden[image][/image]čeprav se mi gdaj pa gdaj zdi da so ampak čist nežne...Kako si pa ti?
Sonček 33 tebi pa želim juter čim manj bolečo punkcijo in čim kvalitetnejši pridelek[image][/image]....držim pesti

mismis -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 18:02:10)


Nedelja, 04.05.
Pija76 - ET
Rozica29 - ET

Ponedeljek, 05.05.
Titi3 - UZ
Abra - ET
Zvezdica - ET
Sonček33 - punkcija 

[image][/image] [image][/image]  [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]
Ponedeljek, 05.05.
 Goldfish - UZ

Torek, 06.05.
 Gloria - Morfologija

Sreda, 07.05.
 Tejka** - UZ
 Gloria - UZ
Ponedeljek, 12.05.
   pinki2  - UZ

Četrtek, 15.05.
 Tejek - UZ
Petek, 16.05.
   m.rudovic - NS

[image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]   [image][/image]           

[image][/image]   mateja.goljev [image][/image]

  [image][/image] [image][/image]   T R E P E T A L K E  [image][/image] [image][/image]
(beri TESTI)

Jadrnica greje    [image][/image]   - TEST 02.05.2008
Womanpolice greje  [image][/image][image][/image] - TEST 12.05.2008
Dajamaja greje  [image][/image] [image][/image] - TEST 14.05.2008
Pika74 greje   [image][/image] [image][/image] - TEST 19.05.2008
Pija76 greje  [image][/image][image][/image] - TEST 19.05.2008

[image][/image] [image][/image]   [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]   [image][/image]  

[image][/image]  KANDIDATKE 
[image][/image]    V  POSTOPKU[image][/image]

  • Zvezdica (dr. Reš, Menopur in Dipherline)
  • Pija76 (špikarka)
  • Grethy (LJ, dr. Požlep, zamrznjenčki)
  • Stijan (dr. Reš)
  • Sonček33 (GK LJ, superfact in Menopur)
  • Zorica (začetek postopka 12.04. MB)
  • Pika74 (34 let, 4. IVF, dr. Drobnič)
  • Rožica29 (1. IVF, GK LJ,)
  • dajamaja, (dr. Reš, PO)
  • Abra ( dr. Reš)
  • womanpolice (1. ICSI, GK LJ; Superfact in Menopur)
  • mami26 (LJ), pon. začetek špike
  • mala81 (27. let, 2. IVF/ICSI, dr. reljič, MB)
  • Jadrnica (2.ICSI, postopek, dr. Reš, Diphelerine in GONALOM-F)
  • Titi3 (Superfact in Menopur)
  • Arneja (35. let, 2. IVF/ICSI, dr. Reš)
  • Hedviga (34. let, 1.IVF, dr. Drobnič, LJ, 10.05. nizki štart)
[image][/image]  KANDIDATKE ZA  [image][/image]   POSTOPEK[image][/image]   

  • netka34(35let)(2.ICSI;LJ), naj pride M hitro,  
  • tassi1 (IVF/ICSI, dr. Vlaisavljevič, MB) 
  • ušula spomladi v nov boj
  • Kajsica (1.IVF;LJ) postopek z zmrznjenčki
  • paki (PO)
  • mismis (33let)(2.IVF;LJ,dr.Drobnič junij bo NA  mesec)
  • lara light (2.IVF;PO,dr.Reš)
  • Anja31 (2. IVF, dr. Reš, diphereline in menopur), 20.04. nov boj
  • oktavija (1.IVF/ICSI;dr. Vlaisavljević, 14.05.2008 ob 11.20 posvet)
  • Pikovit (31let) (6.ICSI;PO,dr.Reš, nov posvet MB 28.05.ob 12.40, dr.Vlaislavljevič)
  • Paddy (1.ICSI)
  • Reni70 (4.ICSI;PO,dr.Reš)
  • Mimmy (postopek z zamrznjenčki)
  • Anadejka
  • Zarja1 (1. IVF, LJ)
  • Dobrovoljčica
  • Vanja 44 (2. postopek, dr.Reš)
  • Shuka
  • Darja* (3.IVF/ICSI?; 24.04., dr. Reš)
  • Barbarella77
  • Linda25 (ICSI LJ)
  • Sabsa (Menopur)
  • Anabanana
  • Iannia
  • Žirafca
  • Goldy (2. ICSI, dr. Drobnič, LJ)
  • T1979 (2. IVF, dr. Reš)
  • Tia-na (33 let, 1. IVF, dr. Vogler)
  • Sapi (1.IVF, GK LJ, dr. Ribič)
  • Mandreja (IVF, Lj)
  • Ozone (03.04. razgovor MB dr. Reljič)
  • andreja07 (PO, dr. Reš)
  • Kikaa (IVF/ICSI;LJ, dr. Tomaževič) Suprefact in Menopur)
  • Hati (1.IVF, dr. Reš, Dipherline in Menopur)
  • Bambi75 (4.IVF/ICSI, MB)
  • Ledenka (ICSI, PO)
  • moni29 (MB, razgovor v maju)
  • Vijolica30 (2.IVF)
  • Mateja.goljev (Gonal in Superfact)
  • Rubin (3. IVF)
  • cukica (24let)(LJ,dr.Ribič)

[image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]   

koala [image][/image] , *medica* [image][/image] ,  Špelka[image][/image] , soncek.djukelica [image][/image] [image][/image] ,  Staša1 , gloria[image][/image] , tosja[image][/image] , perlica [image][/image]  ,  Bety upa[image][/image] , mozart, _rebeca_ [image][/image] , anadejka,  MIŠEK13[image][/image] , ele, Sisy[image][/image]   , poopsie[image][/image] , upajoča, zvezdica26, dolenjka[image][/image] , micka zaloska[image][/image] , maja24[image][/image] , dakica, sayuri[image][/image] , Pamela, blanč,  Stormy , tassi1, dakec, citrončica, maša74,  tobika, Goya (30 let) [image][/image] [image][/image]   Darmar ,  Zalazoya[image][/image] , Skye [image][/image] [image][/image]   , Daisy, Mlinčka, Martinščica[image][/image] ,Rebeca[image][/image] ,Tita13 [image][/image] ,Meeryana[image][/image] ,Pf [image][/image] ,Ana_P[image][/image] , Lotty[image][/image] ,Amelia[image][/image] , Goldfish [image][/image] , Johnie[image][/image] ,Pikica 26[image][/image] ,Meybebaby [image][/image] , sonček75[image][/image] , DejanSenka [image][/image]   , Mandarinca, šemalo, Rmeli, Majc, Dole, M.L.B.K, bilka, T1979,  Anabanana, Ajedat, Arneja, Gita14, Črni Tulipan, Banga, Cati, Lejla007[image][/image] ,  Anime[image][/image] , Mijavček[image][/image] , Gugu [image][/image] , Mihi78[image][/image] , Pajčolanka [image][/image] , Tejki [image][/image] , Špelka12[image][/image] , Lorby007 [image][/image] , Konina[image][/image] , Jelka123[image][/image] , m.rudovic [image][/image] ,  Orka [image][/image] , Sulfinija[image][/image] , Teja*[image][/image] , Mavrica72[image][/image] , Tejka**[image][/image] , Hormonček [image][/image] , *NiNa* [image][/image] , Pinki2[image][/image] , Krtekxx [image][/image]

Kalkulator izračuna PDP po IVF oz. ICSI:
Znaki hiperstimulacije:,4215040,4215086#msg-4215086



[image][/image]  NOVE NOSEČKE MAJ [image][/image]   

 [image][/image]   Tejek (PO)

Če katera opazi kakšno napako v seznamu, mi prosim oprostite in pocukajte za rokav, je čisto možno da sem kaj zamešala, je že veliko bork. Tiste, ki lahko sproti sporočate UZje, punkcijo, ET, naredite to čimprej, da vas še bolj spodbujamo in damo na poseben seznam - da je za vsak dan bolj pregledno.

Dekleta, ki ste sedaj v postopku, ste na modrem ali oranžnem seznamu in se že tako spodbujate med seboj. Dekleta, ki vam žal ni uspelo in še ne veste za nov postopek ali pa je ta še daleč, ste med navijačicami. Prav tako so med navijačicami dekleta, ki so že mamice ali nosečke

Pija76 -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 18:05:53)

Abra danes sem kupila grozdje -rdeče. pa ima mal pešk [image][/image], pa kar dober je in granatno v kosu, soka še nisem okrila. A da ti je uspelo dobit? IN???

Gloria kmalu bodo brce, še malo...sam d je vse OK, po vsem kar si prestala.

Pika kaj te šiht jutr matra? Mene tud, po zdele moram še neki narest, da ne bo stresno jutri [image][/image]

Grety jaz pri pingvinih nisem imela nič stimulacije, tud potem podpore nič, pa ti povem da je prav QL, ni treba nič mislit, pa ven ne teče, pa tko....

Ledenka super si to našla, Grety a boš prevedla kar nam vse? [image][/image]

Jaz sem se pa spravila pico delat, zgleda da so otroc lačni [image][/image][image][/image]

Kje je Rožica? Nič se ni javila a ne?

sonček33 -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 18:31:29)

Gloria hvala.
Mene so pa zdej mal živci napadli. Porkaduš. Čeprav v prvem postopku je bila punkcija popolnoma neboleča. Celo zadnju Uz je takrat bolel bolj.
A kaj ko ni nobene garancije, da bo tako tudi jutri.

Bodite pridne.

Pija, jaz bi tudi kos pice.

Pija76 -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 18:34:37)


Pija, jaz bi tudi kos pice.

Pridi, velika bo dost, pa tolk lufta da do sem prideš je še tud  [image][/image]

Abra -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 19:23:26)

Pija, sam da je grozdje dobro [sm=bravo.gif] decembra je blo samo belo užitno [sm=smiley36.gif]

Sonček nebolečo punkcijo in čimveč lepih celic ti želim jutri [sm=smiley1.gif]

Zvezdica, midve greva pa jutri po otroke [sm=bravo.gif][sm=bravo.gif][sm=bravo.gif] uspešen transfer ti želim!

Grethy -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 19:50:04)

Punce srečno jutri ...

Sonček saj ne bo bolelo ... ti si itak pogumna punca ... go go ...
Abra in Zvezdica čimveč zarodkov, da bodo še pingvinčki in pa nežen postopek ET, ter prijetno gretje ...
Titi3  naj na UZ-ju opazijo lepe foliklčke in naj jih bo dosti ...

Pija hvala za zanimivo novico ... no tega pa res nisem vedla glede vspodbude ovulacije in pingvinčkov ... res hvala, sicer bom pa tako vidla kaj bo rekla Dr. ... bi blo pa fino če bi lovila že ovulacijo ta mesec [image][/image]

Se bom potrudla s prevodom, sicer ne obljubim da bo takoj, bom pa pohitela ... seveda da za vse, pa bom eni poslala da nalepi pol tu gor, ker meni ne rata nalepit nič  [image][/image][image][/image][image][/image][image][/image][image][/image] ...

ROZICA29 -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 19:54:09)

Evo rozice29

Jaz sem fasala neko virozo, in sem od petka skoz na wc, driska in bruhanje + vročina. Sem se bala da ni hiperca, pa je rekla danes zdravnica na gk, da ni hiperca, da je viroza.

Oplodilo se jih je 8, od tega lepe 4 blastociste, vstavili so mi pa samo eno[image][/image] , ker naj bi bila velika verjetnost zanositve, tako, da niso hoteli tvegati zanositve z dvojčki. Tolaži me samo to, da so rekli, da je zelo kvalitetna, in da imam veliko možnosti.Tri grejo v skrinjo,ostale pa naj ne bi preživele postopka.

Vsem pošiljam en velik objem, jaz grem pa nazaj v pojstlo, ker sem spet bruh, bruh.

sonček33 -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 19:58:55)

ROZICA hitro se pozdravi. ne bit žalostna, ker je"samo " eden. Mene bi zelo razveselila novica, če bi mi rekli, da je velika verjetnost, da zanosim. Torej, veseli se. Hkrati pa imaš še tri pingvinčke, kar je tudi superca.

Počivaj, da viroza mine.

ROZICA29 -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 20:04:51)

Pija76, vesela sem, da sva se spoznali.[image][/image]

jadrnica -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 20:08:03)

Drage moje sopotnice,

žal pri nama ta mesec nisva ugledala čarobnega pluska. [image][/image][image][/image][image][/image]
Je blo hudo, saj veste, kako močno si ga vse želimo. Po dveh ICSI postopkih in dveh rundah zmerznjecev,mislim, da da bova sedaj pavzo vzela malo daljšo, do jeseni. Vsaj tako sedaj mislim.

Jaz sem čisto zastrupljena, porejena za pet kil....tudi dokaj odtujena, tako da se trenutno izčlanjujem iz kluba špikark[image][/image]

Vesela novica pa je ta, da bom še naprej tukaj z vsami in bomo veselo čebljale in se spodbujale.

Lepo se imejte in pozdrav vsem, saj veset na človek doli pade ob takih trenutkih. Ne mi zamerit, ker nisem ravno soncne novice prinesla.Čeprav bi jo rada.

ROZICA29 -> RE: IVF/ICSI maj (4.5.2008 20:09:54)

Sonček33, vem, da imaš prav. Vendar glede na število oplojenih, sem 100 % pričakovala dva. Ampak ne bom žalostna, že zaradi tega sončka, ki ga imam v trebuhu. 

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