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RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:11:31
resnično srečna
big mama jih po riti bo dobila, če se ne bo kmalu oglasila, in povedala novico to, da doktor je pogledal v telo, da zmigal je z glavo in rekel, da vse ok je z njo...
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:12:49
resnično srečna
Calena je pa malo lena, nas nič kaj ne obvesti, kaj dela Tosja in zakaj je ni...
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:15:01
resnično srečna
clericv6 za nas Eva je postala, ko jo je naša Jo@n na plano zbezala, sedaj nam pridno piše in nas veseli, kaj dela Kiara nas redno obvesti.
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:16:16
resnično srečna
darja33 orjakinjo je rodila, nas šele pred kratkim je obvestila, frustracije je vsem nakopala, saj punčka je bolj pridna kot naša vsaka...
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:17:22
resnično srečna
JABOLKO je ena faca taka, narobe misli, da jo kmalu mena čaka, morda celo jo tisti 1% doleti, po 3 fantičih punčko še dobi...
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:18:31
resnično srečna
Jo@n mene preseneča, Jakob njena je največja sreča, sicer včasih se ji to zgodi, da voziček kar s sinčkom vred zloži...
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:19:52
resnično srečna
Katka28 dvojno srečo je dobila, sedaj bo še kvalifikacijo za vzgojiteljico naredila, pri njeni plodnosti morda se lahko to zgodi, da lastni vrtec ustanovi...
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:20:55
resnično srečna
Ketrin K je dočakala, Kaja njena je punčka mala, dobro jo bo vzgojila, da bo Lukca kmalu naredila...
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:21:53
Srečka, go, go. Ne bom motila
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:22:54
Srečka: Si pa res carica, veš!!!!!!!!!!
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:24:52
resnično srečna
Krista28 dva bo zdaj lovila, Nadja se bo plazit hitro naučila, in potem bo kaos in miru okrog, kile bodo šle hitro v kozji rog.
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:26:27
resnično srečna
Lepa posadka naša fotografka, kaj bi mi brez nje in njene energije niti dan ne mine, da nas ne razveseli, nekaj nam napiše in doda nekaj še za oči.
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:26:42
IZVIRNO SPOROČILO: Ketrin NaTaŠa, ja kdo bo šel na dvoboj... ta najbolj pametne, ne No, ja gobčne pa res.... Majček, NiLE, Srečka in jaz Ne vem kam bomo z denarjem, še dobro da lahko samo 5xzmagaš ja sj prav da grejo ta gobčne na kviz bote vsaj vs dnar pobrale, a ne. Kam pa z dnarjem? no problems tko k je ena že rekla piknik za vse aprilčice 08. Seveda nek kamor bom lohka še jest pršla, da bom še jest mela kj od tega dnarja
24.03.2008 je prijokal naš sonček- Nataša.
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:28:38
resnično srečna
Lubici se že dolgo ni oglasila, nič o njenem Ursu nam ni sporočila, zagotovo pridna je in nam lepo študira, mogoče se nam kdaj še bo pridružila.
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:30:36
resnično srečna
Majček 28 je klepetulja naša, vedno provocira nikdar ne odlaša, njena Brina je en sonček res, ko pogleda človek jo, zaigra mu srček ves.
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:31:49
Sej ne morem verjet.... Srečka ti si carica
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:33:32
resnično srečna
Malamalinca idejo je dala, da se skupaj dobimo in žur naredimo...
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:34:56
resnično srečna
malecka24 se spet je izgubila, nič se ne javi, nas pa že skrbi, kaj dela Nikolina in kako se redi...
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:36:06
resnično srečna
MEDIKA26 bolj malo je o sebi govorila, veliko je odgovorov od nas na vprašanja dobila, lahko se spet oglasi in kako pametno na vprašanje dobi...
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:39:17
resnično srečna
miny nam zadnje dneve trpi, Lano nekaj muči in boli, kuha jo vročina in vsem se zdi, da kmalu zobek novi nam dobi.
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:41:05
resnično srečna
misa79 preveč je Rollinge poslušala, zato je zobatemu Mihcu mati postala, sedaj je žurka vse noči, ker Mihec za koncerte ogrevat se uči...
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:42:51
Ma Srečka ti si zakon!!!!!!! Hvala za pesmico.
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:43:36
resnično srečna
modrooka z Emo se redko oglasi, verjetno uživa in ne najde časa da nas razveseli...
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:44:26
bela vrtnica
IZVIRNO SPOROČILO: resnično srečna bela vrtnica nam kile bo zgubila, čisto se bo posušila, mala Zara pa se smeji, zanjo mamica je lepa tud če kil se ne znebi. Bela vrtnica se ne bo posušila, ker danes je pico zaužila in bo žal vse kile nazaj pridobila. Srečka ti si pa res taprava. Ful dober ti grejo te rime. Sem ti hotla odgovorit v rimah sam men to ne gre, tako da ne se pustit motit in kar nadaljuj, ker te je tko fajn brat. Res super stvar, da bodo aprilčice sodelovale na kvizu. Obvezno sporočte kdaj bote nastopale, da bomo navijali. Kakšno ime skupine pa bote imele? Aprilčice 2008? Če boste pa denar namenile za piknik pa tudi super. Se že veselim družinskega snidenja. Kaj se je pa pri nas danes zgodilo? Z Zaro sva se cel dopoldne potepale, no do 2 popoldne. Če je pa tako lepo vreme bilo, da sva ga morali izkoristiti. Ko sva prišle domov sem jo previla in nahranila. O pol šestih pa sem šla na jogo. In seveda MM jo v takem primeru mora pripraviti za spanje (ker mene ponavadi do 8 ni, si privoščim še pijačko s kolegicami). In pridem jaz domov, Zara že spi. Pa mi MM pove, kakšna tečka je bila, kako je to naporno....mislim, a res, daj povej. In baje je bila tako tečna, da sploh jest ni hotla in jo je ob 7 kar dal spat in je zaspala. Vse bi bilo lepo in prav, če bi jo preoblekel in previl (mimogrede nazadnje je bila previta ob pol treh in takrat je tudi jedla). Sem ga takoj "malo" kregala, ker to se mi zdi pa brezveze. Nek red pa ja mora biti. In frajerka se je mal prej zbudila (najbrž razlog lakota in polna plenička), tako da jo zdaj rihta in upam, da mu jo uspe uspavati. Jaz pa sem morala malo na RR. Tako zdej sem se pa tudi jaz malo izkašljala.
RE: Aprilski srčki 2008 II. del 10.11.2008 20:47:25
resnično srečna
NaTaŠa* je ex violica postala, v seznamu se je spremeniti pozabila, ampak nam se z novim nickom zdi prav fina...
She May be the face I can't forget. A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay. She may be the song that summer sings. May be the chill that autumn brings. May be a hundred different things Within the measur
Najbolj brane vsebine v rubriki Kakšna je prava postelja za dojenčka in ot...Ko se odpravite v trgovino z otroško opremo, osupli obstanete: koliko različnih posteljic in zibelk! Le katera bi bila n...
Čestitke in verzi ob rojstvuKaj napisati v voščilnico staršem, ki so preliti z ljubeznijo do novorojenčka? Da bo pisanje lažje, smo zbrali najlepše ...
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