ne vem , če dobro razumeš kam pašee SWOT analiza - uporablja se za proces motiviranja, tko jih sestaviš skupaj
mogoče ti bo tole koristilo - Motivation In The Workplace Using SWOT Analysis;
5 questions + 5 tools = result
Five Questions you need to consider:
1. What is Motivation?
2. What are the lessons to learn from theories of motivation?
3. How can you create a motivation culture in the workplace?
4. How can you motivate employees at a personal level?
5. How can you motivate yourself at work?
Five Tools which give you a step by step process in order to:
1. Inspire Your Employees (personal example)
2. Manage Employee Performance
3. Have an Effective Performance Appraisal System
4. Conduct Appraisal Interviews
5. Manage 360 Degree Feedback
pa mogoče še tole - motivacijske tehnike: