
Spletno mesto uporablja piškotke

za zagotavljanje spletne storitve, analizo uporabe, oglasnih sistemov in funkcionalnosti, ki jih brez piškotov ne bi mogli nuditi. Z nadaljnjo uporabo spletnega mesta soglašate s piškotki.


dont copy if...


14.07.2009, 18:19





A popular motivational speaker was entertaining his audience.

He Said : "The best years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who wasn't my wife!" The audience was in silence and shock.
The speaker added: "And that woman was my mother!"

Laughter and applause.

A week later, a top manager trained by the motivational speaker tried to crack this very effective joke at home. He was a bit foggy after a drink. He said loudly to his wife who was preparing dinner, "The greatest years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who was not my wife!"

The wife went; "ah!" with shock and rage. Standing there for 20 seconds trying to recall the second half of the joke, the manager finally blurted out "....and I can't remember who she was!"

By the time the manager regained his consciousness, he was on a hospital bed nursing burns from boiling water

Moral of the story:

Don't copy if you can't paste!


They said we should all pay our tax with a smile. I tried- but they
wanted cash.

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