
Omega 3


05.09.2012, 18:28





O zdravi prehani, vitaminih in mineralih vem precej, zato nasvete v smislu, drži se uravnovešene,zdrave prehrane, prijazno zavračam user posted image

Bom vprašala čisto preprosto. Ali lahko med nosečnostjo jem kapsule Omega3 ? Sicer se mi zdi kar logično, da nekih stranskih učinkov nima, ker pač to niso zdravila, ampak čist prehransko dopolnilo, nekaj podobnega kot folna kislina, in da načeloma ne bi smelo biti prepovedano za nosečnice. Ma me vseeno zanima vaše mnenje. Jih katera je med nosečnostjo?

< Sporočilo je popravil Flavia RR -- 5.9.2012 19:33:54 >


05.09.2012, 18:49





Why is taking Omega-3 especially important during pregnancy?
Omega-3s have been found to be essential for both neurological and early visual development of the baby. However, the standard western diet is severely deficient in these critical nutrients. This omega-3 dietary deficiency is compounded by the fact that pregnant women become depleted in omega-3s, when the fetus uses omega-3s for its nervous system development. Omega-3s are also used after birth to make breast milk. With each subsequent pregnancy, mothers are further depleted. Research has confirmed that adding EPA and DHA to the diet of pregnant women has a positive effect on visual and cognitive development of the baby. Studies have also shown that higher consumption of omega-3s may reduce the risk of allergies in infants.

Omega-3 fatty acids have positive effects on the pregnancy itself. Increased intake of EPA and DHA has been shown to prevent pre-term labor and delivery, lower the risk of pre-eclampsia and may increase birth weight. Omega-3 deficiency also increases the mother''s risk for depression. This may explain why postpartum mood disorders may become worse and begin earlier with subsequent pregnancies.

In a 2006 national survey, over two-thirds of pregnant women and new mothers said that they had not received any information from their health care providers about the benefits that Omega-3 could provide during their pregnancy and in the postpartum time.

še vir http://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancyhealth/omega3fishoil.html

Lahko. user posted image

< Sporočilo je popravil uškinamama -- 5.9.2012 18:50:09 >


Najina Uš : staršem prijazen otrok.


05.09.2012, 19:10





Se mi je zdelo! Hvala velik user posted image

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