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   English discussion
14.6.2006 23:04:10   
Hi mums,

I would like to open an english discussion about our angels user posted image .

I have 8 months old babyboy David, I come from Slovakia and since the 1st of May I moved together with my family to Ljubljana.

I will be glad to know other foreigner mums, who dont understand slovenian language well and want to share the daily life with their children in english...and of course all from Slovenia, who want to discuss also in english are welcomed user posted image  

Nicole & David
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 1
   RE: English discussion
14.6.2006 23:15:29   
...and dont worry about your english, language is not a problem, if necessary, we will use pictures user posted image  , I am also not perfect in english.

Good night

(odgovor članu NicoleS)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 2
   RE: English discussion
14.6.2006 23:34:05   
teta beta
Hi Nicole,

my daughter Daša is almost 9 months old. We are all natives, so I understand Slovene quite well user posted image . I suppose you don't have many problems with understanding the basics, I know I got along quite well when I was in Bratislava. We intend to go camping to Slovakia this summer on a holiday and me and my boyfriend are just planning the route and searching the web for useful information. I know this is not what you asked for user posted image , but do you perhaps have some suggestions or useful links?

Well, I don't know what else to tell you for the first time user posted image . As you can see from the picture, my daugther is very beautiful user posted image , she is already crawling (is that the right word?user posted image ) around for some time now, she is still breastfed and she is a bit tiny for her age.

And how is your boy?


Ko si srečen, daj z dlanjo udari v dlan...

(odgovor članu NicoleS)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 3
   RE: English discussion
14.6.2006 23:47:29   
Hi TetaBeta

tramtadadaaaa, photo of Davidko :-)

user posted image


(odgovor članu teta beta)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 4
   RE: English discussion
15.6.2006 8:04:36   
Morning NicoleS,
u will probably get just native speakers here.
my user posted image  will be in six days 8 month old. his name is aljaž. i'm a single mother. some times it's hard but my user posted image  gives me strenght and joy, so i can not complaint much user posted image .


Mami, pika moja!

(odgovor članu NicoleS)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 5
   RE: English discussion
15.6.2006 8:16:04   

NicoleS wellcome to Slovenia.

I have three children. Blaž is seven years old, Ana is almost 5 and a year old Tia.

Sometimes is really hard to take care of all, but I have a lot of energy.

(odgovor članu soncek&luna)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 6
   RE: English discussion
15.6.2006 8:19:39   
Hi Nicole

I'm also not a foreign mum, but since there are not many on this forum, I'd be glad to share my experiences in English.

I have a 22 motnh old daughter Neja. We have already survived the 9 and 10 month age of course and got over crawling and walking with my support. I must say that this was the most difficult phase...My back was killing me and the baby wouldn't get tired of walking.

Well I don't know how to paste a picture here but I have some pictures in my album.

Your Davidko is very cuteuser posted image




(odgovor članu NicoleS)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 7
   RE: English discussion
15.6.2006 9:12:29   
nana 27
Hi! Welcome to Slovenia user posted image  user posted image user posted image  How do you say "welcome" or "hello" in your language?  My user posted image  will be eight months old next week. His name is Miha. He is cute little boy who doesn't want to crawl. How is David? Does he crawl? Miha is not in the mood for anything because his teeth are growing. I hope teething will soon be over.  Why don't you write something in your mother language? As I remeber from the TV - Davidko or the ending -ko means small David. Am I right?  Nana&Miha        

(odgovor članu NicoleS)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 8
   RE: English discussion
15.6.2006 9:24:46   
Hi Nicole,


My user posted image is 13 months old, his name is Thor Adam. He is learning to walk, so I also have pains in may back. Hope to hear more from you.

(odgovor članu NicoleS)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 9
   RE: English discussion
15.6.2006 10:43:07   
Hi mums,

welcome teta beta, Soncek&Luna, Mammy26, N&N, nana27 and Thor in this forum user posted image .

Po slovensky:
welcome - vitaj
hello - ahoj

In Slovakia we say:
slovak language - slovensky jazyk
slovenian language - slovinsky jazyk
...and slovinsky jazyk is in your language slovensky...quite interesting.
In generally, you have a lot of words, which in slovak language have different meaning.
e.g. child - you say otrok, we say dieta and otrok in slovak language is slave

Nana, you are right, Davidko is per name of small David, do you use also such per name words in your language?

N&N if you want to put some picture directly to the forum use this pattern:
between [img] and [/img] insert the URL address of concrete picture.

David was born on 1st of October 2005, his weight is 9,3 kg, I think, he will be flegmatic, as his father user posted image , of course he has sometimes bad days, but he is very peacefull and often smiling, last week he started crawling and tried to stand up in his bed, so now it starts to be more funny....
And we also advance in eating, 3-times per day he has the milk, for dinner I prepare for him vegetable, rice or potato with some meat and for afternoon snack fruit with joghurt.
What about your babies? Maybe it depends also on regional customs...and of course it is individual depending on every baby.

I am happy, that summer is comming, we can spend o lot of time on wallking.

Today afternoon we are going to travel to Bratislava (from where we come from) because on Saturday we have voting to parlament user posted image ...aaand tomorrow my company, where I was working before maternity leave is organizing sports day...and I enjoy it.

Teta beta, you have asked me for some recommendations for your summer trip to Slovakia, I will write you next week. is it Ok?

zelam Vam pekny slnecny den user posted image


(odgovor članu thor)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 10
   RE: English discussion
15.6.2006 10:58:25   
That's great that you've opened the discussion in English-it will be the challange for me to chat and skill my knowledge.user posted image
What was the reason that you moved to Slovenia?
I have a 2 year old daughter Nika and 7 months old son Jaka. user posted image user posted image
I hope you'll find some friends here and share experiances with us. user posted image  I live in the neighbourhood of Ljubljana so if you'd like we could also meet, perhaps go to the park Tivoli for a walk...I'd be glad.


Osrečujejo me zakladki Nika, Jaka in mali Izak:-)

(odgovor članu thor)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 11
   RE: English discussion
15.6.2006 11:06:20   
teta beta
Nicole, enjoy your weekend in Bratislava and perhaps a potentional shopping stop in that shopping village right on the Austrian-Slovak border. That is something I am really looking forward to user posted image . We will be leaving at the end of July, so we are still open for ideas.

David is a real cutey!


Ko si srečen, daj z dlanjo udari v dlan...

(odgovor članu Urša)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 12
   [Brisano sporočilo]
15.6.2006 13:42:11   
Brisani uporabnik
[Vsebina sporočila je bila izbrisana]

(odgovor članu teta beta)
  Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 13
   RE: English discussion
15.6.2006 13:45:02   
Hi Nicole!

Wellcome to our country! I am also a native speaker. We have 15 months years old baby girl, which fullfils our life. She is our little sunshine!

I hope to stay in touch with you.

Hugs user posted image


Be the Peace and Harmony you desire...

(odgovor članu teta beta)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 14
   RE: English discussion
15.6.2006 21:34:05   
Hi Nicole,

welcome in Slovenia. Our baby's was born the same day.user posted image I have a girl. Her name is Žana and she's weight now 9,5 kg.  She has 4 teeth now and they keep groving. She can't stand on her feet yet.

(odgovor članu Katrin)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 15
   RE: English discussion
15.6.2006 21:42:04   
Hi, Nicole,

Welcome to Slovenija & Ringaraja!

I don't live in Slovenia in this moment and I'll be glad to chat with you. Our daughter is 11 months old.

Let us know how you spent your days in Slovakia.

bye bye for today  user posted image  user posted image

(odgovor članu NicoleS)
  Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 16
   RE: English discussion
15.6.2006 21:46:09   
hi nicole

i've just wanna ask u why did u move to slovenia? did u marry a slivenian guy??! :)

ur boy is really cute! i have two girls. almost 2 years old Tisa and 6 weeks old Mija. they are lovely nice babes :) but sometimes i would just like to lend them to someone for a day or two. to get some energy and relax a bit. like today when i'm all almost dead with soar troath and headache. that's the summer! great!

yes tell me another thing...how are the prices of food and clothes in Slovakia? the same as here?

and how long is your maternity leave? also one year like here in slovenia?

(odgovor članu NicoleS)
  Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 17
   RE: English discussion
16.6.2006 5:16:00   
hej nicole and other girls...
our dejan (user posted image ) is 3 months and half old. he is the smallest in this forum, as i can note from the posts here. but i will be more then happy to read about your experience, to see what do i have to expect in the next months.
i am also a native speaker here but my husband is not. he is swedish. dejan is learning four languages at the moment. i speak with him slovenian and italian (i come from the coast and italian is my second language). my husband speaks with him in swedish. me and my husband communicate in english (he also learns slovenian). hopefully dejan will be able to speak all four languages.
have a nice weekend in bratislava user posted image .


Dejana smo na silo spravli na svet 3.3.2006 ob 19.59 :)

(odgovor članu Anonimen)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 18
   RE: English discussion
20.6.2006 6:46:11   
I have a daughter, her name is Liza and she is a little older (17 months). She is half Slovenian and half Croatian (her dad is from Croatia).
What's the reason of your moving to Slovenia? Do you like it here? Did the Slovenians exccept you well? Where do you live? ( I have so many questionsuser posted image .., like an enciklopediauser posted image )..
Well, if you are looking for native english speakers maybe I can help you. I have a friend, she is from Amerika and she lives in Celje now. She have a daughter also, she is 15 months old. If you are interested I can ask her  to communicate with you trough the mails or something like that...
I hope you enjoyed your voting trip. I have no idea for who are you voting for, but i hope that your political party won the electionsuser posted image ..
Have a nice hot day (i like it when it' s hotuser posted image )....


Ne brinite što vas djeca uvijek ne slušaju, brinite se zbog toga što vas neprekidno promatraju (R. Fulghum)

"A clean house is a clear sign of a wasted life"

(odgovor članu Eviii)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 19
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