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   smoothiji za plodnost
23.7.2011 19:09:43   
Malo sem brskala po netu in našla nekaj receptov za sadne smoothije, ki naj bi povečali plodnost. Recepti so fajni, ker vsebujejo sestavine, ki se jih dobi tudi pri nas. Če pa je katera večji maher za downloadanje, pa naj dol potegne e-knjigo Fertility Smoothies: Elixirs for Optimal Fertility in jo sem prilepi (ker je jaz namreč ne znam user posted image )

Peaches and Cream
2 Peaches (take fruit off of pit)
1 Banana
1T Maca
1/4C Yogurt (organic)
1t. Vanilla
Add all ingredients to the blender. I add a little bit of water to start with to get the consistency that I like. I also like to have some bananas in the freezer so it chills the smoothie and ads a great creaminess. If you find that you are hungry an hour after drinking your smoothie, add additional bananas, nuts or protein powder, they will pack additional calories to keep you energized through your morning.

Antioxidant Blast
1/4C Blueberries
1/4C Strawberries
1 Banana
1 handful Spinach
1 T Maca
1 Network Antioxidants (open capsule and empty contents into smoothie)
1 Date (pitted)
1 serving Protein powder
Add all ingredients to a blender and blend. I add a little water to begin with and add more as needed. As I am sure you have noticed that there is spinach in this smoothie. Don’t fear, just try it. When I first started adding spinach to my smoothies I was scared that it was going to taste weird and bitter, but is doesn’t. For some reason the spinach just disappears into the smoothie and you can’t taste it at all.

Chocolate Oatmeal Bliss
1 Banana
1/8c Oatmeal (dry)
2T Dark chocolate powder
2T Hemp seeds
1T Maca
1t Spirulina
1 Date (pitted)
Ice Cubes
Put all ingredients in blender and add a small amount of water and begin blending. Add more water and ice cubes (I usually use 4) until consistency is how you like your smoothies. Let this one blend for a little while so it is smooth. Today’s fun ingredients are oatmeal and hemp seeds.

Mango Lassi
1 Mango (fresh or frozen)
1/4c Yogurt
1T Maca
1t Vanilla
1/2t Cardamon
1 handful Spinach
1 Banana
1T sesame seeds
Place all ingredients in to a blender and blend. Add water as needed for correct consistency. If you like it sweeter add a date.

Andes Dream
1/4c Quinoa (cooked and refrigerated)
1 handful Spinach (raw)
1 Banana
1/4c Blueberries (frozen)
2T Hemp seeds
1-2 Dates
1T Maca
Put all ingredients into a blender add water, blend. Add more water until desired consistency manifests. Make sure quinoa is not hot. Refrigerated quinoa is best for smoothies.

Island Girl Colada
1/8c Pineapple
1/4c Mango
1/4c Strawberries
1 Banana
1T Maca
1t Royal jelly
Blend all ingredients together. Add water as needed for desired consistency. If you are using all fresh fruit you may want to add some ice cubes to get the slushiness of a colada.

Banana Pudding
2 Bananas
1/2 Avocado
2 Dates (pitted)
1t Spirulina
1/2T Maca
optional: 1/2-1T chocolate powder
Add all ingredients in the blender. Use a little bit of water just to get things moving. The consistency when it is ready is a smooth pudding. You can do a lot with puddings. You can add oatmeal, almond butter, any type of fruit you want. Have fun and experiment. Also make plenty to share .

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
1/2T sesame seeds (soaked in water overnight)
1T Almond Butter or peanut butter
2 Bananas
1T Cocoa
1T Maca
1t Spirulina
Add all ingredients to blender, start with some water and add as needed to get desired consistency. Almond butter or peanut butter work great in this smoothie.

Energy Soup
2 handfuls of greens (spinach, arugula, romaine, etc)
1 handful of sprouts (mung, lentil, green pea etc.)
1/2 an avocado
1/2-1 apple (depending on how sweet you like it)
2T dulse
2T Hemp seeds or pine nuts
Add all ingredients to the blender and blend. Add water as needed. The finished consistency when it is ready is a smooth soup. Pour into a bowl and eat with a spoon. Add salt and pepper as needed.

Jason’s Favorite Smoothie
1 Banana
1 serving protein powder (whey or hemp)
1/4c Blueberries
1/4c Strawberries
1/4c Mango
1T Maca
2T Hemp Seeds
1t Spirulina
Add ingredients to the blender and add water as needed to create your favorite thickness for your smoothie. Pour and enjoy!

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