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   o čem gre
5.2.2009 15:10:13   
mi lahko katera prosim napiše o čem gre risanka ali pravljica (ne vem točno) Pokahontas?

Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 1
   RE: o čem gre
5.2.2009 16:00:52   
"In 1607, a ship carrying British settlers from the Virginia Company sails for North America in search of gold and other material riches. On board are Captain John Smith and Governor Ratcliffe. A storm erupts, and John saves the life of a young settler named Thomas when he falls overboard, befriending him in the process.
In the "New World", Pocahontas, Chief Powhatan's daughter, learns that her father wants her to marry Kocoum, one of his finest warriors, but a bitter and serious man. Pocahontas does not want this marriage, and asks the advice from a talking tree spirit named Grandmother Willow. Grandmother Willow tells Pocahontas to listen to her heart.
The British settlers land in Virginia and dig for gold under Ratcliffe's orders. John Smith explores the territory and encounters Pocahontas. The two spend time together, with Pocahontas teaching John to look at the world in a different way, and to not think of her people as "savages". Back at the settlement, the Powhatan warriors and Englishmen have a skirmirsh, and one of the warriors is injured. The warriors retreat, and Powhatan declares that the white men are dangerous and that no one should go near them.
A few days later, John and Pocahontas meet again, during which John learns that there is no gold in the land. They agree to meet at Grandmother Willow's glade again that night.
When Pocahontas returns to her village, she finds that warriors from neighboring tribes have arrived to help Powhatan fight the settlers. Back at the English fort, John tells Ratcliffe there is no gold in the land, which Ratcliffe does not believe, thinking that the natives have hidden the gold for themselves.
That night, Nakoma catches Pocahontas sneaking off and informs Kocoum that she has gone. Meanwhile, John sneaks out of the fort, and Ratcliffe orders Thomas to follow him. Pocahontas and John meet in the glade, where Grandmother Willow convinces John to try talking to Chief Powhatan. Both Kocoum and Thomas watch from the shadows as John and Pocahontas kiss. Kocoum, jealous, attacks and tries to kill John, but is himself shot and killed by Thomas. Hearing voices approaching, John tells Thomas to run. A group of natives take John prisoner thinking he is the murderer, and Powhatan announces that he will be executed at dawn before the war with the settlers begins.
Thomas returns to the fort and announces John's capture. Ratcliffe sees this as an opportunity to attack, and they arrive just as John is about to be executed. Before Powhatan can strike, Pocahontas throws herself over John, telling him to see where the path of hate has brought them, and asking him to choose. Powhatan lowers his club and orders John freed. Ratcliffe orders the settlers to fire anyway, but they refuse. Ratcliffe fires at Chief Powhatan himself, but John pushes the chief aside and is shot instead. The settlers turn on Ratcliffe, capturing him.
John is only wounded, but he must return to England for medical treatment if he is to survive. Pocahontas and her people arrive to see them off, and John and Pocahontas bid their goodbyes."
vir: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pocahontas_(1995_film)


If your kids are giving you a headache, follow the directions on the aspirin bottle, especially the part that says "keep away from children."
Susan Savannah

(odgovor članu PIRANJA)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 2
   RE: o čem gre
6.2.2009 14:34:03   
Klaudia najlepša hvala!

(odgovor članu Klaudia)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 3
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