vampirka -> MASTODYNON (22.2.2006 10:10:31)
Gre za zdravilo, ki ga priporočajo homeopati pri zdravljenju neplodnosti (dobi se ga v vseh avstrijskih lekarnah). Najbolje je v obliki kapljic (Tropfen; Mischung) - 50ml stane okrog 10 EUR. Uspešen pri uravnavanju ciklusa...nekaj pa še spodaj v angleškem jeziku...saj veste - vse za [image][/image]! [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] for treatment of complaints before and during menstruation (irritability, depression and headache) and irregularities of the menstrual cycle [Germany] [image][/image] [image][/image] Herbal active ingredients Chaste tree fruit (monk’s pepper), Cyclamen, Tiger lily, Ignatius bean and Crowfoot - Lowers elevated prolactin levels
- Normalizes the estrogen-progesterone balance
- Free from synthetic hormones