natalia -> RE: Zanimiv angleski clanek o dojenju (9.1.2006 22:55:47)
All the benefits of human milk--including nutritional and health--continue for as long as your baby receives your milk. In fact, as your baby takes less human milk, these advantages are condensed into what milk is produced. Many of the health benefits of human milk are dose related, that is, the longer the baby receives human milk, the greater are the benefits. n the second year (12-23 months), 448 mL of breastmilk provides: 29% of energy requirements 43% of protein requirements 36% of calcium requirements 75% of vitamin A requirements 76% of folate requirements 94% of vitamin B12 requirements 60% of vitamin C requirements Ali lahko na drug način prehranjevanja dobi otrok toliko navedenih vitaminov in mineralov, kot je navedeno zgoraj ali zgolj z dojenjem? "Breastfeeding is a warm and loving way to meet the needs of toddlers and young children. It not only perks them up and energizes them; it also soothes the frustrations, bumps and bruises, and daily stresses of early childhood. In addition, nursing past infancy helps little ones make a gradual transition to childhood." Verjamem, da dojenje pomaga pri frustracijah otroka, padcih in ranah v zgodnjem otroštvu, kaj pa ko otrok odraste (15-20 let) s čim si bo pomagal pri vsakdanjem stresu, ne vem, če mu bo mamina ziza takrat na voljo.? aja, a niso ravno nekatere pisale na forumu, da ne vedo, kako prenehati z dojenjem iz takšnih ali drugačnih razlogov in potem, ali se to ne navezuje na to, da starejši je otrok, težje ga je privaditi na drugačno prehranjevanje? Baldwin continues: "Meeting a child's dependency needs is the key to helping that child achieve independence. And children outgrow these needs according to their own unique timetable." Children who achieve independence at their own pace are more secure in that independence then children forced into independence prematurely. se ne strinjam, razen če je gospod podal kakšne utemeljene dokaze? US Surgeon General has stated that it is a lucky baby who continues to nurse until age two. (Novello 1990). To ne vem, kaj naj s tem... Scientific research by Katherine A. Dettwyler, PhD shows that 2.5 to 7.0 years of nursing is what our children have been designed to expect (Dettwyler 1995). to pa mi ni več všeč (dojenje v 7.letu?), kdaj pa bo do njih prišel moj dragi?[image][/image] hvala za odgovore in mnenja, lep večer[image][/image]