BigWhale -> RE: KONTRACEPCIJA (7.12.2005 8:22:49)
Mislim. Punca je nekaj vprasala, ve pa hop na njo pa obtozbe pa nevemkaj. Ljudje nismo vsevedi. Tako da ce odgovarjate, dajte odgovoriti tako kot se sika. Torej. ZAKAJ ne more uporabljati taksne kontracepcije.. Vsake ideje o splavu v tem primeru so neumesne. Tabletka po odnosu zaradi kolicine in razmerja hormonov sprozi menstruacijo. Po odnosu jajcece se ni vgnezdeno. Ni niti nujno, da je sploh oplojeno. Kar nekaj dni namrec potuje po jajcevodih preden doseze maternico. Sele tam se vgnezdi. Morda bi takrat lahko govorile o splavu. Tabletka sprozi luscenje maternice in posledicno onemogoci vgnezditev jajceca. Ce menite, da je to splav, potem je splav tudi vsak maternicni vlozek. Tam namrec LAHKO pride do oploditve, le oplojeno jajcece se ne more vgnezditi. Tole pa pravi Wikipedia * Emergency contraceptive pill —referred to simply as "emergency contraception," "ECPs," or "ECs", or "morning-after pill" —are hormones that act both to prevent ovulation or fertilization, or the subsequent implantation of a fertilised egg (zygote). ECPs are not to be confused with chemical abortion drugs like Mifepristone (formerly RU-486) that act after implantation has occurred. * Intrauterine devices (IUDs) - usually used as a primary contraception method, but sometimes used as emergency contraception. As opposed to regular methods of contraception, ECPs are considered for use in rare cases only, for example in the event of contraceptive failure occurs. ECs, acting before implantation, are considered under USA and UK legislation to be forms of contraception. The opposing pro-life/anti-abortion viewpoint - namely, that life begins at conception - leads some to conclude that interference with and prevention of an embryo's implantation consitutes an abortion