ebay (Polna verzija)

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radirka -> ebay (22.4.2013 14:54:53)

Živjo imam eno uprašanje za uporabnike ebaya- paypalla če mi lahko pomagate.. torej danes sem dobila mail:
We wanted to let you know that you're just €48.69 EUR away from hitting your initial PayPal sending limit of €100.00 EUR. This is the maximum amount of money you can send or use for purchases before you need to become Verified.

Why do I need to verify my account?
We place initial limits on all accounts to increase security and help prevent fraud. Once you link and confirm a debit or credit card, your account will be Verified and you'll be able to make as many payments as you like with PayPal.

How do I get Verified and lift my sending limit?

Log in to your PayPal account at www.paypal.com and click Get Verified at the top of the page.
Follow the instructions to link your card to your PayPal account. We'll charge €1.50 EUR to your card to make sure it's yours. This charge creates a unique 4-digit code that will show up on your card statement within a few days.
In 2-3 days, log in to your PayPal account and enter the 4-digit "PAYPAL" code.

zanima me kje in kako vidim to kodo? A bi morala imeti klik in bi potem tam videla, ker izpisek iz banke ne bo prišel v roku 2-3 dni :/ Hvala za pomoč.. [sm=smiley1.gif]

lenika83 -> RE: ebay (22.4.2013 19:27:44)

Ta koda se na žalost vidi šele na izpisku in boš morala do takrat počakati. No, vsaj tako je bilo pri meni, tako da tisti mesec nisem nič zapravljala, dokler nisem dobila kode.

radirka -> RE: ebay (22.4.2013 21:06:22)

aha :) Torej ni nič narobe če ne vpišeš kode v roku 2-3 dni kot je pisalo v mailu? :)

*bubi* -> RE: ebay (23.4.2013 15:43:28)


aha :) Torej ni nič narobe če ne vpišeš kode v roku 2-3 dni kot je pisalo v mailu? :)

Ne, nič ne bo narobe. Ko dobiš izpisek, se logiraj in uredi zadevo. Če bi imela vpogled v transakcije preko spletne banke, bi v cca 3 dneh videla to transakcijo.

Jaz sem morala cel mesec čakati [sm=smiley36.gif]

jullie -> RE: ebay (23.4.2013 21:02:27)

..lahko greš pa na svojo banko in ti pogledajo na izpisek in dobiš kodo takoj..

Stran: [1]