ali je tukaj kaj resnice ali ni???!! (Polna verzija)

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razglednica -> ali je tukaj kaj resnice ali ni???!! (14.12.2012 12:55:42)

Brisani uporabnik -> [Brisano sporočilo] (14.12.2012 17:59:02)

[Vsebina sporočila je bila izbrisana]

Brisani uporabnik -> [Brisano sporočilo] (16.12.2012 11:33:38)

[Vsebina sporočila je bila izbrisana]

mateyka -> RE: ali je tukaj kaj resnice ali ni???!! (16.12.2012 12:27:33)

glavni problem je ker cel svet živi na "FIAT money" - to bo glavni problem, ko poči balonček.

mateyka -> RE: ali je tukaj kaj resnice ali ni???!! (16.12.2012 12:29:49)

Definition of 'Fiat Money'
Currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, despite the fact that it has no intrinsic value and is not backed by reserves. Historically, most currencies were based on physical commodities such as gold or silver, but fiat money is based solely on faith.

Investopedia explains 'Fiat Money'
Most of the world's paper money is fiat money. Because fiat money is not linked to physical reserves, it risks becoming worthless due to hyperinflation. If people lose faith in a nation's paper currency, the money will no longer hold any value.

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