mateyka -> RE: računalničarkeeeee pomoč!!! (17.10.2011 11:47:47)
mislim, da bo treba zbrisat vse nastavitve, če se hočeš tega losat.. tukaj imaš en addon - inštaliraš ga na mozillo firefox in si lahko shraniš vse bookmarke in passworde. How to get started 1. Install the Firefox extension 2. Find the Zequr menu buttons to the left of the address bar, and select “Create new Zequr account”. 3. Once your account is created, hit the left menu button again, and log in with your new account. 4. If you have any bookmarks in Firefox, we recommend that you transfer them to Zequr, making them easily accessible from all your devices. You can import your bookmarks through the ‘Manage websites’ menu item.