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   RE: kako se kaze....
22.9.2011 10:10:59   

khm khm!

kako se kaže motnja pozornosi/hiperaktivnost/ADHD  pri odraslem?
in kako se lahko pomaga?

user posted image

a nismo to že predelali?

(odgovor članu *miska.mcc*)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 51
   RE: kako se kaze....
22.9.2011 10:13:25   



khm khm!

kako se kaže motnja pozornosi/hiperaktivnost/ADHD  pri odraslem?

in kako se lahko pomaga?

user posted image   

Spolno ga zlorabi.Sredi sexa zihr ne bo šel žarnice menjat user posted image

a si zihr?


....v glavnem.....komaj čakam poletje!!!!!!


(odgovor članu uškinamama)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 52
   RE: kako se kaze....
22.9.2011 10:15:13   
Ti probaj, pa sporoči. Če pa gre med sexom šraufat, nima on motnje pozornosti ampak si ti j.ebačica od k.urca.user posted image


Najina Uš : staršem prijazen otrok.

(odgovor članu *miska.mcc*)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 53
   RE: kako se kaze....
22.9.2011 10:17:59   
Common adult ADD / ADHD symptoms: Trouble concentrating and staying focused Adults with ADD/ADHD often have difficulty staying focused and attending to daily, mundane tasks. For example, you may be easily distracted by irrelevant sights and sounds, quickly bounce from one activity to another, or become bored quickly. Symptoms in this category are sometimes overlooked because they are less outwardly disruptive than the ADD/ADHD symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity—but they can be every bit as troublesome. The symptoms of inattention and concentration difficulties include:
  • “zoning out” without realizing it, even in the middle of a conversation.
  • extreme distractibility; wandering attention makes it hard to stay on track.
  • difficulty paying attention or focusing, such as when reading or listening to others.
  • struggling to complete tasks, even ones that seem simple.
  • tendency to overlook details, leading to errors or incomplete work.
  • poor listening skills; hard time remembering conversations and following directions.

Common adult ADD / ADHD symptoms: Hyperfocus While you’re probably aware that people with ADD/ADHD have trouble focusing on tasks that aren’t interesting to them, you may not know that there’s another side: a tendency to become absorbed in tasks that are stimulating and rewarding. This paradoxical symptom is called hyperfocus. Hyperfocus is actually a coping mechanism for distraction—a way of tuning out the chaos. It can be so strong that you become oblivious to everything going on around you. For example, you may be so engrossed in a book, a TV show, or your computer that you completely lose track of time and neglect the things you’re supposed to be doing. Hyperfocus can be an asset when channeled into productive activities, but it can also lead to work and relationship problems if left unchecked.

Common adult ADD / ADHD symptoms: Disorganization and forgetfulness When you have adult ADD/ADHD, life often seems chaotic and out of control. Staying organized and on top of things can be extremely challenging—as is sorting out what information is relevant for the task at hand, prioritizing the things you need to do, keeping track of tasks and responsibilities, and managing your time. Common symptoms of disorganization and forgetfulness include:
  • poor organizational skills (home, office, desk, or car is extremely messy and cluttered)
  • tendency to procrastinate
  • trouble starting and finishing projects
  • chronic lateness
  • frequently forgetting appointments, commitments, and deadlines
  • constantly losing or misplacing things (keys, wallet, phone, documents, bills)
  • underestimating the time it will take you to complete tasks

Common adult ADD / ADHD symptoms: Impulsivity If you suffer from symptoms in this category, you may have trouble inhibiting your behaviors, comments, and responses. You might act before thinking, or react without considering consequences. You may find yourself interrupting others, blurting out comments, and rushing through tasks without reading instructions. If you have impulse problems, being patient is extremely difficult. For better or for worse, you may go headlong into situations and find yourself in potentially risky circumstances. You may struggle with controlling impulses if you:
  • frequently interrupt others or talk over them
  • have poor self-control
  • blurt out thoughts that are rude or inappropriate without thinking
  • have addictive tendencies
  • act recklessly or spontaneously without regard for consequences
  • have trouble behaving in socially appropriate ways (such as sitting still during a long meeting)

Common adult ADD / ADHD symptoms: Emotional difficulties Many adults with ADD/ADHD have a hard time managing their feelings, especially when it comes to emotions like anger or frustration. Common emotional symptoms of adult ADD/ADHD include:
  • sense of underachievement
  • doesn’t deal well with frustration
  • easily flustered and stressed out
  • irritability or mood swings
Common adult ADD / ADHD symptoms: Hyperactivity or restlessness Hyperactivity in adults with ADD/ADHD can look the same as it does in kids. You may be highly energetic and perpetually “on the go” as if driven by a motor. For many people with ADD/ADHD, however, the symptoms of hyperactivity become more subtle and internal as they grow older. Common symptoms of hyperactivity in adults include:
  • feelings of inner restlessness, agitation
  • tendency to take risks
  • getting bored easily
  • racing thoughts
  • trouble sitting still; constant fidgeting
  • craving for excitement
  • talking excessively
  • doing a million things at once

Toliko zaenkrat. Ker kerensa obvlada angleščino, ti bo lahko prevedlauser posted image user posted image user posted image

(odgovor članu urška)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 54
   RE: kako se kaze....
22.9.2011 10:20:34   



khm khm!

kako se kaže motnja pozornosi/hiperaktivnost/ADHD  pri odraslem?

in kako se lahko pomaga?

user posted image   

Spolno ga zlorabi.Sredi sexa zihr ne bo šel žarnice menjat user posted image

a si zihr?

na žalost to ni ziher pri adhdjevcih. samo tako kot sem že rekla: on tak pač je, ti se moraš pa prilagajat. torej, vedno pred seksom preveri, če vse žarnice delajouser posted image user posted image user posted image

(odgovor članu *miska.mcc*)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 55
   RE: kako se kaze....
22.9.2011 11:25:44   





khm khm!

kako se kaže motnja pozornosi/hiperaktivnost/ADHD  pri odraslem?

in kako se lahko pomaga?

user posted image   

Spolno ga zlorabi.Sredi sexa zihr ne bo šel žarnice menjat user posted image

a si zihr?

na žalost to ni ziher pri adhdjevcih. samo tako kot sem že rekla: on tak pač je, ti se moraš pa prilagajat. torej, vedno pred seksom preveri, če vse žarnice delajouser posted image user posted image user posted image

žarnic mogoče ne, bo pa ves čas preverjal če je spodaj ni kaj preveč v levo al desno nagnjeno user posted image user posted image user posted image

bdw. AMPAK moja malenkost je še vedno mnenja da to ni Adh


Kdor govori za menoj, govori z mojo ritjo!!

I saw an angel become the devil
Still they look pretty good hand in hand
Well baby, I don't need any of them
Heaven nor hell

(odgovor članu urška)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 56
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