Nokia C5 03-pomoč (Polna verzija)

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shakira -> Nokia C5 03-pomoč (14.7.2011 21:36:38)

Kako prek bluetooth pošlješ komad in pa kako ga izbrišeš? Probavam vse sorte pa mi ne da možnosti pošlji ali zbriši????

mateyka -> RE: Nokia C5 03-pomoč (14.7.2011 21:48:21)

malo premalo informacij si dala. mobitel in računalnik, dva telefona - kaj?
prvo moraš preverit če se oba "vidita". če ti mobitel vidi računalnik in je "connected" in da računalnik vidi telefon (in da je povezava z njim ok). ali pač telefona med sabo.

shakira -> RE: Nokia C5 03-pomoč (14.7.2011 22:00:57)

mobitel-mobitel. fora je v tem, ker mi sploh ne pokaže pošlji ali zbriši.
Ne vem no, mal mi je čudno, da nima te opcije, ker ponavadi jo imajo vsi telefoni. 

jullie -> RE: Nokia C5 03-pomoč (14.7.2011 22:10:31)

..tudi js sem že iskala, da bi poslala preko bluetooth-a pa nisem našla..verjetno bi mogla v navodila pogledat..sej naprimer filmčke tudi ne moreš v galeriji brisat tako kot slike..moraš prav odpreti program RealPlayer in tam šele zbrišeš[sm=zmeden.gif]

shakira -> RE: Nokia C5 03-pomoč (14.7.2011 22:15:04)


..tudi js sem že iskala, da bi poslala preko bluetooth-a pa nisem našla..verjetno bi mogla v navodila pogledat..sej naprimer filmčke tudi ne moreš v galeriji brisat tako kot slike..moraš prav odpreti program RealPlayer in tam šele zbrišeš[sm=zmeden.gif]

čudno je ta telefon narejen.Jaz sem šla 10x čez navodila pa piše za slike pa za video, za musko pa ne[image][/image]

Če katera izve kako naj prosim napiše, ker drugače ne bom mogla spat[image][/image]

mateyka -> RE: Nokia C5 03-pomoč (14.7.2011 22:21:07)

za izbris fajla:

Hello friend I got both of you problem. You have same problem. Follow the step as given here. First choose menu by pressing menu button then choose option music player from menus then select option “all songs” then find the song you want delete. Then touch the song for the 2 or 3 seconds. Then you will see popup menu then choose delete option from the list then press ok. I certainly think that this may help you. If any other query post on this forum.

Thank you, friend for giving you suggestion about this. It had made me so crazy. Finally I got the solution. I come to know how to delete the song. I have to hold the selected file for sometime then it will display the list, from that list select delete option. And music will be deleted. Thanks a lot. You don’t know what you have done for me. I was tired of this. Once again would like to thank you heartily.

mateyka -> RE: Nokia C5 03-pomoč (14.7.2011 22:22:35)

za prenos fajlov:

hai i buy recently c5-03
i could not send music files to other phone via blutooth.
images, videos can send via blutooth, but songs mp3 only couldnot???????????????????

open music player select a playlist open tap and hold track a list should appear with send then select Bluetooth

ok thanks
now it works

shakira -> RE: Nokia C5 03-pomoč (14.7.2011 22:26:02)

Hello friend I got both of you problem. You have same problem. Follow the step as given here. First choose menu by pressing menu button then choose option music player from menus then select option “all songs” then find the song you want delete. Then touch the song for the 2 or 3 seconds. Then you will see popup menu then choose delete option from the list then press ok. I certainly think that this may help you. If any other query post on this forum.

Thank you, friend for giving you suggestion about this. It had made me so crazy. Finally I got the solution. I come to know how to delete the song. I have to hold the selected file for sometime then it will display the list, from that list select delete option. And music will be deleted. Thanks a lot. You don’t know what you have done for me. I was tired of this. Once again would like to thank you heartily.

Mateyka hvala hvala. Se že ves dan hecam s tem. Samo so pa čudno tole naredili,morš res z občutkom pritisnit[image][/image]

mateyka -> RE: Nokia C5 03-pomoč (14.7.2011 22:27:20)

I found this on a T-Mobile community site and it was very helpful, I have the stock internet browser - "There are 2 ways that I know of to delete them individually. First, if you use the stock internet browser you can go to setting>more>downloads. If you press and hold on a file then it will give you the option to clear from the list and delete the file from your sd card. If you clear your downloads regularly then the 2nd best option imo is to download a file manager. Astro is the app I have but there are also some other ones that are useful

shakira -> RE: Nokia C5 03-pomoč (14.7.2011 22:28:04)

Sm vedla kam se moram obrnit. Sm vprašala najmanj 15 ljudi pa noben ni imel pojma

shakira -> RE: Nokia C5 03-pomoč (14.7.2011 22:31:23)

Je pa res, da podobno sem poskušala pa ni šlo, mi je vedno začelo predvajati glasbo. Ko sm tole prebrala sm probavala pa je ratalo ene petič, sedaj gre pa čist lahko[image][/image]

mateyka -> RE: Nokia C5 03-pomoč (14.7.2011 22:32:44)

lepo spi [sm=smiley1.gif]

mateyka -> RE: Nokia C5 03-pomoč (14.7.2011 22:33:24)


Je pa res, da podobno sem poskušala pa ni šlo, mi je vedno začelo predvajati glasbo. Ko sm tole prebrala sm probavala pa je ratalo ene petič, sedaj gre pa čist lahko[image][/image]

vse je v psihi [sm=smiley36.gif]

shakira -> RE: Nokia C5 03-pomoč (14.7.2011 22:39:23)



Je pa res, da podobno sem poskušala pa ni šlo, mi je vedno začelo predvajati glasbo. Ko sm tole prebrala sm probavala pa je ratalo ene petič, sedaj gre pa čist lahko[image][/image]

vse je v psihi [sm=smiley36.gif]

[image][/image], ne resno, ker ima sodelavec podobnega pa ima na podobno foro pa je probaval pri mojem pa ni šlo, zdej gre pa na komot. Ga je bilo potrbno aktivirat[image][/image]

enako, nočko

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