Golf with a Nun (Polna verzija)

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karmy -> Golf with a Nun (4.8.2005 12:18:15)

A Catholic priest and a nun were taking a rare afternoon off and enjoying a round of golf.
The priest stepped up to the first tee and took a mighty swing.
He missed the ball entirely and said
"Shit, I missed."

The good Sister told him to watch his language.

On his next swing, he missed again.
"Shit, I missed."

"Father, I'm not going to play with you if you keep swearing," the nun said tartly.

The priest promised to do better and the round continued.
On the 4th tee, he misses again.
The usual comment followed.

Sister is really mad now and says,
"Father George, God is going to strike you dead if you keep swearing like that."

On the next tee, Father George swings and misses again.
"Shit, I missed."

A terrible rumble is heard and a gigantic bolt of lightning comes out of the sky and strikes Sister Marie dead in her tracks.

And from the sky comes a booming voice .......

"Shit, I missed."


mamsi -> Golf with a Nun (4.8.2005 12:22:40)

:)-:)-:)-:)-:)-, toooo, Bog je faca!

Anonimen -> Golf with a Nun (4.8.2005 12:27:45)

Jaz vem enga fajnga!!

Pred javno hišo nek pes naskakuje psico. Pri tem sta precej živahna, in tako padeta skozi kletno okno v klet. Dogajanje opazuje majhen fantiček.Malo se obotavlja, nato pa stopi do vrat javne hiše in pozvoni. Vrata odpre "ta glavna " javne hiše, fantek p pravi: "Teta kur*a, vaša reklama je padla v klet!":bravo::bravo::bravo:

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