Je to nova modna muha? (Polna verzija)

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luka jan -> Je to nova modna muha? (10.9.2010 16:34:23)

....da kupiš mobitel in zraven zelo ugodno kupiš še avto, ali pa avto in s tem postaneš naročnik mobilnega operaterja?[sm=zmeden.gif]

Me samo zanima, če je to trend, ki se zna obdržat, ali samo modna muha enodnevnica??[sm=zmeden.gif]

Anonimen -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (10.9.2010 17:06:02)

Ni modna muha, je že dolgo poznan način skupnega trženja, ali co-branding, da se sliši bolj učeno.

TomTaylor -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (10.9.2010 18:07:43)

dokler mi moja stara 6300 okej služi, ne kupim novga mobitela vse dokler mi avta zraven gratis ne dajo.

Saša27 -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (10.9.2010 18:54:59)


dokler mi moja stara 6300 okej služi, ne kupim novga mobitela vse dokler mi avta zraven gratis ne dajo.

[image][/image][image][/image][image][/image] dobra trditev, ni kaj....

luka jan -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (10.9.2010 19:10:31)


dokler mi moja stara 6300 okej služi, ne kupim novga mobitela vse dokler mi avta zraven gratis ne dajo.

Pod tole se pa tudi jaz podpišem, čeprav gratis avta se pa res ne bi branila.[sm=smiley1.gif]

Sem bila pa danes prav presenečena, ko v Mobitelovem centru čakam v vrsti in gospod pred mano debatira z uslužbencem, da bi imel dva mobitela in dva avta, enega zase in drugega za ženo. Sem kar debelo pogledala od kdaj se to dvoje dobi skupaj, po drugi strani pa mi je bilo kar malo žal da nisem njegova žena.[sm=smiley36.gif][sm=jezicek.gif][sm=jezicek.gif]

tofsi -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (10.9.2010 22:53:01)

Kateri paket pa je to? Mislite igračo ali pravi avto?

čipka -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (13.9.2010 9:37:09)


Kateri paket pa je to? Mislite igračo ali pravi avto?


Sem se spomnila na reklamo, ki se je okoli leta 92 predvajala v Ameriki. Če si kupil njihov avto(ne vem kater), si dobila zraven Yugota (našega) za 1 dolar.[image][/image] Res, umrla od smeha.

luka jan -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (13.9.2010 10:59:38)


Kateri paket pa je to? Mislite igračo ali pravi avto?

Ne, ne gre za igračko, ampak čisto pravi avto.[sm=smiley1.gif]
Gre za prodajno akcijo Vroče Povezani, ki omogoča ugodnejši nakup avtomobila Mini. V bistvu dobiš pri nakupu telefona Samsung Galaxy S kupon, s katerim lahko Minija potem kupiš bistveno cenej, sodelujeješ pa lahko kot obstoječi, ali pa novi naročnik. Vsaj tako so mi na hitro razložili v Mobitelovem centru.

Tukaj je še bolj podrobno vse opisano:

luka jan -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (16.9.2010 11:28:14)


Ni modna muha, je že dolgo poznan način skupnega trženja, ali co-branding, da se sliši bolj učeno.

Poznam co-branding, samo pri nas tega še nisem zasledila.
Pa razumela bi da bi na tak način oglaševali čevlje in oblačila, ampak telefon in avto ?[sm=zmeden.gif] To mi pa res ne gre v račun.[sm=smiley1.gif][sm=smiley1.gif]

Lenči_ -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (16.9.2010 13:48:59)


dokler mi moja stara 6300 okej služi, ne kupim novga mobitela vse dokler mi avta zraven gratis ne dajo.


KATI321 -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (16.9.2010 14:12:14)

[image][/image] Mogoče pa dobiš polek mobitela avto takšne kvalitete, da lahko hitro kličeš servis.[image][/image] Upam da je številka servisa vnešena.

Lenči_ -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (16.9.2010 14:24:36)

Jaz pa grem zdaj na SIMOBIL. So packi na mobitelu. So kr zvišali naročnino.. haalooooo ? papa Mobitel!

luka jan -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (16.9.2010 22:01:30)


[image][/image] Mogoče pa dobiš polek mobitela avto takšne kvalitete, da lahko hitro kličeš servis.[image][/image] Upam da je številka servisa vnešena.

Žal ga ne dobiš, ampak kupiš.
Kvaliteta se mi pa tu res ne zdi vprašljiva, gre za Minija, ki je po moje kar dober avto. Samo zame je premajhen in žal tudi predrag.[sm=smiley19.gif]

špelin@ -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (16.9.2010 22:23:22)

Kateri paket pa je to? Mislite igračo ali pravi avto?


Sem se spomnila na reklamo, ki se je okoli leta 92 predvajala v Ameriki. Če si kupil njihov avto(ne vem kater), si dobila zraven Yugota (našega) za 1 dolar.[image][/image] Res, umrla od smeha.

Mene je bilo ob temle takrat tako sram [image][/image]

Jessy -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (17.9.2010 9:41:43)


Kateri paket pa je to? Mislite igračo ali pravi avto?


Sem se spomnila na reklamo, ki se je okoli leta 92 predvajala v Ameriki. Če si kupil njihov avto(ne vem kater), si dobila zraven Yugota (našega) za 1 dolar.[image][/image] Res, umrla od smeha.

Mene je bilo ob temle takrat tako sram [image][/image]

Ali pa v nanizanki Blue Moon (vsaj zdi se mi), ko je en tip imel Yugota (ga je dobil kot službeni avto) in se ga je hotel znebiti, pa ga je peljal v črnsko četrt, kjer vsak avto ukradejo. Glej ga vraga, Yugota so pa kar pustili nedotaknjenega! [image][/image] Sploh ga niso hoteli! [image][/image]

špelin@ -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (17.9.2010 9:50:29)



Kateri paket pa je to? Mislite igračo ali pravi avto?


Sem se spomnila na reklamo, ki se je okoli leta 92 predvajala v Ameriki. Če si kupil njihov avto(ne vem kater), si dobila zraven Yugota (našega) za 1 dolar.[image][/image] Res, umrla od smeha.

Mene je bilo ob temle takrat tako sram [image][/image]

Ali pa v nanizanki Blue Moon (vsaj zdi se mi), ko je en tip imel Yugota (ga je dobil kot službeni avto) in se ga je hotel znebiti, pa ga je peljal v črnsko četrt, kjer vsak avto ukradejo. Glej ga vraga, Yugota so pa kar pustili nedotaknjenega! [image][/image]  Sploh ga niso hoteli! [image][/image]

Jp, v seriji Moonlighting (Delo na črno), je to storil Bruce Willis [image][/image] Pa če se prav spomnim, so mu potem ukradli čevlje, avta pa ne...

Drugače pa - Yugo ima lepo zabavljaško zgodovino [image][/image]

  • Dragnet - A 1987 movie with Tom Hanks and Dan Aykroyd. The Yugo in question was issued to the pair when they wrecked several other cars and the police department was reluctant to issue them anything more expensive.
  • Drowning Mona - An explanation informs viewers that the setting (Verplanck, New York) was a test market for Yugos. The cars in the movie were provided by Apple Motors in Denver, Colorado.
  • The Birdcage - Features a yellow Yugo Cabrio in Miami.
  • Bowfinger - The main character produced a documentary called The Yugo Story.
  • Die Hard: With a Vengeance - Bruce Willis is seen driving a yellow Yugo on the FDR Drive in NYC (Samuel L. Jackson was in the passenger seat).
  • The Crow - A 1994 movie; in it, a Yugo meets its demise in a collision on a rainy night with a muscle car.
  • The Nutty Professor - A 1996 movie remake; in it, the professor makes mention of intending to purchase a Yugo instead of a sports car with his company's money.
  • Savior
  • Domino (film)
Dragnet opening frame from the 1967 version. ... Thomas Jeffrey Hanks (born July 9, 1956) is a two-time Academy Award-winning American actor who starred in family-friendly comedies before achieving notable success as a dramatic actor. ... Dan Aykroyd (left) with John Belushi in The Blues Brothers Daniel Edward Aykroyd (born July 1, 1952) is an Academy Award-nominated Canadian comedian, actor, screenwriter and musician. ... Drowning Mona DVD cover Drowning Mona is a 2000 US crime comedy starring Danny DeVito as Wyatt Rash, a local police chief from Verplanck, New York, who investigates a mysterious death of Mona Dearly (played by Bette Midler), a spiteful, loud-mouthed and around the town highly unpopular woman, who... Flag Seal Nickname: The Mile-High City Location Location of Denver in Colorado Coordinates , Government City-County Denver (coextensive) Mayor John Hickenlooper (D) Geographical characteristics Area     City 154. ... Official language(s) English Capital Denver Largest city Denver Area  - Total   - Width   - Length    - % water  - Latitude  - Longitude Ranked 8th 104,185 sq mi  269 837 km² 280 miles  451 km 380 miles  612 km 0. ... The Birdcage DVD cover The Birdcage is a 1996 movie (a re-make of La Cage aux Folles) which starred Robin Williams, Nathan Lane, Dianne Wiest, Christine Baranski, Calista Flockhart, Gene Hackman, Dan Futterman, and Hank Azaria. ... The Middle Finger gesture (possibly offensive) The finger, as in giving someone the finger, known variously as the one-finger salute, the highway salute, flicking (someone) off, flipping (someone) off, flipping the bird, showing someone the middle finger, digital signalling, Thumbs up plus 2, or the Trudeau salute (in Canada... Die Hard: With a Vengeance, the third film in the Die Hard series starring Bruce Willis as policeman John McClane, adds Samuel L. Jackson as Zeus Carver, Willis reluctant partner. ... Bruce Willis (born March 19, 1955 as Walter Bruce Willis in Idar-Oberstein, West Germany) is an American actor. ... Franklin Delano Roosevelt (January 30, 1882–April 12, 1945), 32nd President of the United States, the longest-serving holder of the office and the only man to be elected President more than twice, was one of the central figures of 20th century history. ... Flag Seal Nickname: The Big Apple, The Capital of the World[1], Gotham Location Location in the state of New York Government Counties (Boroughs) Bronx (The Bronx) New York (Manhattan) Queens (Queens) Kings (Brooklyn) Richmond (Staten Island) Mayor Michael Bloomberg (R) Geographical characteristics Area    - City 1,214. ... Jackson in The Man Samuel Leroy Jackson (born December 21, 1948) is an Academy Award-nominated American actor. ... The Crow is a comic book series created by James OBarr. ... This article needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of quality. ... Savior refers to a person who helps people achieve Salvation. ... To meet Wikipedias quality standards, this article or section may require cleanup. ... Music
  • Paul Shanklin has a song, In A Yugo, which pokes fun at a liberal couple who buy a Yugo to save gas, only to end up being killed by a produce truck when they swerve to miss a baby duck. The song is sung to the tune of In the Ghetto by Elvis Presley
  • The punk band Left Wing Fascists has a song called I drive a Yugo on the album A Mother's Nightmare.
Paul Shanklin is the creator of many of satirical bits used by Rush Limbaugh. ... Look up liberal on Wiktionary, the free dictionary Liberal may refer to: Politics: Liberalism American liberalism, a political trend in the USA Political progressivism, a political ideology that is for change, often associated with liberal movements Liberty, the condition of being free from control or restrictions Liberal Party, members of... Elvis redirects here. ... Left Wing Fascists is a band from the Tidewater region of Virginia. ... Novels Laurie Halse Anderson (born 1961) writes for children and young adults. ... Cover of US paperback edition of Florida Roadkill Florida Roadkill is the first book in the unnamed series of books by Tim Dorsey which were centered on his character Serge Storms. ... Needful Things is a horror novel written by Stephen King in 1991. ... The Stand is an apocalyptic horror novel by Stephen King. ... Television
  • Saturday Night Live: SNL debuted a spoof television commercial in 1986 for an extremely cheap subcompact car called "Adobe," (a Renault Le Car in disguise) which according to the advertisement is literally made of clay and sells for only $179. The pitchman (played by Phil Hartman) prefaces the car's introduction by declaring, "These days, everyone's talking about the Hyundai, and the Yugo. Both nice cars, if you've got $3,000 or $4,000 to throw around."
  • The Simpsons: Episode #9F07 (Mr. Plow) makes a reference to the Yugo. After totaling both family cars in a drunk driving incident, Homer Simpson makes his way to "Crazy Vaclav's Place of Automobiles" and test drives a subcompact car from a country that "no longer exists". Crazy Vaclav goes on to tell Homer that the car "gets 400 hectares to a tank of kerosene." As Homer attempts to start the car Crazy Vaclav shouts for Homer to "Put it in 'H'!", which is a reference to the Cyrillic alphabet used in the Serbian written language. In Serbian the word for 'Neutral' is 'Neutralan', which is written "Неутралан" with an H. Another reference occurs in episode #EABF01 (The Great Louse Detective) which indicates that Homer's pink sedan may be a Yugo. After discovering that he cannot drive whilst reading a magazine and crashing his pink sedan, he summons a tow truck. He informs the mechanic that he wants his car fixed "with quality GM Parts". The mechanic informs Homer that his car was "made in Croatia" from "old Soviet tanks". Visual cues suggest his car may be a Zastava 128, also known as Zastava Skala 128, Yugoslavian version of original Fiat 128 sedan, which was never sold in the U.S. Coincidentally, Sky One's live-action re-enactment of the Simpsons opening uses a brown Lada Riva as Homer's car.
  • Whose Line Is It Anyway?: At the beginning of every episode Drew Carey makes a joke explaining that the points are useless. In one episode, he said "The points are as useless as a fully loaded, top of the line, Yugo."
  • Yahoo! - the online Internet search engine ran a commercial during NASCAR races featuring a racing team using Yahoo! to get parts for their Yugo race car (making it jet propelled). Team Yugo gets to win the race.
  • Midas - a U.S. automotive repair chain, did a commercial featuring a guy shouting "woo-hoo" whilst performing crazy stunts in a Yugo. As the car is about to crash into a lake the commercial cuts to the shop and the spokesman says "Yugo, what are you going to do?"
  • Moonlighting (TV series): In one episode, David Addison (Bruce Willis) has to drive Yugo instead of 'Maddie' Hayes's (Cybill Shepherd) BMW.
  • My Name is Earl - the car Earl siphons gas out of in "Something to Live For" is a Yugo.
  • Malcolm in the Middle - Malcolm's principal drives a Yugo (in question) in very bad mechanical condition. (Seen in the episode Malcolm films Reese)

Jessy -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (17.9.2010 9:52:07)




Kateri paket pa je to? Mislite igračo ali pravi avto?


Sem se spomnila na reklamo, ki se je okoli leta 92 predvajala v Ameriki. Če si kupil njihov avto(ne vem kater), si dobila zraven Yugota (našega) za 1 dolar.[image][/image] Res, umrla od smeha.

Mene je bilo ob temle takrat tako sram [image][/image]

Ali pa v nanizanki Blue Moon (vsaj zdi se mi), ko je en tip imel Yugota (ga je dobil kot službeni avto) in se ga je hotel znebiti, pa ga je peljal v črnsko četrt, kjer vsak avto ukradejo. Glej ga vraga, Yugota so pa kar pustili nedotaknjenega! [image][/image]  Sploh ga niso hoteli! [image][/image]

Jp, v seriji Moonlighting (Delo na črno), je to storil Bruce Willis [image][/image] Pa če se prav spomnim, so mu potem ukradli čevlje, avta pa ne...

Drugače pa - Yugo ima lepo zabavljaško zgodovino [image][/image]

Točno, ja!!!! Imaš prav!!! [image][/image][image][/image][image][/image]

koala -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (17.9.2010 10:08:54)

Pa v Umri pokončno (ne vem kateri del) se pojavi Yugo, pa tip komentira It s made for economy, not for speed. [image][/image][image][/image][image][/image]

luka jan -> RE: Je to nova modna muha? (18.9.2010 16:18:15)


Jaz pa grem zdaj na SIMOBIL. So packi na mobitelu. So kr zvišali naročnino.. haalooooo ? papa Mobitel!

Tudi sama sem premišljevala o prestopu, pa sem kaj kmalu ugotovila da bodo slej ko prej tudi drugi zvišali ceno, pa bom na istem. Se pa strinjam, da so cene urnebes visoke, povsod. Vsaj zame, ko sem res velika čveka.[sm=smiley1.gif]

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