Thought For Today.. (Polna verzija)

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Kalina -> Thought For Today.. (27.7.2005 23:21:40)

Tkole punce sm se odlocila, ker sm pac tko neki spiritualno razpolozena...tole temo bom odprla, vsak dan bom napisala oz. citirala neko misel ali kaj bila vesela ce bi tudi ve..cist tko za nase duse..:rozica:

"If you feel incomplete, you alone must fill yourself with love in all your empty, shattered spaces."

Kalina -> Thought For Today.. (28.7.2005 5:56:53)

Love me in the lightest part, Love me in full being..

Dobro jutro punce..:rozica:

Lenny -> Thought For Today.. (28.7.2005 8:56:00)

"Imej čas za delo, to je cena uspeha. Imej čas za razmišljanje, to je izvor moči. Imej čas za igro, to je skrivnost mladosti. Imej čas za branje, to je osnova modrosti. Imej čas za prijateljstva, to je pot do sreče. Imej čas za sanjarjenja, to je pot do zvezd. Imej čas, da ljubiš in da si ljubljen-a, to je privilegij bogov. Imej čas za smeh, to je pesem duše."

k1 -> Thought For Today.. (28.7.2005 10:46:17)

Verjemi v svet svojih sanj. :rozica:

Kalina -> Thought For Today.. (29.7.2005 14:50:09)

"To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides."

Kalina -> Thought For Today.. (29.7.2005 22:54:17)

"The highest level of sexual excitement is in a monogamous relationship."

— Warren Beatty

Kalina -> Thought For Today.. (30.7.2005 10:05:34)

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.

-Mother Teresa

Kalina -> Thought For Today.. (31.7.2005 19:35:58)

The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

-Henry Ward Beecher

Kalina -> Thought For Today.. (2.8.2005 21:17:48)

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken bird that cannot fly.

-Langston Hughes

Kalina -> Thought For Today.. (3.8.2005 15:32:32)

"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."

- Benjamin Franklin

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