oka -> RE: COLT ali kdo, ki se spozna na aviacijo (16.4.2010 22:01:25)
A so slučajno do ponedeljka leti odpovedani??? Joj upam, da ne, v nedeljo gre moj na službeno pot, ki si jo želi že full časa :( Če gre z Ryanairom potem ja, so do ponedeljka odpovedani vsi leti na teh relacijah: Ryanair, today (Fri 16th April) confirmed that based on current meteorological forecas_ts, and the continuing emission of volcanic ash into the atmosphere over Iceland, it has decided to cancel all scheduled flights to/from the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Holland, Northern France, Northern Germany, Poland and the Baltic States until 1300hrs on Mon 19 April. This advice is based on the current stable weather trends which continue to blow potentially dangerous volcanic ash across the British Isles, Scandinavia and the Northern European coastline. Za druge prevoznike pa ne vem.