RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (Polna verzija)

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ledenka -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 9:25:29)

maja, vse najboljše!


KatMat -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 9:33:28)

uuu sej res...pozabla povedat...maja...majana...veste kaj sem dobila??? mikser tud [sm=jezicek.gif][sm=jezicek.gif][sm=jezicek.gif][sm=jezicek.gif][sm=jezicek.gif][sm=jezicek.gif][sm=jezicek.gif][sm=jezicek.gif]

ledenka -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 9:35:33)


uuu sej res...pozabla povedat...maja...majana...veste kaj sem dobila??? mikser tud [sm=jezicek.gif][sm=jezicek.gif][sm=jezicek.gif][sm=jezicek.gif][sm=jezicek.gif][sm=jezicek.gif][sm=jezicek.gif][sm=jezicek.gif]

uuuuuuu, fensi [sm=bravo.gif][sm=bravo.gif][sm=bravo.gif]

maja1488 -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 9:38:12)


maja, vse najboljše!


O ledenka...sem vedla, da mi misli bereš :)

Hvala vsem!

maja1488 -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 9:39:05)


uuu sej res...pozabla povedat...maja...majana...veste kaj sem dobila??? mikser tud [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif]

uuu a je tašča kupila?

KatMat -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 9:39:48)



uuu sej res...pozabla povedat...maja...majana...veste kaj sem dobila??? mikser tud [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif]

uuu a je tašča kupila?
ne ...Mat

ledenka -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 9:49:26)




uuu sej res...pozabla povedat...maja...majana...veste kaj sem dobila??? mikser tud [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif]

uuu a je tašča kupila?
ne ...Mat

[sm=smiley20.gif] upam, da po tvojem okusu!

maja, ste zdravi?

ledenka -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 9:50:33)

M. ima besedo za joško - nanana. [sm=smiley36.gif]

ledenka -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 10:02:18)

je katera za Tivoli danes?

maja1488 -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 10:09:04)

M še vedno toži, da jo boli. vročine nima, se pa dere, če pritisnem. Drugače je kot vedno...sitna [image][/image]
Grem pospravljat.

Dudica1 -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 13:14:52)

jaz sem si pa rožice nasadila [image][/image][image][/image][image][/image] juhu...nekaj jih sicer še mam ker mi je zmankal zemlje moram še it pol vse sm že gor znosila...uhhh...

KatMat -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 13:18:57)

evo...vpisana je,maj je plačan...

KatMat -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 13:23:31)


M. ima besedo za joško - nanana. [sm=smiley36.gif]

Rebeka_ -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 13:45:11)

Ojla mamice!

Se javljam po dooooolgem času! Naša punca Sara je tako aktivna, da mi je za računalnik enostavno zmanjkalo časa in energije [image][/image] , res sem vas malo brala, ne tako pogosto, ampak samo preletela sem sem in tja zadnje tri napisane strani, ste prave čveke! [image][/image]
Je pa tudi zame zdaj napočil čas službe, tukaj pa le imam malo več časa [image][/image], tako da se bom pogosteje javljala.

Mi bomo kmalu stari eno leto (15.05.), imamo 8 zobkov, trojke in štirice so na poti, veliki smo nekje 80 cm in imamo okoli 10 kg. Mala je shodila že pred kakšnimi tremi tedni, vendar je še nesigurna in jo moramo zelo pazit, samozavest ima serijsko vgrajeno, tako da se kar spusti in gre, he he he. Prejšnji teden sva imeli uvajanje v vrtec, je zelo dobro prestala, ta teden jo že vozim zjutraj in jo samo oddam. Sicer malo pojokca, ampak neha jokat takoj ko zaprem vrata od igralnice, hvala bogu, drugače bi tudi jaz [image][/image] cel dan! Drugače pa uživa v družbi otrok in se ima čisto fajn. Doma pa je malo drugačna zgodba, ko pridem iz službe me tudi za trenutek ne izpusti, grem povsod v dvojini, na wc, ... pa ponoči se zbuja v joku, samo toliko, da jo vzamem k sebi in se potem drži kot klop do jutra. Drugače pa je fajn.

Že kaj študirate na naslednjo nosečnost? Jooooj, priznam, mene čedalje bolj mika ta misel....

Pozdravček za vse in se beremo bolj pogosto!

majana79 -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 14:12:59)


uuu sej res...pozabla povedat...maja...majana...veste kaj sem dobila??? mikser tud [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif] [sm=jezicek.gif]

bravo! [image][/image] [image][/image]

midva sva bla v mestu od ene 10h, in je še vedno pokonci, očitno sploh ne misli it spat

petra a -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 14:16:01)

ha, rebeka, moj neki sanja, samo no way zaenkrat (pravi mama)[sm=smiley36.gif]

maja-čestitke še z moje strani, lepo praznuj

biskvit za torto mam pečen, zvečer fliknem v kup, jutri pa še zdekoriram

kati-ne sledim najbolje, nova kuhnja in darila za v novo hiško al urejata pr tašči?

petra a -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 14:16:52)

kati-drugače pa super za mamo oz.njena darila, naj ti služijo in bodo v veselje[sm=bravo.gif]

petra a -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 14:29:43)

ledena princesa-kake pregrešne torte limaš[sm=smiley36.gif]

KatMat -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 14:53:28)


ha, rebeka, moj neki sanja, samo no way zaenkrat (pravi mama)[sm=smiley36.gif]

maja-čestitke še z moje strani, lepo praznuj

biskvit za torto mam pečen, zvečer fliknem v kup, jutri pa še zdekoriram

kati-ne sledim najbolje, nova kuhnja in darila za v novo hiško al urejata pr tašči?
pri tasci[sm=smiley36.gif]

tubby -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 15:38:17)

hello [image][/image]

maja vse najbolše pa si spet za leto mlajša [image][/image][image][/image][image][/image]

koala.cek -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 19:01:57)

čer, a bomo kej zakurle ? kera časti ? prav pasal bi mi en bandidos. [image][/image]

koala.cek -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 19:13:17)

pa še nekaj me zanima. ali obstaja kakšna krema za buške ? naša dva sta čist plava in buškasta. skoz neki padata. tavelik s kolesom, tamal pa peš. mož me bo kar čukasto gledal, kva sem jima delala. a je kera justova taprava ?[image][/image]

majana79 -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 20:37:58)

mi nič ne kurimo, sem vesela, da je kurilna sezona mimo [image][/image] mam drv vrh glave

za buške pa ne vem, razen margarine, ampak to morš takoj namazat

evo, neki za smeh, je pa v angleščini pa upam da vse razumete, ene so svetovne

A rough guide to motherhood!

* Bribery works
* It’s perfectly OK to have a glass of wine at 5.30pm
* Before children, luxury is a day at a spa. Afterwards it’s having a bowel movement without someone shouting at you through the door. [image][/image]
* Feminism has done me no favours. I now have to cook, clean, wash clothes, look after a child as well as going to work, making important decisions and balancing books.
* Baby wipes clean everything. So you can throw all your old cleaning products away – there’s no need for them any more (se strinjam [image][/image] [image][/image] )
* It is possible for a one year old to get stuck in a cat flap, and if he does, it will be a toss up whether you free them or run for the camera.
* You can tell your child’s height by looking at the snot marks on your jeans.
* If there’s a hole, they will put something into it.
* A small child weighing no more than two stone takes up at least two thirds of a king size double bed (o ja)
* The male incapacity to keep hands and willy apart starts at a distressingly young age (definitivno [image][/image] [image][/image] )
* There’s no one like a young child for letting your friends know what you really think of them
* Children don’t actually die if they eat cat food… it may even give them shinier hair and stronger teeth (evo ledenka [image][/image] [image][/image] )
* Babies are just as happy with the box something came in as they would be with any toy you could buy them. (resnično) Consequently, second children mostly own boxes that boring things came in
* Just when you have managed to move everything out of their reach, they will learn to get a chair to make themselves taller
* Opening a new box of nappy sacks to discover that they are a different colour to the normal ones (and subconsciously debating which you prefer) can be the highlight of your day
* The number of people with second children makes it a statistical possibility that somebody, somewhere, will find your post natal body attractive again
* You will stare at other parents’ buggies to check out whether they are better than yours even though you know it is a sad thing to do LOL
* No matter how squeamish you are, you will, at some point, cup your hands to catch their sick
* You will prod your sleeping baby just to check they’re still alive
* You will regularly shout “Stop Shouting” at the top of your voice
* Whatever your intentions, you will end up sounding just like your mother
* If you dro_p the baby, it’s an accident; but if your partner puts her down a touch too hard, it’s grounds for full scale war
* You will find that your partner’s need for sleep is always greater than yours
* It doesn’t make you a bad parent if you draw a moustache on the baby for a laugh, but it’s best not to do it with indelible marker the day before an appointment with the health visitor [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]
* If you make home seem really boring, they will be much more willing to go to school
* You must accept that once your child can talk, they will from then on know more than you and you will become more stupid in proportion to their increasingly knowledge
* Do not buy a yellow potty
* Other people’s babies – the ones who sleep through the night from two weeks, and behave immaculately in later months – are cobbled together in a laboratory somewhere [image][/image] [image][/image]
* If you feel there is any chance of the cuddly toy you are about to purchase being “THE ONE”, buy two and save yourself a lot of trauma later
* Never wake a sleeping baby – unless it’s got jaundice
* At the supermarket, put everything they nag you for in your trolley, then, when they aren’t looking, take it all out and scatter it in the aisles [image][/image] [image][/image]
* When your small baby hasn’t had a poo for two days, you should dress it in a babygro with feet attached
* Get one of those “radio” phones that allows you to walk about the house while you talk. That way you can wipe bottoms, sort out fights and even do the ironing while you chat to friends. Alternatively, you could tie a phone to your head with a pair of tights
* Similar to Newton’s third law, for every opinion in parenthood there is an opposite opinion – but not an equal one. Trust yourself – not your mother in law!
ene so me nasmejale do joka [image][/image] [image][/image]

maja1488 -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 20:46:54)

Hvala hvala vsem za lepe želje!

koala.cek -> RE: Z majčki 2009 - 12. del (30.4.2010 20:49:41)


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