Meni je tolk simpatična (Polna verzija)

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Anonimen -> Meni je tolk simpatična (5.7.2005 10:14:19)

... da jo bom še sem prilepila.

Žal je v angleščini in sem lena k ****s, ker se mi ne da prevest:hudicek:

You know You're (or were) an Architecture Student when

1.the alarm clock tells you when to go to sleep.'re not ashamed of drooling in class anymore, especially in the Structures lesson. know what UHU tastes like.

4.redbull, coffee and cokes are tools, not treats.'ve slept more than 20 hours non-stop in a single
weekend.'ve listened to all your CDs in less than 48
hours.'re not seen in public. lose your house keys for a week, and you don't
even notice.'ve used an entire role of film to photograph the
sidewalk. become excellent at recycling when making
models. take notes and messages with a rapidograph and
colour markers. see holidays only as extra sleeping time.'ve got more photos of buildings than of actual
people.'ve taken your girlfriend on a date to a
construction site. can live without human contact, food or daylight, but if you can't print, it's chaos.

16.when you are being shown pictures of a trip, you
ask what the human scale is. can use Photoshop, Illustrator, and make a web
page, but you don't know how to use Excel. refer to great architects (dead or alive) by
the first name as if you knew them. (Frank, Corbu, Mies, Norman...). buy 50 dollars architectural magazines that you
haven't read yet.

20.when someone offers you a BIC pen, you feel

zoya_ -> Meni je tolk simpatična (5.7.2005 10:16:14)

pikec mamo pr nas na vratih prpopano že nekaj dni... :)-

Anonimen -> Meni je tolk simpatična (5.7.2005 10:20:00)

Mi tudi in se že ene par dni režim, vsakič k se spomnim... ker je vsaj 99% resnice v tem.
Sploh kokakola, red bull in kofe :)-:)-:)-

Anonimen -> Meni je tolk simpatična (5.7.2005 10:34:34)

ojoj :) glih opravt mam z arhitekti :) pa nekoč sem mela veliko željo tut sama postat pa je lenoba zmagala, sploh k tole berem :) hehe!

pikec a poznaš studio arhitekta iz šk. loke?


Anonimen -> Meni je tolk simpatična (5.7.2005 10:42:44)

Neki se mi bliska. Se mi zdi, da je en sošolec pri njih zaposlen. Zakaj?

Anja -> Meni je tolk simpatična (5.7.2005 10:45:33)

when someone offers you a BIC pen, you feel


ne zastopim...:ups:

a se vam zdi to tak svoh kuli? al rajsi s PCjem delas?

Anonimen -> Meni je tolk simpatična (5.7.2005 10:49:54)

Zato Anja, ker menda vsi fensi arhitekti pišejo s fensi dragimi nalivnimi peresi s črno tinto.

Jest prisegam na Pilot 0.7 ballgrip. Pač nisem fensi...:)-:)-:)-

Anonimen -> Meni je tolk simpatična (5.7.2005 11:19:17)

Dobr da zastopm :zmeden2:

Anonimen -> Meni je tolk simpatična (5.7.2005 11:23:40)

k so mi zdele dal predračun za pgd. ena nataš vem kako se že piše. delajo pa men ful dobre bajte, take ful moderne. všeč ja ja!

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