Petka09 -> RE: Facebook (31.1.2010 15:50:53)
IZVIRNO SPOROČILO: MTFP še enkrat sprašujem, če katera ve, ker ste šle čist v drugo smer[sm=jezicek.gif] ali je kaka bljižnica kako izbrisati VSE objave na zidu naenkrat, ali je potrebno vsako posebej? Tole piše v Help-u na FB: How do I delete my entire wall?At this time, you cannot delete all Wall posts with a single click. However, you can control the visibility of posts by others by following these steps: - Go to the "Profile Information" section of the Privacy Settings page.
- Scroll down to the "Wall Posts" section. The drop-down menu will allow you to choose who can view the content that is posted to your Wall by your friends. If you want to prevent people from posting to your Wall, uncheck the box next to the "Friends may post to my Wall" option.
- You can also control which stories appear on your Wall every time you share content. When sharing something, look for the lock icon. Clicking on it will bring up a menu that lets you choose who will be able to see your post.