A bo kdo popravil ... (Polna verzija)

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ona -> A bo kdo popravil ... (7.12.2009 18:50:19)

Se opravičujem za tak naslov,ker sploh ne vem kako naslovit...
torej,imam en problem,ki pa traja že veliko časa.Ko kliknem na moja ringaraja,traja celo večnost,da se mi sploh odpre,potem,ko hočem in na stran forumi v moja ringaraja spet traja celo večnost in en kup klikanja preden se mi spet odpre...je sploh kakšna možnost tole popravit ali bo vedno tako?
Prosim moderatorje za odgovor!Hvala!

rija -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (7.12.2009 18:51:22)

zato jaz sovražim ZS....postanem prej stara, kot pa mi kaj odpre[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/hudicek1.gif[/image]

Brisani uporabnik -> [Brisano sporočilo] (7.12.2009 19:03:42)

[Vsebina sporočila je bila izbrisana]

mika -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (7.12.2009 19:05:32)

ma kaj ZS...jaz komaj  RR odprem...sem pisala na drugi temi

Kliki -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (7.12.2009 19:27:16)

ja res traja celo večnost potem pa včasih sploh ne odpre. Prej je sem 5krat kliknila da se je odprlo.

Jerneja_ -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (7.12.2009 20:34:19)

Trenutno dela vse tako, kot mora. Jaz nimam težav. Nimam podatkov o tem, da bi kaj nadgrajevali in da bi bil zaradi tega problem. Upam, da ne bo več težav. 

ona -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (7.12.2009 23:32:01)

Še vedno je isto kot prej[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/smiley13.gif[/image]

ona -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (7.12.2009 23:32:48)

To se pa že nekaj časa dogaja,odkar je bila zadnja sprememba,mogoče že pred par meseci.

Onasiss -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (7.12.2009 23:37:07)


zato jaz sovražim ZS....postanem prej stara, kot pa mi kaj odpre[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/hudicek1.gif[/image]

A zato mi nisi odgovorila.....[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/smiley36.gif[/image][image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/smiley36.gif[/image][image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/smiley36.gif[/image]

Onasiss -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (7.12.2009 23:44:22)

Že cel dan meni še nekaterim, ko napišeš kaj in potem potrdiš napiše tole...
We are sorry...

You are seeing this message because of one of the following reasons:
  1. Your session timed out.
  2. The server was restarted before you made a HTTP POST (posting a message, registering an account, login, etc.)

Problem #1:

You probably spent too much time and your session timed out. This is, however, rarely the cause of the problem because we implemented a session keep-alive mechanism to prevent this issue from happening. However, the server itself could have experienced some problems that prevented this mechanism to work as it should, and therefore we cannot completely rule out the possibility of this either.
You need to make sure your browser has cookies enabled. See below for instructions:
Netscape Communicator 4+:
  • Select "Edit" from the browser Menu bar
  • Select "Preferences"
  • Double click on "Advanced"
  • Verify that "Accept only cookies that get sent back to the originating server" is selected
  • Select the "OK" button

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4+:
  • Select "View" from the browser Menu bar
  • Select "Internet Options"
  • Select "Security" tab
  • Select "Custom (for expert users)" security level and select the "Settings" button
  • Locate "Cookies" and verify that "Allow per-session cookies (not stored)" is enabled
  • Select the "OK" button on the "Security" window
  • Select the "OK" button on the "Internet Options" window

If you already have cookies enabled and still experienced the problem, see problem #2 below for other possible causes.

Problem #2:

Your server experienced problems and was forced to restart. Restarting a server will erase all session data and our protective mechansim had no choice but to drop your HTTP POST because we had no way to identify you without valid session data.
Many forum administrators host their forums on shared servers, on which could have more than 200 sites hosted together. Sometimes the server has to be restarted because some badly written programs on other sites may drain the CPU/RAM and cause the IIS to restart itself. This is unfortunately an inevitable situation that many site administrators and its users have to face from time to time.

Technical Information

Jerneja_ -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (8.12.2009 10:11:46)

Napaka je prijavljena. Hvala za obvestilo.

ona -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (8.12.2009 12:54:13)

Pri meni še vedno ni nobene razlike,kot razumem,naj bi se tole poštimalo?

Jerneja_ -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (8.12.2009 13:05:12)

Ona je javljeno, da jutri pa je rok za odpravo napake.

rija -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (8.12.2009 15:18:31)



zato jaz sovražim ZS....postanem prej stara, kot pa mi kaj odpre[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/hudicek1.gif[/image]

A zato mi nisi odgovorila.....[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/smiley36.gif[/image] [image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/smiley36.gif[/image] [image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/smiley36.gif[/image]

na evo....[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/hudicek1.gif[/image]

potem pa ljudje mislijo, da jih ne šljivim 5 posto[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/hudicek1.gif[/image]

rija -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (8.12.2009 15:19:34)


Trenutno dela vse tako, kot mora. Jaz nimam težav. Nimam podatkov o tem, da bi kaj nadgrajevali in da bi bil zaradi tega problem. Upam, da ne bo več težav. 

jerneja, to ni problem tipa "trenutno" [image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/zmeden.gif[/image]

to je konstantni problem, da šrota pol ure, preden odpre zs[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/hudicek1.gif[/image] jaz sploh nimam volje klikat na tisto kuverto.....

rožca26 -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (8.12.2009 15:28:14)


Že cel dan meni še nekaterim, ko napišeš kaj in potem potrdiš napiše tole...
We are sorry...

You are seeing this message because of one of the following reasons:
  1. Your session timed out.
  2. The server was restarted before you made a HTTP POST (posting a message, registering an account, login, etc.)

Problem #1:

You probably spent too much time and your session timed out. This is, however, rarely the cause of the problem because we implemented a session keep-alive mechanism to prevent this issue from happening. However, the server itself could have experienced some problems that prevented this mechanism to work as it should, and therefore we cannot completely rule out the possibility of this either.
You need to make sure your browser has cookies enabled. See below for instructions:
Netscape Communicator 4+:
  • Select "Edit" from the browser Menu bar
  • Select "Preferences"
  • Double click on "Advanced"
  • Verify that "Accept only cookies that get sent back to the originating server" is selected
  • Select the "OK" button

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4+:
  • Select "View" from the browser Menu bar
  • Select "Internet Options"
  • Select "Security" tab
  • Select "Custom (for expert users)" security level and select the "Settings" button
  • Locate "Cookies" and verify that "Allow per-session cookies (not stored)" is enabled
  • Select the "OK" button on the "Security" window
  • Select the "OK" button on the "Internet Options" window

If you already have cookies enabled and still experienced the problem, see problem #2 below for other possible causes.

Problem #2:

Your server experienced problems and was forced to restart. Restarting a server will erase all session data and our protective mechansim had no choice but to drop your HTTP POST because we had no way to identify you without valid session data.
Many forum administrators host their forums on shared servers, on which could have more than 200 sites hosted together. Sometimes the server has to be restarted because some badly written programs on other sites may drain the CPU/RAM and cause the IIS to restart itself. This is unfortunately an inevitable situation that many site administrators and its users have to face from time to time.

Technical Information

ta problem se pojavi tudi pri meni. Včasih pa se zgodi, da sploh nisem več prijavljena, čeprav se sama nism odjavla. [image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/zmeden.gif[/image]
To mi dela zdej že par dni.

Najki -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (8.12.2009 15:31:57)

ja mene tudi ze par dni kar naprej odjavlja

Kliki -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (8.12.2009 15:34:21)



ta problem se pojavi tudi pri meni. Včasih pa se zgodi, da sploh nisem več prijavljena, čeprav se sama nism odjavla. [image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/zmeden.gif[/image]
To mi dela zdej že par dni.
To se men tudi dogaja da me kr sam odjavi.[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/zmeden.gif[/image]

Zvezdici -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (8.12.2009 15:40:33)

Pri meni tudi!

Poleg tega, pa še ko hočem oddati odgovor, moram včasih vse 2x ker mi noče prijeti.
Sedaj imam pa še ta oknček za odgovore čisto čuden in drugačen, kot je bil prej.


Jerneja_ -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (8.12.2009 21:52:51)

Za enkrat mi še programerji še niso sporočili nič novega. Vam javim takoj, ko izvem, da je vse ok [image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/smiley1.gif[/image]. Res čudno, da vam nagaja, ker jaz nimam nobenih problemov, vse dela kot mora. [image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/zmeden.gif[/image]

Anonimen -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (8.12.2009 22:23:13)

Pa to je že prava muka.[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/hudicek1.gif[/image][image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/hudicek1.gif[/image][image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/hudicek1.gif[/image][image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/hudicek1.gif[/image] V 15 minutah najmanj 10 vnovičnih prijav[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/hudicek1.gif[/image]

Jerneja_ -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (9.12.2009 11:41:49)

Napaka se pojavlja zaradi preobremenjenosti serverja. Urejamo.Hvala za razumevanje.

ona -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (9.12.2009 18:07:01)

Ok,hvala,upam,da vam uspe,ker težava je še vedno s tem odpiranjem na moja ringaraja...

Jerneja_ -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (9.12.2009 21:57:32)

Ona meni moj RR odpre v slabih 6 sekundah [image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/zmeden.gif[/image]

Kaj pa imate za en brskalnik?

Anonimen -> RE: A bo kdo popravil ... (9.12.2009 21:58:55)

Še vedno se je treba znova in znova prijavljat.[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/zmeden.gif[/image][image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/hudicek1.gif[/image]

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