mala maja -> a še kera dobiva tak email (30.5.2005 22:08:58)
Ej kaj pravte na email. Matr kaj pa če je vse res. Se spomnim da sem enkrat na šihtu nekej klukala da se strinjam da gre moj mail v eno nagradno igro. KOMENTAR prosssiiiiiimmmmmmmm. MA so mi poslal da sem prišla v ožji izbor in zdej so mi že trikrat eni in isti poslal da neju se jim oglasim da sem bla žrebana-če jest prov razumem tole angleščino:ups::ups::ups::ups: FROM: THE DESK OF THE MANAGING DIRECTOR LUCKYDAY E-MAIL LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONS/PRIZE AWARD DEPT. REF Nº: DTO/7262/802/0982 BATCH Nº:132/892/7546 RE: AWARD NOTIFICATION/ FINAL NOTICE We are pleased to inform you of the result of the LUCKYDAY LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM which was held on the 30TH April, 2005. Due to mix up of names, the results were finally released on 28th May , 2005.Your email address is attached to a ticket number 521-954-752-0125 with serial number 2113-05 drew the lucky numbers 20-96-74-25-95 which consequently won the lottery in the 1st category. You have therefore been approved for a lump sum payout of 1.5M (ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDREND THOUSAND EUROS)in cash credited to the file reference number:KIL/7893/7857 .This is from a total cash price of 22.500,000.00 ( Twenty Two Million Five Hundred Thousand EUROS) shared among fifteen (15) international winners in this grand category. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your winning prize of 1,500,000:00(ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDREND THOUSAND EUROS)is now deposited in a suspense account with our paying office and insured to its real value.Due to the mix up of some numbers and names, we advice that you keep this award from public notice until your claims has been processed and your money remitted to your nominated bank account as this is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unwarranted taking advantage of this program by the general public.All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 2,500,000:00 names and E-mail addresses from Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and North America as part of our international promotions program which we conduct twice every year. We hope that with part of your prize,you will part-take in our summer (mid-year) high stake promotions agenda of 1,3BILLION international lottery. To claim your Prize, you are advice to contact the Head of Claim Department with your Full Name , Home and Office Tel & Fax Number, Mobile Tel Number and also Home & Office Address for the processing of your claims MR.ANDREW ALBERTO C/ Aristoteles 36 28230 Madrid-Spain Tele:+34-617-143-844 E-mail: Foreign Services Manager, Payment and Release order Department. Congratulations once again from all members of our staff and thanks for being part of our promotions program. Best Regards, MRS.ROSE GOMEZ (CLAIMS CO-ORDINATOR) LUCKYDAY LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL