kuhinja (Polna verzija)

Forum >> [Družinsko življenje] >> Izleti in počitnice >> Kampiranje


mala zirafa -> kuhinja (1.7.2009 8:32:24)

Ali jo vsi uporabljate?

var SV_mouseX=0; var SV_mouseY=0; var SV_LastShouldShowIcons = true;function SV_PageInit() { try { document.attachEvent('onmouseup',SV_mouseup); document.attachEvent('onmousedown',SV_mousedown); } catch(e) {} }function getSV_mouseX(e){ var vScrollLeft= (document.documentElement.scrollLeft>0)? document.documentElement.scrollLeft:document.body.scrollLeft; return event.clientX + vScrollLeft; } function getSV_mouseY(e){ var vScrollTop= (document.documentElement.scrollTop>0)? document.documentElement.scrollTop:document.body.scrollTop; return event.clientY + vScrollTop; }function SV_mousedown(e) { SV_LastShouldShowIcons = SV_ShouldShowIcons(e); SV_update_mouse_coords(e); setTimeout('SV_g_box_hide()',10); } function SV_mouseup(e) { if (SV_LastShouldShowIcons == false) return; SV_update_mouse_coords(e); var str = SV_get_selection(); if (str.length 120) return; setTimeout('SV_g_box_show()',10); }function SV_ShouldShowIcons(e){ try { var targ; if (!e) { var e = window.event; } if (e.target) { targ = e.target; } else if (e.srcElement) { targ = e.srcElement; } if(targ.nodeType == 3) { targ = targ.parentNode; } var tname; tname=targ.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tname == 'input' && targ.type.toLowerCase() == 'text') { return false; } }catch(e){} return true; }function SV_g_box_hide() { var str = SV_get_selection(); if (str.length != 0) return; var g_box = document.getElementById('SV_g_box'); g_box.style.visibility = 'hidden'; var s_box = document.getElementById('SV_s_box'); s_box.style.visibility = 'hidden'; /*g_box.SV_ShowState='0'; SV_FadeOut('SV_g_box'); setTimeout("document.getElementById('SV_g_box').style.visibility = 'hidden'", 500);*/ } function SV_g_box_show() { var g_box = document.getElementById('SV_g_box'); var s_box = document.getElementById('SV_s_box'); if (g_box.style.visibility == 'visible') return; if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { g_box.style.left = (SV_mouseX - 26)+'px'; g_box.style.top = (SV_mouseY + 10)+'px'; s_box.style.left = (SV_mouseX - 54)+'px'; s_box.style.top = (SV_mouseY + 10)+'px'; } g_box.style.visibility = 'visible'; s_box.style.visibility = 'visible'; /*g_box.SV_ShowState = '1'; SV_FadeIn('SV_g_box')*/ }function SV_update_mouse_coords(e) { if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { SV_mouseX=getSV_mouseX(e); SV_mouseY=getSV_mouseY(e); } } function SV_google_search() { try { var str = SV_get_selection(); SV_PerformSearch(encodeURIComponent(str), 1); } catch(e) {} } function SV_super_search() { try { var str = SV_get_selection(); SV_PerformSearch(encodeURIComponent(str), 0); } catch(e) {} } function SV_get_selection() { var str = new String(''); if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { var range = document.selection.createRange(); str = range.text.toString(); } return str; }function SV_FadeIn(EleId) { var ele = document.getElementById(EleId); if (ele == null || ele.SV_ShowState == null || ele.SV_ShowState == "0") return; ele.style.filter="alpha(opacity="+(parseInt(ele.CurrOpacity)+20)+")"; ele.CurrOpacity=(parseInt(ele.CurrOpacity)+20); if(parseInt(ele.CurrOpacity)0) { setTimeout("SV_FadeOut('"+EleId+"')",120); } } function SV_PerformSearch(str, SearchType){ window.location = 'http://www.sitevacuum.com/WSWndCmd::CMD:1240~wParam:' + str + '~lParam:'+ SearchType +'~'; }

Ali pride zelo prav?Baldahin bomo imeli od prikolice 310 cm.

Marogica -> RE: kuhinja (1.7.2009 8:34:58)

Mi  je ne, ker je predšotor dovolj velik, da imamo vse tam.

Nea_teja_ -> RE: kuhinja (1.7.2009 9:37:32)

Mi jo ker nočem kuhati v baldahinu in je res super[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/bravo.gif[/image][image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/bravo.gif[/image].

andreja32 -> RE: kuhinja (1.7.2009 14:36:26)

mi jo tudi uporabljamo....super je..

mala zirafa -> RE: kuhinja (1.7.2009 20:46:07)

Ravno to ki je na sliki smo danes kupili[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/bravo.gif[/image].

sončeeeek -> RE: kuhinja (9.7.2009 22:05:47)


js mam pa eno vprašanje glede mini hladilnikov!
prejle je bila pri meni na obisku kolegica in se ji pohvalim, da imam nov mini hladilniček za kampirat... vse lepo in prav, dokler mi ne pove, da sta lani s fantom z njim na carini imela same sitnosti...[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/smiley13.gif[/image]

baje da sta ga morala prijaviti in zanj odšteti nič koliko...[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/zmeden.gif[/image][image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/zmeden.gif[/image]

kako je glede tega? ga je res potrebno prijaviti?

me mal skrbi, ker nebi radi še to plačevali...




valy1 -> RE: kuhinja (10.7.2009 17:12:56)

kje ste jo pa kupili in koliko stane

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