metuljcek321 -> RE: Julijske čveke 2008; 13. del (27.6.2009 16:32:08)
Dan! Danes sem bila pridna: počistila po stanovanju, pobrala 8 mega buč z vrta, jih narezala in hopa v skrinjo, malo prevajala seminar za frendico, za finiš pa še lektorirala še zadnji 2 enoti učbenika, vse poslala, zdaj sem malo frej.Glih se je spet ulilo ... ojej, ojej, prej pa tako sonce - sva bili 2 urci zunaj, mali se je trgalo, tolk je uživala, vriskala, se smejala, copotala, šibala naokoli - joj, še čisto malo ji manjka, da gre sama po svetu[image][/image] Tudi v stajici se kar spušča in stoji brez opore, prav tako ob mizici in sedežni. Komaj čakam na prve korake, po drugi strani pa vem, kako me bo stisnilo, ko bo začela iti po svoje ... punca odrašča ... čist prehitro gre tole, se vam ne zdi? [image][/image] za lepe slikice in napredke! Kako Lan? Any better? Oooo, frutka, bejbi, hello. Res lepo, da se javiš tu in tam ... kar bolj pogosto daj, če bo zneslo. Ksenči, daj kakšno slikico tvojih tort gor za ideje - much appreciated! netki: vodo imamo sabo, hrano tudi (razen kakšnih dnevnih stvari a la kruh/jogurti ipd.) ... torta: zbiram ideje ... darila: sedež za na kolo in čelado rabi, tako da najbrž kar to, pa naša 2 sta ji že kupila avtosedež, ... Majuška, vau, kakšen prazničen zajtrk je bil danes - s čim smo si ga zaslužile? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aha, še tole sem rekla, da vam prilepim ... ko včeraj ni bilo možka, sem zvečer spesnila pesmico za naše julijske otroke & za vas, mamice. Me je že nekajkrat prešinilo, da bi vam nekaj skombinirala, pa nekako nisem prišla do tega. Evo, zdaj mi je uspelo. Ha, ha, samo doktorirat sem mogla vmes[image][/image] [image][/image] Anyway: upam, da vam bo všeč[image][/image] A poem for July babies & their mommies … (metuljcek321, June 2009) Dear ladies! We’ve been friends for a while, I can’t believe how quickly a year has gone by. A public baby forum has brought us together, Chatting is possible in all types of weather. We share everything: the good and the bad, Together we’re thrilled, happy, worried or sad. We all know that finding a friend in need Can be complicated and is then a true blessing – indeed. July babies rock, their mommies rule the “RR”, I can feel that we’ll all get very, very far. We love our babies – they’re really the best, I’m sure you’ve noticed they’re very nicely dressed. Cleaning, cooking, being a wife AND having fun, Taking care of our precious daughter or lovely son, Pampering, cuddling, washing them in the tub – It’s all a piece of cake for our fit yummy-mommy club. Changing a diaper, feeding the baby – it’s never boring, Mommy smiles when the little one’s sleeping and snoring. Fighting with 6th disease, fever and ear ache Makes nights long and keeps us awake. We must try to stay positive and in shape, Even if we want to – there is no escape. Helping them develop, watching them grow Loving them as they are; from head to toe – That is a full-time job, making us tired sometimes But providing us with the feeling of happiness at all times. 1st birthday is approaching & so is a family celebration, The parents’ve been trying to find the perfect location. Balloons, streamers, flowers, presents and a cake, Joy all around us, delicious biscuits, juice and a shake. Our precious little ones keep improving, Their growing-up can be so very moving. Whether the baby laughs or cries, Mommies often have to dry their eyes. We play with them every single day, Then go out, meet and chat in a café. Our babies learn new skills from day to day, Sometimes we have to wipe a few tears away. Scribbling, drinking from a cup or waving goodbye, That’s easy for a toddler, born in July. Taking care of the baby is a demanding job; A never-ending task that makes our heart throb. Keeping them safe and raising them right Should always be put to the spotlight. Watching them grow and develop oh so fast, Makes us realize how quickly time has passed. The baby’s growing is definitively a miracle of life, But sometimes it also cuts like a knife. When the toddler falls ill or has a problem of some sort, Our popular and lively forum is a perfect place to report. Stubbornness, disobedience and temper tantrums occur, Mom needs patience and an occasional glass of liquor. Remembering rules, eating and sleeping well May seem like an impossible mission from hell. But sharing the experience helps us keep in form, It makes us stronger and it keeps our hearts warm. It’s not an easy job handling it all and being a role model But it’s so rewarding, it’s fantastic to watch them toddle. When troubled, giving up is not an option at all, We encourage each other and try to stand tall. Sadly, though, maternity leave’s coming to an end, More and more obligations are lurking ahead. But we’ll stay optimistic and energetic nevertheless, Together we’ll get over the difficulties and the stress.