navadna marela... (Polna verzija)

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kajajaka -> navadna marela... (23.6.2009 16:27:49)

A bi bila katera pripravljena odšteti toliko za navadno marelo? Meni so to zdi pa res kr neki.
Mi nismo glih na tesnem z denarjem (no preveč ga tudi nimamo) pa ne bi nikoli dala 100 € za eno navadno marelo... [image][/image]

misa4 -> RE: navadna marela... (23.6.2009 16:32:09)

Jaz sem mislila, da gre za marelo-voziček[image][/image][image][/image][image][/image]

Cena[image][/image]za en u.s.r.a.n. dežnik, da ga moj za prvim vogalom izgubi[image][/image] ne nikoli ga ne bi kupila

rija -> RE: navadna marela... (23.6.2009 16:37:10)


pa še grd mi je.

maca m -> RE: navadna marela... (23.6.2009 16:42:36)


Jaz sem mislila, da gre za marelo-voziček[image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]

Cena[image][/image] za en u.s.r.a.n. dežnik, da ga moj za prvim vogalom izgubi[image][/image]  ne nikoli ga ne bi kupila

Sem isto mislila. Za tako marelo, ki pa mi sploh ni všeč res nebi dala stotaka.
Ja....ampak je pa od priznanega oblikovalca[image][/image][image][/image][image][/image] pa še ekskluzivni dizajn[image][/image]

mika -> RE: navadna marela... (23.6.2009 16:53:06)

Zato pa piše, dobavljivo po naročilu.

CatJa -> RE: navadna marela... (23.6.2009 17:09:26)

Ne bi. Cena je pa čist primerna temu, da jo je pač 'oblikoval' znan dizajner.

Anonimen -> RE: navadna marela... (23.6.2009 17:53:44)

Bi, ce bi mi bila bolj vsec.
Potem bi vsaj pazila nanjo.

diva 4 -> RE: navadna marela... (23.6.2009 18:08:53)



pa še grd mi je.

Zelo grd. 

TomTaylor -> RE: navadna marela... (23.6.2009 20:00:10)

Lahk bi imela tudi preveč denarja, pa si marele za ta denar ne bi šla kupit. Ker če jo že na vlaku ne pozabim, mi jo v trgovini sunejo. Ma že tolk grdo marelo so mi šli ukrast, da mi je skoraj odleglo, da sem se jo končno znebila...[image][/image]

ZARA -> RE: navadna marela... (23.6.2009 20:07:55)

Seveda bi dala. 100 ojrov pa res ni noben denar za tako zelo lepo umbrelo. Vrhunska.

Anonimen -> RE: navadna marela... (23.6.2009 20:14:24)

Ja haloooo ... če je pa dizajnerska [image][/image] ... itak, da bi dala ... NOT!

kajajaka -> RE: navadna marela... (23.6.2009 20:30:52)


Lahk bi imela tudi preveč denarja, pa si marele za ta denar ne bi šla kupit. Ker če jo že na vlaku ne pozabim, mi jo v trgovini sunejo. Ma že tolk grdo marelo so mi šli ukrast, da mi je skoraj odleglo, da sem se jo končno znebila...[image][/image]


Massa26 -> RE: navadna marela... (23.6.2009 21:20:58)


Seveda bi dala. 100 ojrov pa res ni noben denar za tako zelo lepo umbrelo. Vrhunska.


hmm... -> RE: navadna marela... (23.6.2009 22:28:06)


Lahk bi imela tudi preveč denarja, pa si marele za ta denar ne bi šla kupit. Ker če jo že na vlaku ne pozabim, mi jo v trgovini sunejo. Ma že tolk grdo marelo so mi šli ukrast, da mi je skoraj odleglo, da sem se jo končno znebila...[image][/image]


Ne, ne bi dala toliko denarja za tako marelo, ki mi sploh ni všeč.

ursa30 -> RE: navadna marela... (24.6.2009 8:44:57)



pa še grd mi je.


mateyka -> RE: navadna marela... (24.6.2009 13:01:47)

dizajnerske marele so zame:
With its innovational design patent pending oval shape design, whereby the center of axis (umbrella tube) is shifted to one side, optimized coverage is now available for a person holding the umbrella, or two persons standing under the same umbrella.
[image][/image] [image][/image]

ali pa:
The canopy and all the hardware is enclosed in the handle. A knob on its face turns to unlock the inner mechanism. The knob slides down the umbrella, forcing the canopy arms out through the top of the shaft. The flexible plastic arms are bent as the exit the handle, pulling the canopy with it. When fully open, the knob is turned back to lock the umbrella open.

mateyka -> RE: navadna marela... (24.6.2009 13:03:13)

ali pa tale:
dobra za burjo [image][/image]
Officially the first umbrella to be featured here on EP, this Senz Umbrella serves to bring umbrella design wholly up to date in offering not only a novel design but also an apparent wind resistance up to wind speeds of 70mph on account of its aerodynamic, somewhat wing-like canopy.

mateyka -> RE: navadna marela... (24.6.2009 13:06:08)

tale je pa zakon [image][/image]
But I try to keep you on the cutting edge of it all & that’s why we’re starting off Thursday with the RKS-designed Bumpbrella umbrella.  Never worry about bumping into another street walker or passerby.  The Bumpbrella is inflatable, see-through & rearing to be your fair-weather friend.  Of course, this is still just a design on the concept level as of right now.  So, until then try to stay bump-free.

TIA22 -> RE: navadna marela... (24.6.2009 13:09:44)


tale je pa zakon [image][/image]
But I try to keep you on the cutting edge of it all & that's why we're starting off Thursday with the RKS-designed Bumpbrella umbrella.  Never worry about bumping into another street walker or passerby.  The Bumpbrella is inflatable, see-through & rearing to be your fair-weather friend.  Of course, this is still just a design on the concept level as of right now.  So, until then try to stay bump-free.

tale mi je pa všeč....zelooo[image][/image]

sončnica24 -> RE: navadna marela... (24.6.2009 13:48:48)



tale je pa zakon [image][/image]
But I try to keep you on the cutting edge of it all & that's why we're starting off Thursday with the RKS-designed Bumpbrella umbrella.  Never worry about bumping into another street walker or passerby.  The Bumpbrella is inflatable, see-through & rearing to be your fair-weather friend.  Of course, this is still just a design on the concept level as of right now.  So, until then try to stay bump-free.

tale mi je pa všeč....zelooo[image][/image]

Meni je ta tudi všeč[image][/image], tista zgoraj pa hvala lepa[image][/image]

ursa30 -> RE: navadna marela... (24.6.2009 16:19:45)




tale je pa zakon [image][/image]
But I try to keep you on the cutting edge of it all & that's why we're starting off Thursday with the RKS-designed Bumpbrella umbrella.  Never worry about bumping into another street walker or passerby.  The Bumpbrella is inflatable, see-through & rearing to be your fair-weather friend.  Of course, this is still just a design on the concept level as of right now.  So, until then try to stay bump-free.

tale mi je pa všeč....zelooo[image][/image]

Meni je ta tudi všeč[image][/image] , tista zgoraj pa hvala lepa[image][/image]

tako bi pa tut jst mela [image][/image][image][/image]

rija -> RE: navadna marela... (24.6.2009 16:23:09)


ali pa tale:
dobra za burjo [image][/image]
Officially the first umbrella to be featured here on EP, this Senz Umbrella serves to bring umbrella design wholly up to date in offering not only a novel design but also an apparent wind resistance up to wind speeds of 70mph on account of its aerodynamic, somewhat wing-like canopy.

dobra zame in za mojega.....[image][/image] ker če greva pod eno marelo, je le-ta hitro samo nad njim[image][/image][image][/image][image][/image]

ou je....tale je za naju[image][/image][image][/image][image][/image]

rija -> RE: navadna marela... (24.6.2009 16:24:23)


tale je pa zakon [image][/image]


Stran: [1]