hal9k -> Resnica o McDonaldsu in prehrani otrok... (24.5.2005 21:27:12)
Mož, ki je en mesec jedel samo McDonalds obroke (za potrebe smemanja dokumentarca Super Size Me http://www.kolosej.si/film/super_veliki_jaz/ s katerim je poskušal dokazati izredno škodljivost hitre prehrane) govori v svoji najnovejši knjigi o zgodovini McDonaldsa in kako le-ta uporablja vsakršne podle trike za privabljanje malčkov in mladine v svoje restavracije. Sicer pa je za sedaj res, da pri nas ni takšne obsedenosti s hitro prehrano kot jo je najti v čezlužju kjer jedo pomfri za zajtrk,kosilo in večerjo od dveh let in še prej. Kar se malček nauči od staršev to malček zna. Jejte z glavo in lep večer želim še naprej. Mimogrede to je moj prvi post v tem forumu in upam da bo še kak...drugače križarim čisto po drugih straneh ampak kot (relativno) novopečeni očka včasih pokukam tudi sem :) http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/story.jsp?story=640383 ...The epidemic of overconsumption begins with the things we put in our mouths. The United States is the fattest nation on earth. Sixty-five per cent of American adults are overweight; 30 per cent are obese. In the decade between 1991 and 2001, obesity figures almost doubled.... ...Kids are starting to clock in as obese as early as the age of two. If we find that surprising, we shouldn't.... ...Talking of which, one of the most shocking things I saw during my McMonth was a McDonald's in Texas Children's Hospital - a hospital that is now stapling obese children's stomachs. To me, that seemed utterly irresponsible, a flagrant violation of the doctor's pledge of "Primum non nocere" (First, do no harm)... ...Adults bear an enormous responsibility for the obesity epidemic among children. Yet there's also no question that even conscientious parents and guardians, who really do try to do well by kids and teach them healthy life choices, are not playing on anything like a level field. They're going up against billions and billions of dollars spent every year in corporate marketing, all aimed at teaching kids to make exactly the opposite sorts of choices.... ...Ray Kroc, the man behind the McDonald's empire, understood from Day McOne that youngsters were his target market. He had no sooner bought the company from the McDonald brothers than Ronald McDonald was brought in to attract the kiddies to the burgers and shakes.... ...Kroc understood the negative publicity implications of an icon who looks as though he's been eating too much of the company's food. To this day you'll never see Ronald McDonald eating the food; not in any commercial. He dances and sings, grins and giggles, and smiles at the kids while they stuff their faces, but he never touches the grub. Why? Presumably because, as the late Eazy-E said in the song "The Dopeman": "Don't get high off your own supply."... ... Good old Ronald. Under his smiling, caring guidance, an entire generation of overweight American adults who grew up following him into their local McDonald's are now raising their own overweight children to follow in their heavy footsteps. Recently, the magazine Advertising Age cited Ronald McDonald as No 2 on its list of top 10 advertising icons of the 20th century. Who was No 1? It was the Marlboro Man....