girly -> PAP test (23.5.2005 8:31:19)
ojla sicer je blo o tem že kar preej govora in sem že parkrat razložila,ampak vseeno... CIN pomeni cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, torej pospešeno rast nenormalnih celic (malignih-rak), ki je ti nimaš :bravo: HPV pomeni human papiloma virus effect, torej gledajo, če imaš prisoten ta virus za bolj natančno razumevanje: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) effect / HPV associated cell changes There are often no symptoms so most women don't realise they have HPV (also known as the wart virus) until it shows up on a Pap test. HPV is very common, and there are many different types. Seventy per cent of women have HPV at some time in their lives. For some women, HPV may mean they are at an increased risk of developing cervical cancer. But for most women, the virus will disappear naturally. Certain types of HPV are present in almost all cases of cervical cancer. However the majority of women with these types of HPV will not develop cervical cancer. Women with HPV will be monitored through more frequent Pap tests, as will women with other minor abnormalities. The frequency will depend on the type of problem. Dysplasia / Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) Dysplasia is an older term used to describe abnormal changes in the cervix. CIN also means abnormal changes to the surface layers of the cervix, and are graded by number according to severity of change. CIN 1 is the mildest form of CIN, and is classed as a low-grade abnormality. For many women with low-grade abnormalities, the problem will heal on its own and the cells of the cervix will go back to normal. Low-grade abnormality Atypia Non-specific minor changes Human Papilloma Virus CIN1 Mild Dysplasia High-grade abnormalities CIN2 and CIN3 are classed as high-grade abnormalities, with CIN3 being the most severe form. If they are not treated, they have a greater chance of developing into cervical cancer. It is usually eight to 10 years before high-grade abnormalities develop into cervical cancer. In rare cases, cervical cancer will be detected on a Pap test. Ja, PAP III je lahko posledica pogostih vnetij. Upam, da sem ti pomagala, če imaš še kakšno vprašanje, vprašaj. Pa brez skrbi, ni tako zelo hudo! Lep dan :rozica: