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ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 10:07:45
Omar is an interviewee in demand. But eurovision.tv finally caught him on the way from his dressing room to the second rehearsal. eurovision.tv: Hello Omar. Thanks for sparing us some time. Your father is Jordanian. Have you ever had the chance to visit Jordan? Omar: Yes, I’ve been there a couple of times. The last time was six or seven years ago. Jordan means a lot to me personally. I think it is the greatest country in the world. Although people do suffer more poverty than in Slovenia, for example, people there are so easy-going, the food is delicious, and the weather is great. There’s sometimes quite a chilly wind but I think it only rains five to ten times a year so it feels just like a beautiful, endless summer. eurovision.tv: We hear that you are not just a singer… Omar: That’s right, my other profession is a dental technician – or at least I used to do that. But I found out that music was much more appropriate for me. I have been a singer since I was born and at the moment it’s working out quite well [smiles]. eurovision.tv: Can you tell us a little bit about your musical career and your roots? You're also part of the well-known Slovenian band Kareem. Omar: Kareem is an outstanding band with great music, great singers and great performers. We have been playing for quite a few years. I am only 23 and have been in the band for six years, so it’s very important to me. We still perform back home in Slovenia. eurovision.tv: You once mentioned that punk rock has had quite a big influence on you. Why is that? Omar [smiles]: Yeah, I was an angry teenager! But, to be honest, I don’t think that it has influenced my character, although I still have a short temper, I must admit. As for liking punk, hearing Green Day’s ‘Basket Case’ for the first time was what ignited my interest. I totally fell in love with the record and the band. So I still listen to that kind of music now. The special thing about rock in general and punk in particular is that I can really feel it – much more than with any other music. eurovision.tv: We heard that your love of punk is so strong that you even love the world’s greatest punk, Michael Jackson… Omar: He’s an idol to me. Michael Jackson is the greatest singer and dancer of them all. And he even had cool videos and a fascinating stage presence. He truly is the King of Pop. And yes, he’s suffering from some problems at the moment which has damaged his status a little bit, but nevertheless he is one of the greatest performers and biggest legends of all time. And I do still like him, despite his current situation. eurovision.tv: Can you tell a little bit more about ‘The Battle of the Talents’? Omar: Well, it wasn’t actually my idea to enter. My record company wanted me to participate, because they thought it would be good publicity for me. They promised to produce my first record if I made it into the top 3. And thanks to the show I managed to win the national selection and now I am representing Slovenia at the Eurovision Song Contest! eurovision.tv: And we wish you the best of luck! Go out there and show the audience that punk’s not dead!
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 10:09:33
Bravo, Omar!!!!
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 10:10:16
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 10:11:25
Enkrat za spremembo mi ni bilo nerodno, ko je bila na vrsti Slovenija. Bravo Omar:bravo::bravo::bravo:
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 10:14:37
Tudej vi spik a lot of ingliš hir on Aur Evridej.
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 10:22:19
Eetaq :bravo::bravo:
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 10:22:31
jes, vi master! JE pa na tel spletni strani ena slikca od Omarcka in pod njo pise: Omar-womanizer from Slovenija hau kjut:bravo:
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 10:27:40
Pa daj že link pripopaj.
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 10:28:32
Pliz giv mi d link to det vepsajt. Aj vona si d vumanajzr. (to se mi sliši kot vulkanizer :zmeden: )
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 10:41:30
Maj gad, aj kud not oupen bikoz dej are inhensing samtink. Aj tink it iz bikoz ol d grlz from RR vontid to si d link vid d vumanajzr.
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 10:42:35
A tole naj inždojamo: Sorry! The Page couldn't be found on this Server. We are enhancing contents on this page. Please come back later ... Thanks for your understanding - Your Eurovision Song Contest Team
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 10:44:00
Ne Splišni, tole je verzija za nas, ki ne smemo več gledat babjekov :)-
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 10:44:47
bi pejšnt...dej ar džust enhancing contents on this page..pliz kom bek lejtr...lohk pa gres na gugl, vpises eurosong 2005 prvi zadetek je to in tam dela:zmeden2::zmeden2:
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 10:45:31
Ja, ja, dobr da vse zastopm :zmeden2:spet :zmeden2:
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 11:08:10
Ja ti si pa cist notr padla anita :)-
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 11:14:29
ma cist...k me jezi tale eurosong vsako leto...sam letos je pa sploh štala...saj clovk razume, da se una dva ta platinasta lani nista uvrstila...ampak od omarja nastop je bil pa fenomenaln, pa sploh nisem njegova fenica:)
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 11:23:15
Kurbe švabske!
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 11:26:06
jest pa ne vem zakaj se sploh gre ...kdo se je angleščino zmislu :zmeden:
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 11:27:12
angleško = angleži :zmeden2:
ocena Omarja na eurosong official site 20.5.2005 11:28:33
a pol praviš da morm kakšnega angleža najdet, da me bo angleš nauču...matr jest pa sam francosk obvladam :zmeden2:
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