Mikec -> Kitajci pravijo... (12.5.2005 10:04:03)
Tole je bil odgovor prijateljice kitajke, ki sem jo vprašala za kakšen kitajski recept... Če katera rabi prevod naj pove.. Obilo uspehov in veliko :modri::roza::modri::roza::modri::roza::modri::roza::modri::roza: Well, the only way to get pregnant is by seeing a Chinese doctor and taking Chinese medicine but since Chinese is medicine is very smelly and bitter...I really doubt it whether your friend can take it. As a matter of fact, in the Chinese way, if she wants to get pregnant, first of all, stop all cold stuff. Do not drink cold/ice drinks...do not eat cold food (even salad). Because those who always intake cold food...the womb is not warm enough (blood circulation matter) to get fertilised and carry a baby. Even if she gets pregnant, the baby will fall out very easily. Suggest her to drink room temperature to warm drinks and eat warm food for a period of time ( a month or two ), then try it out. Actually the main reason why it is not easy for a lot of caucasians to get pregnant is due to their diet...they always eat cold and non nutritious stuff.