CALATHEA CROCATA (Polna verzija)

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higuys -> CALATHEA CROCATA (16.2.2009 14:29:16)

mi je bila podarjena pa ne vem kako z njo, na tem listku s katerega sem prepisala ime so "navodila" v nemščini in francoščini..

Pozna katera? Mora biti na sončnem / senčnem, fanj , navodila za uporabo skratka.[image][/image]

Lunca1 -> RE: CALATHEA CROCATA (16.2.2009 15:22:27)

tole sem našla na netu

Gojimo jo na temperaturi od 19-24°C, idealna pa je okrog 21-22°C. Zahteva zasenčen toda svetel prostor, kjer ni prepiha. Na soncu se listi dokaj hitro začnejo sušiti in zvijati. Najbolje raste v prepustni mešanici listnega humusa in šote z dodatkom peska in glinoporja.
Zalivamo jo z postano vodo ali deževnico tako da je substrat stalno vlažen. Pazite, da rastlina ne stoji v vodi (v podstavku).

Lunca1 -> RE: CALATHEA CROCATA (16.2.2009 15:24:11)

pa še tole
calathea crocata - eternal flame

the native to brazil calathea crocata is commonly known as eternal flame. its puckered ribbed leaves have maroon undersides, the flowers are orange/yellow. during the night it closes up the leaves.
the eternal flame (calathea crocata) can be placed from bright to light shaded without afternoon sun (to avoid leaf burn). some morning and/or evening sun will be tolerated.
a good regular potting mix can be used. it has to be kept evenly moist but not wet. sitting in water can cause rot. the drying of the soil’s surface between the waterings is ok, but it shouldn’t dry completely.
a water soluble fertilizer at half strenght can be given monthly in spring/summer and every six to eight weeks in fall/winter.
spraying calathea crocata over with water regularly increases humidity and keeps its leaves dust free.
it likes room temperature round the year and needs a winter minimum of 15 °c/59 °f.
for blooming some weeks of total darkness for 12-14 hours every day can be helpful.

higuys -> RE: CALATHEA CROCATA (19.2.2009 9:09:17)

lunca hvala, čeprav verjetno prepozno, listje se že uvija [image][/image]

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