RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (Polna verzija)

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Tanja55 -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 3:43:52)

Texas za McCaina, New Mexico za Obamo...124 vs 200...

Kerensa* -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 3:46:26)

Za Obamo so še Nebraska, Colorado, Florida in North Carolina (trenutno). [image][/image]

Kerensa* -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 3:53:50)

Ob 03:50 so potrjeni rezultati takole:

OBAMA                    MCCAIN
Maine                      South Carolina
New Hampshire       Georgia
Vermont                   Alabama
New York                 Tenessee
Connecticut             Kentucky
New Jersey              West Virginia
Pennsylvania           Oklahoma
Ohio                         Wyoming
Michigan                   North Dakota

Trenutno stanje:

19.921.627 glasov za Obamo in 19.620.262 za McCain-a. [image][/image]

Tanja55 -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 3:58:49)

čakamo na Nebrasko, Iowo, Virginio, North Carolino...čez 5 minut. Obama rabi še 70 sedežev za zmago.

Kerensa* -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 3:59:45)

Virginia je trenutno 50:50, preštetih pa je 82% glasovnic.

Kerensa* -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 4:03:48)

Od držav, kjer še vedno štejejo glasove, je večina za Obamo samo na Floridi in v Coloradu... v Virginii je 50:50, za McCain-a pa je večina v Mississippi-ju, Texas-u, Arkansas-u, Missouri-ju, Nebraski in South Dakoti... grrr.

Tanja55 -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 4:04:19)

Iowa gre Obami, Utah (no suprise) McCainu, čakamo Montano in kmalu pride Kalifornija. 207 Obama vs 135 McCain. In ja, Virginia bo pomembna..

Kerensa* -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 4:05:49)

Louisiana in Utah sta potrdila McCain-a, New Mexico pa Obamo... štetje so začeli še v Nevadi, Montani in Arizoni.

Kerensa* -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 4:07:14)

F*uck, kadit sem pozabila. [image][/image]

I'll be back... samo raka grem nafutrat. [image][/image]

Kerensa* -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 4:16:08)

Virginia se nagiba k Obami (ni še ziher).
Trenutno stanje je 207:95 (EV) za Obamo. [image][/image]

Tanja55 -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 4:21:09)

ne ne Kerensa, GB pravi da je rezultat 207:135...

Kerensa* -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 4:21:45)

Texas je potrdil McCain-a! [image][/image]

Tanja55 -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 4:23:13)

[image][/image][image][/image][image][/image][image][/image] pa ste res za nami sem napisala že pred več kot pol ure...

Kerensa* -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 4:23:54)

Mississippi tudi za McCain-a. [image][/image]

Kerensa* -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 4:26:09)

V Virginii in na Floridi še kar meljejo s štetjem... Virginia 89%, Florida šele 69%... riti lene. [image][/image]

Tanja55 -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 4:31:01)

Virginia bo za Obamo, Florida je vprašljiva...po moje sončijo svoje lene riti in čakajo kako bodo volili drugi[image][/image]...Čakamo na Kalifornijo, Oregon, Washington...

Kerensa* -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 4:33:19)

K Obami se nagibajo Florida, Virginia, Colorado in Montana, North Carolina je 50:50, za McCain-a pa bodo očitno v Missouri-ju, Arizoni, Nebraski, South Dakoti in Indiani.

Tanja55 -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 4:46:31)

207 vs 141 trenutno...še štejejo v North Carolini,preštetih je 86%, od tega jih je 49% za McCaina in 49,5% za Obamo...

Kerensa* -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 4:58:54)

Virginia je potrdila Obamo [image][/image], na Floridi pa je preštetih 83% (vodi Obama). [image][/image]

Kerensa* -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 5:02:39)

Idaho potrdil McCain-a. [image][/image]

Tanja55 -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 5:03:04)

Here we go: Washington in California sta zadost!!! 273 vs 141!!! Obama je predsednik, Chicago nori...

Kerensa* -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 5:04:42)

Oregon potrdil Obamo! [image][/image]

Kerensa* -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 5:11:05)

California in Washington sta bila večinsko za McCain-a, ampak EV so 297:139 za Obamo.

Kerensa* -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 5:16:49)

V Washingtonu še štejejo [image][/image]... zdaj tudi tam vodi Obama (po glasovih). [image][/image]

Tanja55 -> RE: And the president of USA is... :-) (5.11.2008 5:19:47)

Kerensa, konc je, McCain ravnokar daje izjavo...

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