RE: That's the way, aha I like it! (Polna verzija)

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Anonimen -> RE: That's the way, aha I like it! (6.8.2008 22:56:56)

In potem vse tiho je, spi se mi ne, tukaj tud nobene ni,grem pa mal igrice špilat...[image][/image]

hmm... -> RE: That's the way, aha I like it! (6.8.2008 23:08:25)

Meni je že celi dan tko tečno.[image][/image]

Anonimen -> RE: That's the way, aha I like it! (7.8.2008 6:28:02)

o marija, prave doktorske dizertacije o pici [image][/image][image][/image] Navsezgodaj ste mi lušt nardile!

Drugač pa; [image][/image]

Grem kavo pit, pol pa na šihat

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