Aktualno :) (Polna verzija)

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dory -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 6:59:45)

Zakaj se želi princ Charles poročiti s Camilo?

Ker mu je dopizdilo, da je na družinskih fotografijah vedno on najgrši....


biba77 -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 7:07:43)


SANDY -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 7:08:22)

teja...matr si žleht :)-:)-:)-

india -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 7:10:22)

:)-:)-Teja, take fore popestrijo dan!!!:)-:)-:)-:)-:)-

Muffin -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 7:32:48)

:) :bravo:

Lp, M

biba77 -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 7:35:34)

Toti pa je malo manj aktualen, pa vseeno...

TV reporterka, ki je raziskovala vzroke za pojav bolezni norih krav, je spraševala kmeta:
- Dober večer, gospod. Raziskujemo vzroke za pojav bolezni norih krav.
- Ali mogoče lahko pojasnite vaše mnenje o vzrokih za to nevarno bolezen?
Kmet pogleda reporterko in reče:
- Ali veste, da bik naskoči kravo enkrat na leto?
Gospa (postalo ji je nerodno):
- No, to je res zanimiv podatek, a kakšna je zveza med tem pojavom in boleznijo norih krav?
- Gospa, ali veste da molzemo krave štirikrat dnevno?
- Gospod, to je res zelo pomemben podatek, ampak ali bi prišli k bistvu !?
- Saj ravno to vam želim povedati. Pomislite, če bi se jaz štirikrat na dan igračkal z vašimi joški, pa vas samo enkrat letno nategnil, ali ne bi tudi vi znoreli ?


dory -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 7:37:03)


Muffin -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 7:39:32)

Toti je tud dober :)- :)-

lp, M

biba77 -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 7:42:24)

Pa se en v anglescini...

Ms. Brooks was having trouble with one of her first-grade pupils.

"Little Johnny, what is your problem?"

Johnny answered, "I'm too smart for the first Grade.
My sister is in third grade and I'm smarter than she is!
I think Ishould be in the third-grade too!"

Ms. Brooks had had enough, so she took Johnny to the principal's office.

The principal agreed that he would give the boy a test
and if he failed to answer any of his questions he was to go back to thefirst-grade and behave.

He started by asking Johnny some simple arithmetic.
"What is three times three?"
"Nine, Sir."

"How much is nine times six?"

And so it went with every question the principal
thought a third-grade should know.

The principal looked at Ms. Brooks and said, "I think
Johnny can go to third grade! He seems smart enough."

Ms. Brooks said to the principal, "Let me ask him some questions?" The principal and Johnny both agreed.

Ms.Brooks asked, "What does a cow have four of that I have only two of? Johnny, after a moment, answered "Legs, "Ma'am"

"What is in your pants that you have but I do not

"OK, what does a dog do that a man steps into?"

"What starts with a C and ends with a T, is hairy,
oval, delicious and contains thin whitish liquid?"

"What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and

The principal's eyes opened really wide and before he
could stop the answer, Johnny was taking charge.

What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting
down and a dog does on three legs?"
"Shakehands, Ma'am."

"Now for some 'Who am I' sort of questions, OK?

First one. You stick your pole inside me, you tie me
down to get me up, and I get wet before you do."
Johnny, quick as ever, answered, "Tent!"

"OK, a finger goes in me. You fiddle with me when
you're bored. The best man always has me first."

The Principal was looking restless and a bit tense.

But Johnny was on the ball with "Wedding Ring!"

"I come in many sizes. When I'm not well, I drip. When
you blow me, you feel good."

"Right, I have a stiff shaft, my tip penetrates, and I
come with a quiver."

"Good, now for the last one. What word starts with an
'F', ends in K',and means a lot of heat and
excitement?" "Firetruck, Ma'am!"

The principal breathed a sigh of relief and said to
the teacher, "Send him to university, I got the last
ten questions wrong myself!"

Enjoy your day, you dirty minded people. :)-:)-:)-:)-

Mojca20 -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 8:11:44)

:)-:)-:)-:)-:)- teja.

African queen -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 9:15:05)

Ma sej ta Camilla je k buldog!!

Anonimen -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 9:20:05)

Joj, pa kakšno je imla zadnjič obleko, ko so razglasili zraoko? Joškarca stara!

biba77 -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 9:37:24)

To foro poznate??

Odpri nov Word dokument in napiši:

= rand (200,99)

potem pritisni "enter"

Počakaj 3 sekunde in se čudi...Tega baje tudi na Microsoftu ne znajo razložiti...:miska::miska:

ZARA -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 9:48:56)

:)-:)-:)- BRAVOOOOO TEJA!!!!!

:)-:)-:)-:)- Sarita...sorry buldogi so prov simpaticni kuzki,mislm da se ne more primerjat...

Anonimen -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 9:50:55)

Ne buldok Ledy DI jo je poimenovala rotvajler:)-

KATY&TIMMY -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 10:08:02)

:)-:)-:)-če je pa res:)-:)-:)-samo prvo se vidijo ušesa pol pa on:)-:)-:)-:)-:)-:)-:)-

biba77 -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 10:09:38)

Kaj pa tale?
Nek mozak vstopi v bar in vprasa natakarja: "A nista tisto Bush in
Powell?" Natakar rece: "Jep, tako je."
Mozak stopi do njune mize in rece: "Wow, to je prava cast. Kaj pa
pocneta tukaj, ce lahko vprasam?"

Bush rece: "Nacrtujeva 3. svetovno vojno!"
In rece mozak: "Res? In kaj se bo zgodilo?"
Bush spet: "No, ubili bomo 140 milijonov Iracanov in blondinko z
velikimi joski." Mozak zacuden: "Zakaj pa blondinko z velikimi joski?"
Bush se obrne k Powellu in rece: "Vidis, sem ti rekel, da se nihce ne
bo sekiral za 140 milijonov Iracanov..."

African queen -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 10:53:20)

ZARA...simpatični že...ampak ugly!!

Anonimen -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 14:50:47)

Astra, full dobri:bravo::bravo::bravo: Sploh tisti z Johnnyjem;)


Anonimen -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 18:56:36)

Astra, tega z Wordom pa res ne razumem. :bravo: Kje sploh take besede najde?

biba77 -> Aktualno :) (18.2.2005 20:46:12)

Jaz ga tudi nisem razvozlala...8)8)8)8)

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