tweetek -> RE: Tableta proti bolecinam (13.4.2008 17:08:58)
Taking ibuprofen for a few days to manage pain and inflammation from something like a sprained ankle or sciatica probably isn't a problem. But it's not advised for chronic pain relief, particularly in the last trimester of pregnancy.A related drug, indomethicin, has been associated with heart problems in a small percentage of babies exposed to it during the third trimester. So even though ibuprofen hasn't been found to cause problems, since it's chemically related to indomethicin we advise against its use after 32 weeks. Mary Lake Polan, chair emeritus of the department of gynecology and obstetrics, Stanford University School of Medicine, California Lej tole sem našla, če ti kaj pomaga. Se pravi, če povzamem; vsake toliko časa lahko vzameš ibuprofen, ne smeš pa ga jemati redno in sploh ne po 32. tednu nosečnosti. Po mojem res vprašaj G, saj je analgetikov veliko in bosta našle kakšnega ki prime in je varen zate in za bejbija. Nisi pa do zdaj naredila nobene škode tako da se ne sekiraj[image][/image]