mateyka -> RE: Barva oči (31.10.2007 22:16:40)
IZVIRNO SPOROČILO: Marogica IZVIRNO SPOROČILO: mateyka zelen gen je dominanten nad modrim ("bey2-brown is dominant over everything else, gey-green is dominant over bey2-blue and gey-blue but recessive to bey2-brown, and both of the blues are recessive to everything else.") večinoma - odvisno od vrste gena. preberi si SIcer nimam pojma o teoriji, vendar nam kaže naš "domač "primer: oče modre oči, mati zelene, obe hčerki modre[image][/image] Tako, da mesečnica, najbrž imaš prav... veš, toook stvari v bistvu še ne vemo glede barve oči - vejo da sta še najmanj 2 gena, ki določata barvo oči, ostale pa še niso našli. kakor vidiš imamo zgoraj omenjena bey2 in gey gena, samo to še zdaleč ni vse. kakor pravi teroija: In humans three genes involved in eye color are known. They explain typical patterns of inheritance of brown, green, and blue eye colors. However, they don't explain everything. Grey eye color, Hazel eye color, and multiple shades of blue, brown, green, and grey are not explained. The molecular basis of these genes is not known. What proteins they produce and how these proteins produce eye color is not known. Eye color at birth is often blue, and later turns to a darker color. Why eye color can change over time is not known. An additional gene for green is also postulated, and there are reports of blue eyed parents producing brown eyed children (which the three known genes can't easily explain [mutations, modifier genes that supress brown, and additional brown genes are all potential explanations]).