spella -> Če česa še ne veste (10.12.2004 13:22:19)
Še nekaj izsledkov iz internetnih strani: :kava::kava::kava::kava::kava::kava::kava::kava: "Health studies have shown that increased amounts of caffeine do indeed lower a woman's chance of conceiving, and she doesn't necessarily have to drink more than a couple of cups per day. It is thought that the stimulant in coffee affects a woman's ovulation - yet will help your partner's sperm mobility - because it changes hormone levels, which directly affect trying to conceive." :kava::kava::kava::kava::kava::kava::kava::kava: "Oysters. Some scientists recommend oysters because of its zinc content - and if you have been reading up on your fertility - you may know that zinc deficiencies hinder BOTH men and female fertility." :pujs::pujs::pujs::pujs::pujs::pujs::pujs::pujs::pujs: "Ovulation is the ideal period of your cycle when your chances of getting pregnant are highest. Your fertile period starts about 4-5 days before ovulation, and ends about 24-48 hours after it. This is because sperm can live in your body for approximately 4 to 5 days, and the egg can live for 24 to 48 hours after being released. In normally fertile couples there is a 25 percent chance of getting pregnant each cycle, meaning around 75 to 85 percent of women who have sex without using birth control will get pregnant within one year. You can boost your chances of getting pregnant by learning exactly when you ovulate by understanding the cyclic hormonal and physical changes that take place in your body each month." :kuza::kuza::kuza::kuza::kuza::kuza::kuza::kuza: http://www.amazingpregnancy.com/ttc/naturalfertilitysigns.html :sloncek::sloncek::sloncek::sloncek::sloncek::sloncek: http://www.amazingpregnancy.com/ttc/cervicalmucus.html :zajcek::zajcek::zajcek::zajcek::zajcek::zajcek: http://www.parentsplace.com/pregnancy/trimester1/articles/0,,238996_411885,00.html :duda::duda::duda::duda::duda::duda::duda: Da mispet računalo ne zašteka vam bom poslala večkrat po mal. Zanimive informacije. LP špela:morje::morje::morje: