rija -> RE: Januarke 2006-2 (4.1.2008 15:15:56)
Vladimir: vse najboljše [image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/bravo.gif[/image] [image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/bravo.gif[/image] Til se vam vsem zahvaljuje za čestitke in vas vabi na torto [image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/smiley1.gif[/image] Bobika: počutim se tak.....nikak...[image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/zmeden.gif[/image] se mi zdi to že svetlobno leto nazaj.....sem srečna da ga mam, sem srečna, da je star 2 leti in je življenje nekoliko lažje, sem srečna da sem lahko napihala 100 balonov [image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/smiley19.gif[/image] ker mali nima mere....sem srečna, da je mali srečen, da sva okrasila dnevno sobo za jutrišnje rajanje....in bom srečna, ko bodo vse te fešte mimo [image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/jezicek.gif[/image] [image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/jezicek.gif[/image] [image]http://www.ringaraja.net/forum/smileys/jezicek.gif[/image] Ljubi moj....tale je zate...za vedno. There are nine million bicycles in Beijing That's a fact, It's a thing we can't deny Like the fact that I will love you till I die. We are twelve billion light years from the edge, That's a guess, No-one can ever say it's true But I know that I will always be with you. I'm warmed by the fire of your love everyday So don't call me a liar, Just believe everything that I say There are six BILLION people in the world More or less and it makes me feel quite small But you're the one I love the most of all We're high on the wire With the world in our sight And I'll never tire, Of the love that you give me every night There are nine million bicycles in Beijing That's a Fact, it's a thing we can't deny Like the fact that I will love you till I die And there are nine million bicycles in Beijing And you know that I will love you till I die! ….iz radia nad posteljo zveni ta čarobna melodija…držim te v rokah, te objemam, stiskam k sebi in solze mi lijejo čez lica….tako mehek si, tako drobcen, tako moj…sama sva… deliva ta čarobni trenutek…star si nekaj uric…in srečna sem, da si izbral mene za svojo MAMO… To bo za zmeraj najina pesem… …tudi danes jokam ob njej… …OD SREČE… …da sem ob tebi lahko spoznala neizmerno ljubezen… VSE NAJBOLJŠE, LJUBEZEN MOJA!