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Če potrdiš, da želiš odnehati, se ti bo avtomatično naložil poseben piškotek (cookie), s pomočjo katerega bomo ob ponovnem prihodu na našo spletno stran prepoznali tvoj račun in poskrbeli, da boš lahko v času trajanja nagradnega tekmovanja (od 17. 12. do 21. 12. 2018) nemoteno brskal/-a po Ringaraja.net brez prikazovanja ikon naših sponzorjev oziroma brez okenca na desnem delu zaslona.

Obenem boš izgubil/-a vse že osvojene točke in s tem, žal, izgubiš tudi možnost, da osvojiš odlično nagrado. Raje še enkrat premisli, preden klikneš da.

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   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:06:49   


25.08.2005 Alja

Vse v življenju enkrat mine! Sreča, žalost, smeh in solze; vse je le trenutno stanje. Zato uživajmo vsak trenutek posebej in bodimo srečni.

(odgovor članu flower power)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 26
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:07:13   
user posted image


Ne išči nekoga, ki je popoln.
Ljubi nekoga, ki ni in ga naredi popolnega s svojo ljubeznijo.

(odgovor članu Maleal)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 27
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:07:39   
eh , bo že enkrat user posted image


25.08.2005 Alja

Vse v življenju enkrat mine! Sreča, žalost, smeh in solze; vse je le trenutno stanje. Zato uživajmo vsak trenutek posebej in bodimo srečni.

(odgovor članu Maleal)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 28
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:11:52   


Ne išči nekoga, ki je popoln.
Ljubi nekoga, ki ni in ga naredi popolnega s svojo ljubeznijo.

(odgovor članu Maleal)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 29
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:12:31   
user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image


Ne išči nekoga, ki je popoln.
Ljubi nekoga, ki ni in ga naredi popolnega s svojo ljubeznijo.

(odgovor članu Maleal)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 30
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:13:39   

(odgovor članu Maleal)
  Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 31
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:14:13   
user posted image user posted image Madonca smo brihtne.user posted image

(odgovor članu Anonimen)
  Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 32
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:14:17   
Hej, ne obupat! Če sem jaz skapirala boste še ve!!!

Še probajuser posted image

(odgovor članu *alja*)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 33
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:17:39   

(odgovor članu 2 Sraki)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 34
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:22:53   

pa da vidmo....user posted image



(odgovor članu kofetek2010)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 35
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:23:28   
user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image

znam punce....

hvalaaa vam....vidm, da nisem tolk blond kot zgledam....user posted image user posted image user posted image



(odgovor članu Bubamaraa)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 36
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:23:49   
Najlažji je tisti način, skopiraš link in ga z levo stranjo miške s črno pobarvaš in napišeš na tisto KLIK user posted image

(odgovor članu kofetek2010)
  Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 37
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:25:55   
mene pa Information bar ne spusi čez user posted image  

< Sporočilo je popravil jana73 -- 6.7.2007 22:27:01 >

(odgovor članu Anonimen)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 38
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:30:54   

(odgovor članu kofetek2010)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 39
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:31:50   
user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image
Kam pa je zdaj zginil?

(odgovor članu kofetek2010)
  Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 40
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:34:40   
komu pa ti ploskaš? meni? user posted image  
še zadnjič probam pol pa na drevo in v jok user posted image

se mi ne ljubi več igračkat user posted image  


(odgovor članu Anonimen)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 41
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:36:00   
Joj user posted image  

tole me mal je*e

Understanding the Internet Explorer Information bar
The Information bar is the place where Internet Explorer displays information about security, downloads, blocked pop-up windows, and other activities. It is located at the top of the webpage.

When will I see the Information bar?

If Internet Explorer is still using its original settings, you'll see the Information bar in the following circumstances:
  • If a website tries to install an ActiveX control on your computer or run an ActiveX control in an unsafe manner.
  • If a website tries to open a pop-up window.
  • If a website tries to download a file to your computer.
  • If a website tries to run active content on your computer.
  • If your security settings are below recommended levels.
  • If you access an intranet webpage, but have not turned on intranet address checking (for more information, see Changing intranet security settings).
  • If you started Internet Explorer with add-ons disabled.
  • If you need to install an updated ActiveX, or add-on program.
How do I use the Information bar?

When you see a message in the Information bar, click the message to see more information or to take action.Can I turn off the Information bar?

Yes, you can, but we don't recommend it. If you do want to turn it off, you have to turn it off for each type of message.
To turn off Information bar messages about blocked pop-up windows
  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Click the Tools button, click Pop-up Blocker, and then click Pop-up Blocker Settings.
  3. Clear the Show Information Bar when a pop-up is blocked check box, and then click Close.

To stop the Information bar from blocking file and software downloads
  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options.
  3. Click the Security tab, and then click Custom level.
  4. Do one or both of the following:
    • To turn off the Information bar for file downloads, scroll to the Downloads section of the list, and then, under Automatic prompting for file downloads, click Enable.
    • To turn off the Information bar for ActiveX controls, scroll to the ActiveX controls and plug-ins section of the list, and then, under Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls, click Enable.

  5. Click OK, click Yes to confirm that you want to make the change, and then click OK again.
Which messages are displayed in the Information bar?

The following table lists the messages that might appear in the Information bar along with a description of what each message means.

What it means

To help protect your security, Internet Explorer stopped this site from installing an ActiveX control on your computer. Click here for options.
A webpage tried to install an ActiveX control and Internet Explorer blocked it. If you want to install the ActiveX control, click the Information bar, and then click Install Software. Because ActiveX controls are potentially hazardous to your computer, you should be certain that you trust the publisher of the ActiveX control before you decide to install it.

Pop-up blocked. To see this pop-up or additional options click here.
Pop-up Blocker has blocked a pop-up window. You can turn Pop-up Blocker off or allow pop-ups temporarily by clicking the Information Bar.

This website is using a scripted window to ask you for information. If you trust this website, click here to allow scripted windows.
Internet Explorer has blocked a website from using a small program (called a script) to display a separate window. Hackers sometimes use scripted windows to mimic legitimate windows, such as login screens, that appear on websites. If you trust the website and want to allow the scripted window, click the Information Bar, and then click Temporarily Allow Scripted Windows. To always allow scripted windows, check the Allow websites to prompt for information using scripted windows custom security setting.

To help protect your security, Internet Explorer blocked this site from downloading files to your computer. Click here for options.
A webpage tried to download a file that you might not have requested. If you want to download the file, click the Information bar and then click Download File. Because files can contain software that can affect the performance of your computer or access your information, you should be certain that you know what the file contains and that you trust its publisher before you download it.

Your security settings do not allow websites to use ActiveX controls installed on your computer. This page may not display correctly. Click here for options.
A webpage tried to use an ActiveX control or script but your security settings did not allow it.
If you trust the publisher of the ActiveX control or script, you can allow it to run by removing the website address from the Restricted sites list. If the website is not on the Restricted sites list, you can add it to the Trusted sites list. For more information, see Understanding security zones. If you are unable to change these settings, your computer administrator might not allow you to make the change.

Internet Explorer has blocked this site from using an ActiveX control in an unsafe manner. As a result, this page may not display correctly.
A website tried to access an ActiveX control on your computer without your permission.

To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for options.
A webpage being displayed on your computer tried to run a script or ActiveX control. If you want to allow the control to run, click the Information bar, and then click Allow Blocked Content.

This content might not be displayed properly. The file was restricted because the content doesn't match its security information. Click here for options.
Internet Explorer blocked a file from displaying because its actual contents did not match the expected contents. If you want to display this content, click the Information bar, and then click Show Restricted Content. Because showing this content might pose a security risk to your computer, you should be certain that you know what the file will do before you show it.

This site might require the following add-on: Name from: Publisher. Click here to install.
A webpage tried to install an add-on that has a valid digital signature. This signature lets you identify the publisher of the add-on to decide if you want to install it. If you want to install the add-on, click the Information bar.

Internet Explorer is currently running with add-ons disabled.
Internet Explorer is running with add-ons turned off. If you want to allow add-ons, close Internet Explorer and reopen it normally.

Intranet settings are now disabled in Internet Explorer by default. Click for more options.
Internet Explorer detected an intranet webpage address, but intranet address checking is not on. Click the Information bar for more information or see What do I need to know about intranet security settings?

Your security setting level puts your computer at risk. Click for more options.
Your security settings are below the levels recommended by Microsoft. To reset the security settings to the recommended levels, click the Information bar, and then select Fix Settings for Me.

This site requires the following updated add-on: Name from: Publisher. Click here to install it from their website.
An installed add-on needs to be updated. This happens when you upgrade to a different version of Internet Explorer. To update the add-on, click the Information bar.

This web address contains letters or symbols that cannot be displayed with the current language settings. Click here for options.
The web address (or URL) contains characters that cannot be displayed in your current language. To install another language, click the Information bar and then click Change language settings. Be cautious when installing additional languages. Some letters and symbols can be used to mimic characters in other languages, though the website address is different. This ability can be used to impersonate another website for the purpose of identity theft or fraud. Because of this, you should only add a language you are familiar with. For more information, see What are International Domain Names?

(odgovor članu kofetek2010)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 42
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:36:26   
Zdaj pa ti lahho ploskamo

user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image

(odgovor članu kofetek2010)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 43
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:38:00   
naredi ga že, ampak ni uporaben user posted image  

sem že na poti na drevo user posted image

(odgovor članu Vrtnica79)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 44
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:38:52   
user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image

(odgovor članu kofetek2010)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 45
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:38:59   
Jana 73 kaj si te ti to zdaj pripopala?user posted image


Ne išči nekoga, ki je popoln.
Ljubi nekoga, ki ni in ga naredi popolnega s svojo ljubeznijo.

(odgovor članu kofetek2010)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 46
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:40:52   

Jana 73 kaj si te ti to zdaj pripopala?user posted image

čuj, nea vem user posted image  

preden sem prpopala je manj zgledalo - bistvo je, da me nek Information bar mal jebe user posted image  

(odgovor članu Maleal)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 47
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:46:55   
Pa probaj kaki drugi link prilepit user posted image  Te pa res nekaj j user posted image !

(odgovor članu kofetek2010)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 48
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:47:58   
čuj, nea vem

preden sem prpopala je manj zgledalo - bistvo je, da me nek Information bar mal jebe

user posted image user posted image user posted image


Ne išči nekoga, ki je popoln.
Ljubi nekoga, ki ni in ga naredi popolnega s svojo ljubeznijo.

(odgovor članu Vrtnica79)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 49
   RE: Kako tako elegantno pripopate link?
6.7.2007 22:50:36   
krive so vse možne zaščite, ki mi jih na PC obesijo user posted image  

ma saj je samo kompjuter, saj ni kočevski medved user posted image user posted image user posted image

tud prav, bodo imele tete s končnico RR vsaj kaj za delat user posted image user posted image user posted image

(odgovor članu Maleal)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 50
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Stran: <<   < Prejšnja stran  1 [2] 3 4   Naslednja stran >   >>
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